Jim Porter is the newly elected president of the NRA and what a stereotypical ‘good ole boy’ he is. He is everything I picture an avid, “pry this gun from my cold dead hands”, hard-core Second Amendment Rights activist would look like. The election took place in Texas during their annual meeting. Porter’s father, Irvine C. Porter, served as president from 1959 to 1960. Porter is also a Special Assistant Attorney General for the state of Alabama — qualifications that members of the NRA believe will help ensure there are no more restrictions for gun owners and they plan to persuade Congress to undo the recent gun restrictions in New York, Connecticut, Maryland and Colorado.
I am anxious to see just what Porter will bring to the table when it comes to serious gun debates. Will he reiterate his speech about the” Civil War being a Northern aggression?” I hope he has a lot to say. Saturday Night Live hasn’t had any new material since Sarah Palin left the spotlight, and what is that wacky broad up to these days anyway?
If you haven’t watched Porter’s speech from 2012 on You Tube yet, you can watch it over here. It’s a real treat!
But seriously — he sounds a lot like those other conspiracy theorist bloggers who rant about the government wanting to take away their guns. These nut jobs and I will include the nuts on Fox News — love to give their 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights speeches …that is, at least for *white* Americans. Since the Boston bombing, Fox News wants the 1st Amendment Rights suspended for all Muslims or those who look Muslim. They demand that all Mosques be thoroughly investigated. Can you imagine the uproar if such demands were made on Catholic Churches? They want any suspicious anti-American videos (Jihadist) on YouTube to be taken down, well, what about the ones made by the millions of pro-gun Rednecks? They can use some threatening language, themselves — or is Freedom of Speech only for *chosen* groups and exactly who gets to decide?
My guess is if Porter continues to make more crazy talk speeches, we might see more homegrown terrorist activity. The ones perpetrating the deeds will do so believing they are saving the American way of life from the government, lack of government, disaster and… lions, tigers and bears — oh my!
Conspiracy theories have been around a long time, but I think they ratcheted way up after Obama was elected. Let’s be real here…Good Ole Boys don’t like people who look different than them, especially dark skinned individuals and when one is running the country (and they think– their lives) — they can’t stand it. I lived in the South for years and the N-word is part of daily conversation. That was in the 70s before social media. Now we have the Internet and all those bigots have a huge audience to spew their crazy ideas to, and the people who tune in, believe them because — they have an Internet show, so they must be speaking the God’s honest truth.
Some media outlets claim that there will be another gun debate, at least about background checks because some members of Congress who voted “no”are feeling the backlash from constituents who wanted background checks.
I found the following stats from the Mayors Against Illegal Guns website. I think it speaks volumes when it comes to exactly who politicians listen to when it comes to corporate influence, especially from the NRA.
Polling Results from Key Congressional Districts
I am saddened that it seems impossible for you to write about firearms in any way without resorting to ad hominem attacks. Can’t we have a discussion that is simply based on merits rather than all the vitriol?
You might get further with your desires, if you simply asked the question, what’s wrong with a background check on buyers, rather than calling over 10 million firearms owners names.
I respect your Rights and your opinions, I’m NOT feeling the love in return.
MAIG is hardly a reliable source and I will officially call their numbers on this one BS!
Glad that you asked!
What IS wrong with universal background checks on buyers?
I think I can answer that Anon, from what I understand, the conspiracy believers think a National data base will be created that lists the names and addresses of all gun owners and then the government will come in and confiscate all the weapons. I think these people give our government too much credit.
The other argument is that criminals don’t do background checks. Well, duh! that’s why they buy guns at gun shows. The idea is to make it harder for them to buy guns.
If people are so freaked out about Obama, they should thank their lucky stars, I am not President. I would make all gun owners personally responsible for their weapons. If a firearm was used in a crime, I don’t care if it was stolen, borrowed or lost — that person who is the registered gun owner is liable… period…no ifs ands or buts.
The national database of people who own guns is something we want to avoid creating. It’s a valid concern. Exactly for the reason you cited.
Criminals buy guns on the street from other criminals, not at gun shows.
We are indeed glad Inge is not president.
