S.O.A.R. Members and supporters were greeted today by protesters, just down the street from The Anaheim Police Station. I was there, told the protesters that they should be proud of themselves for giving their time, spoke with Councilmember Brandman (D) as he arrived to attend the event, and even got to welcome my dear friend, Sandra Day with some light-hearted political jeers.
At one point I’m afraid I might have disturbed the government coffer pirates inside, I got too noisy (someone handed me a megaphone) and they shut all the doors and windows into the place.
Bring up an important Anaheim issue in conversation, and more likely than not, S.O.A.R. is on the wrong side of it. Can we stop pretending it’s anything but Disney’s own local PAC already?
Holy moley.
This picket is an encouraging sign. It is not only Los Amigos and Save Anaheim but increasing number of residents demonstrating our outrage at the city’s political and economic elite. I salute Ms Acevedo, who according to the OCW, organized this event. Her pain of losing her son, in a shooting involving an APD officer, is being translated into challenging the power structure that has maintained the division of our city.
The somehow expected disappointing performances of council members Brandon and Kring, until now, is a lesson for future council elections. A transversal coalition maybe needed. The votes received by John Leos, Brian Chuchua, Duane Roberts , Jennifer Rivera and Rodolfo “Rudy” Gaona, could have easily displaced the corporatists if they had got together and run one or two of them as candidates.
Be honest. How many protestors were there? Where are the pics?