Carl, if you have a better source than MAIG for numbers, please post them and I am not calling all gun owners names…but if you researched for yourself, you will find exactly how many of *those* types of gun owners there are. Do you ever tune in to Fox News? Have you checked out the pro-gun websites? The video speaks for itself. Porter is a typical Redneck bigot and I stand by my comment.
If you presented yourself the same as Porter did in that video, then I would have to lump the 2 of you together, however, I have not witnessed that behavior in any of your comments…so stop taking things personal dude.
MAIG – “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” – what a silly name for an organization.
It’s ironic that one place in Texas that you can’t carry a gun this week is at the NRA Convention.
Metal detectors at every entrance.
Wouldn’t it be cheaper and safer if everybody just carried a gun? You know, “an armed society is a polite society.”
Maybe they know something that they’re not telling us.
Go figure…Demagogue.
I don’t get that one either.
But I am going to ask friends who are there, if that’s really the rules for CCW holders or not.
I think that it’s convention center rules.
I would think that the C&CW holders wouldn’t be opposed to background checks, as they have all passed a pretty extensive one themselves. I just don’t understand why the NRA wants every nut job and dirt bag to be armed, except to be able to sell more guns. It can’t be about their own safety.
If they thought that everybody with a gun was trustworthy, they would hold their convention somewhere that allowed weapons, instead of hiding behind the venue’s rules.
The answer is in my response below. The way the system IS isn’t the way it’s supposed to be!!!
From csgv.org (not too opinionated those folks)
1,800,000 prevented from purchasing because of NICS, in total. 30% of which have been estimated to be clerical errors in entry for either the database or the application or both. That’s 1,266,000 give or take. Since it’s a felony to attempt to purchase if you are precluded from doing so, how many of those felons went to jail? In other words is the law being used?
From; http://dailycaller.com/2013/01/18/biden-to-nra-we-dont-have-the-time-to-prosecute-people-who-lie-on-background-checks/
In 2010 there were 72,600 denials from NICS with an astounding 62 felony cases pursued and out of those only 44 actually made it into full fledged prosecutions. That’s just totally pathetic and unacceptable on any level.
So, we have laws on the books already, that could be preventative, but go unenforced.
There is no clearly defined mechanism for someone falsely restrained by NICS to get their name out of the system. So without their guaranteed due process of law, are denied their enumerated Rights. That is unacceptable as well.
I still don’t understand how you can lose your Rights for pleading to a misdemeanor in the past either, but that’s another discussion about due process.
I can’t find figures for the state of California, but I bet it’s not much different here on a state basis, which has NO gun show loophole and hasn’t for many years. If anyone can dig those up, I would love to see them, even if it turns out I’m wrong! California is not part of the NICS/instacheck system. However if they get their way up in Sac., they will be building a huge new set of databases. As far as I know the DRoS forms are databased in Sacramento already.
I have major problems with NICS and the other databases that are held, legally or otherwise by the Justice Dept. and their sub-agencies, like BATFE, FBI, DEA, etc. NICS and the purchase records of all buyers was legislated by Congress, to be destroyed upon completion of the transaction, so there would be no database list of firearms owners, but they decided at the agency level NOT to destroy those records. So far as I can find that situation has not been fully resolved or exposed publicly.
The same folks that were totally involved in cooking up the action in the Mexican drug wars that supplied weapons to known drug cartel couriers without oversight or control and then stalled, lied, and finally hide behind the cloak of executive privilege. All the while the political spin masters were trying to sell the extraordinary tracing histories of weapons found in drug killings South of the border as another reason we need more laws. All of it falling apart when one of our Border Patrol agents were then killed by one of those same weapons. I happen to know one of his fellow officers.
Between Mayor Bloomberg’s MAIG, who wants access to the illegal database that DoJ has assembled, their staged illegal purchases, on tape no less, felony criminal acts, unprosecuted by the way, Fast and Furious, selective harassment in states over medical marijuana, can I stop it there…? I have trust issues with these folks who hide behind Presidential privilege instead of answering questions. This administration doesn’t have a lock on problems either. Go back as far as you want under any of the administrations, really look at what they have done, not on this issue but on general overall civil rights, like privacy and such. They done a bang up job with the war on drugs too, which is probably the cause of most firearms violence anyway.
So, as a firearms owner, you really expect me to have full faith & trust that the Dept of Justice is going to abide by any laws or restrictions when it comes to firearms at this point? Really?
I’m not a big fan of Fox to be honest. I’m not a big fan of some of the other talking heads out there who are trying to sensationalize themselves up the economic ladder. I think they are a HUGE PROBLEM in several ways. They are at the very best factually challenged most of the time. At the worst they will make up any lie to get the headline and hits.
I don’t think for a heartbeat you get good technical laws when you have people who write them that know little or nothing about the subject, especially when they do it as fast as they can so as not to miss the popularity poles.
As for the MAIG numbers go, I spent a lot of time on my uncles dairy farm as a kid, I know bovine fecal matter when I see it. Let’s see there data and questions.
Granted the system is not flawless and there is more money being made by locking up people for weed than prosecuting NCIS violations. Does that mean you’re not behind any more laws being written until all of the current ones are fully enforced ?
That will never happen.
You can’t tell me that you find the level of enforcement, I spoke of as being sufficient to show good intent, can you? If you can’t even admit that it’s pathetic, unreasonable, and flat out unacceptable, then I guess we aren’t going to have much room to reason with.
If you wont even address my concerns how is there any room to be reasonable?
So if everything that you say is true, the system is totally screwed up, then doesn’t it make sense to pass some new laws that will be an improvement over what we have.
If you want to put a moratorium on any new laws until the existing ones are enforced better, then you are qualified to be the Senate Minority Leader.
Sure …. let’s pass more laws that criminals will ignore and won’t be enforced – makes sense to me.
So by your thinking Skally…..here’s how we should handle unenforced laws.
I saw a guy blow a red light right in front of a cop. The cop did nothing, just let it go. He didn’t enforce a law that is clearly on the books and everybody knows it’s wrong to run a red light.
So by your logic, we shouldn’t pass any new laws prohibiting texting while driving, because “hey, they don’t enforce the laws we already have” so what’s the point?
Distracted driving is a huge problem that needs to be addressed, and Tea Party logic says “well, it’s not in the Constitution, so any laws against it aren’t Constitutional.” When they wrote that document we didn’t have 100 round drums or assault weapons either, but laws have to evolve to meet the changing times.
Oh wait, you probably don’t believe in that whole evolution thing, either. Sorry nothing we can do.
Let’s turn back the calendar to 1956. That’s when things were better.
On the same theme, see my DISCLOSE Act story, where one of the lame excuses our Republican legislators use for opposing the tougher disclosure is that, “No matter what laws we pass, people who want to affect elections will find some other way around it, so why bother.”
And so, using that logic, they oppose a simple law allowing voters to know who’s funding ads, a law their funders in the Chamber of Commerce just happen to oppose!
I thought the argument from another pro-gun person was that the laws are not being enforced and felons are not going to jail when they apply for a background check?
Yes, the laws need to be enforced but you suggest doing nothing is better? Are you willing to say that to a parent who lost their kid to gun violence?
I don’t see the connection between bovine fecal matter and stats from MAIG.
Is that like making chicken salad out of chicken shit?
Chicken shit is ignoring that a problem exists and further not offering some sort of resolution for it.
I’m still waiting……
MAIG – Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Hilarious! Who is NOT against ILLEGAL guns?
Ummm — people who traffic in them or facilitate others doing so, right?
Right – criminals.
They ought to call themselves Mayors Against the 2nd Amendment – because that is their true agenda.
Like BATFE Greg?
I’m for Gun Control
Impeach President Barack Hussein Obama
Fast and Furious Weapons Released to Mexican Drug Cartels By the Obama Administration Were Used to Kill 32 Youth
December 17, 2012 • 11:14AM
More: http://www.larouchepac.com >> Search >> Fast and Furious
“Impeach President Barack Hussein Obama.”
Better hurry up…. you only have three more years.
Univision has done a superb job of documenting, at least some of the very real damage that was done by Fast and Furious. Instead of going to the Larouche pages I suggest this instead.
*What happened Ed Schulz and Lester Holt? Have seen neither around much lately. First off….good article and info Inge. Thanks, you are bringing the dialogue out to where it needs to go. We are going to miss David Keene….he was a class act and we think….a good NRA President.
Hope every reads our Man with the Golden Gun article….as well. It ranges on being a little “inside baseball”….but really not. Shows that the “Devil is in the details” of any law and funding provisions. Somethings are very complex…and certainly not simply black and white…..or in and out.
That is a weak analogy demagogue.
Cops allowing a person to run a red light is a rare occurrence. Whereas the non-enforcement of many gun laws is the rule rather than the exception.
*”Non Enforcement of many gun laws”, Dr. Skally? Sorry, but if you are a white law abiding gun owner….you can bet your booties you are being “Racially Profiled” and those in law enforcement have no qualms about targeting you when it comes to breaking ANY gun law. If you are in a Cartel, a Drug Lord, a Gang member, part of Organized Crime or a Prior Service Law Enforcement…..well……your local PD or Sheriff would rather go after someone beating his naked wife on the front lawn of his house in Irvine…..probably!
It would be interesting to see the racial make-up of Gun Law violations and the enforcement there of…… Disposition of the firearms is always an interesting statistic. Most people think those firearms are destroyed. In most cases….Wrongo!!
The NRA is the enemy when it comes to enforcement of our gun laws;
Blindfolded, and with One Hand Tied Behind the Back
How the Gun Lobby Has Debilitated Federal Action on Firearms and What President Obama Can Do About It
SOURCE: AP/Seth Perlman
“…The use of appropriations riders to enact policy changes, however, has reached new heights in the area of firearms. Beginning in the late 1970s and accelerating over the past decade, Congress, at the behest of the National Rifle Association, or NRA, and others in the gun lobby, began incrementally chipping away at the federal government’s ability to enforce the gun laws and protect the public from gun crime. The NRA freely admits its role in ensuring that firearms-related legislation is tacked onto budget bills, explaining that doing so is “the legislative version of catching a ride on the only train out of town.”
Inserting policy directives in spending bills bypasses the traditional process, which allows for more careful review and scrutiny of proposed legislation. Appropriations bills are intended to allocate funding to government agencies to ensure that they are capable of fulfilling their missions and performing essential functions. But the gun riders directed at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or ATF, do exactly the opposite and instead impede the agency’s ability to function and interfere with law-enforcement efforts to curb gun-related crime by creating policy roadblocks in service to the gun lobby. As a group, the riders have limited how ATF can collect and share information to detect illegal gun trafficking, how it can regulate firearms sellers, and how it partners with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. …
…. As examined in detail below, there are more than a dozen appropriations riders passed each year, typically without any discussion or debate, which significantly limit the federal government’s ability to regulate the firearms industry and fight gun-related crime. These riders jeopardize public safety and and threaten to undermine any new legislation that Congress may pass to reduce gun violence.
Among other things, these riders:
Limit ATF’s ability to manage its own data in a modern and efficient manner, and strip the agency of autonomy and its ability to make independent decisions
Interfere with the disclosure and use of data crucial to law enforcement and gun-trafficking research
Frustrate efforts to regulate and oversee firearms dealers
Stifle public health research into gun-related injuries and fatalities…”
*Dr. Anonster: Again, you seem to be following the wrong dog home. As a Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer for over 20 years and as a California Authorized Dealer on the Centralized List of Firearms Licensed Dealer and having all of the three other appropriate licenses required to sell magazine and other accessories…….we might just point out: It was not the NRA that went after those folks in Waco. It was not the NRA that went after those folks in Ruby Ridge. It was not the NRA that broke down the doors to the home of the Aunt of Elian Gonzales. It was not NRA that sold guns to the Drug Cartels in Mexico and it was not the NRA that created such a bureaucratic nightmare and restrictions that virtually 90% of all Federally Firearm Licensed Dealers are not Out of Business. Even though we had this license specifically to keep tabs on the various laws and regulations which are so amazingly onerous……it could test your view of reality.
Read our “Man with the Golden Gun” article……..that is strictly…”Wine from the teaspoon…you can believe that!” Even when the laws and funding are directed at the “possible” right targets…….anything can happen when those with more power than common sense become involved in the process.
The NRA wants……more Federal Firearm Licensed Dealers…not less. True, the NRA wants to sell more guns, get more members and do more Safety training in the use of firearms. Yes, NRA wants to train little kids, teenagers, women, girls and even men to own and operate firearms safely and responsibly.
You can “demonize” any word or group with impunity…..but that does not make it right or fact. Does the NRA do everything just right? Certainly not…but those are arguable conjecturable items for further discussion.
We also love Obama…..but on his positions regarding firearms…..we are currently quite opposed. And as long as the Republicans and few Democrats can do one right thing…..we remain grateful.
1) You need to read the article I linked to.
2) “virtually 90% of all Federally Firearm Licensed Dealers are NOW – Out of Business”
Guns in America, a Statistical Look
By ABC News
Aug 25, 2012
“There are more than 129,817 federally licensed firearms dealers in the United States, according to the latest Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives numbers (as of Aug. 1) . Of those, 51,438 are retail gun stores, 7,356 are pawn shops and 61,562 are collectors, with the balance of the licenses belonging mostly to manufacturers and importers of firearms and destructive devices.
For comparison, here are some numbers of other ubiquitous elements of American life:
Gas Stations in the U.S. (2011): 143,839 (source TD LINX/Nielsen via National Associations of Convenience Stores, Association for Convenience for Convenience and Fuel Retailing)
Grocery Stores in the U.S. (2011) 36,569 (source: Food Marketing Institute)
McDonald’s restaurants in the U.S. (2011): 14,098 (Source: McDonald’s Corporation Annual Report 2011) …”
*To be clearer….the idea by Clinton, Gray Davis and others was to make the Federal Firearm License process so tough that it would drive the “mom and pop gun dealers” out of the process and just leave the big guns stores……like Walmart ……so it would be easier to oversee.
The reality was of course….that lots of that stock was walking out the back door and into someone’s truck of a car or pick-up. By the time someone caught on……..to the massive numbers of guns and ammo involved……the stolen goods were long gone by several months or years.
The rider issue works in virtually every category; Defense, Agriculture, Energy, Homeland Security ….et. al. Budgets? Yeah…they know about budgets OK.
*Dr. Anon, you can disregard all the pawn shops….many don’t even have firearms for sale. They do some serious cherry picking or else pick up functional firearms for a song. The 61,562 Collectors do not count either…because those are all NRA Members mostly that get to buy firearms at wholesale prices. Mainly, when you have over 1000 firearms in your collection……the chances are these folks are not going to sell or trade many of them over multiple years. That leaves 51, 438 (your numbers – which we are not disputing…but have not checked). To give you an idea….back in 1970, we had 85,000 firearms dealers in California ….alone!
What most folks don’t understand is the serious chain of custody which is required and documented….or supposed to be documented every time you buy or sell a firearm….as a Federally Licensed Dealer.
It is a lot of work, expensive filings and forms to buy. Some might say it is hardly worth the effort for a average $30 dollar profit per gun. And this is if you are ripping folks off. It is hard to make a million dollars selling firearms except if you are one of those International Firearms Moguls that move hundreds of thousands of AK-47’s, RPG’s and expensive anti-aircraft missiles. These guys sell to War Lords, Kings, Russian Mafia and Columbian Drug Lords and major Aftrican Potentates. They make millions….but they have the volume sales.
Ammo…….another huge concept. Just try buying 2 Billion rounds of .556mm from any supplier…anywhere in the world.
American Progress is certainly spinning those viewpoints!
When a dept of DoJ isn’t destroying records as Congress directs they may take punitive action to wake them up. When CDC investigates Crime and frames it as public health that’s NOT their jobs, they then get focused back on to their jobs.
When BATFE goes out and fines, closes businesses or jails owners or workers for clerical errors, they might get their hands slapped.
As I have said before, you are more than 4 times more likely to die from medical misadventure than ALL firearms related causes. That’s not from malpractice, that’s simple errors that are totally avoidable screw up by the medical staffs or hospital records and such. I heard the other day 3-4 747’s per month, that die from medical misadventure. THAT’s what they should be working on not crime.
*Correction: “virtually 90% of all Federally Firearm Licensed Dealers are NOW – Out of Business” Thank Bill Clinton for that…by the way….