Email reveals that Rusty Kennedy, Executive Director of OC Human Relations, quietly lobbied Anaheim Police Chief John Welter for a chance to run that city’s proposed police oversight committee.
According to an email the Anaheim Investigator obtained from the City of Anaheim through a California Public Records Act request, Rusty Kennedy, Executive Director of OC Human Relations, quietly lobbied police chiefs in Anaheim and Fullerton last year to have his county-sanctioned non-profit develop “some type of Civilian Review Board (or alternative) process” that it could operate “in addition to our Police Community Reconciliation and Crisis Assistance programs on contract” with both law enforcement agencies.
The existence of this email is quite revealing not only because it suggests Kennedy was pressuring city officials to have OC Human Relations run their proposed police oversight committees, but it completely contradicts a claim he made in a “fact sheet” disseminated to Los Amigos of Orange County on March 22nd. At the time, Kennedy wrote his non-profit had only “offered to consult with city and police and community on the creation of this type of organization,” and nothing more–an outright lie.
Click on the following link for the full story:
Completely wrongheaded idea, to have a client of the police watch over them.
Having Kennedy oversee his benefactors is, of course, a joke. It would actually be funny if it weren’t for the fact that some of his pals on OC police forces are homicidal.
How’s those lawsuits coming along tony? Lol
I approve the proceeding message.
By the way, what’s the status of the “Police Oversight Committee”?
I have a speech ready in case the Anaheim Police Association president appears at the council meeting talking about
1. How we don’t need an additional 5th layer of police oversight because the other 4 layers of police-monitoring-police are sufficient.
2. How there have been so few complaints submitted to the Anaheim police department because everything is so swell and not because the Hispanic community has been terrorized into remaining silent.
right on, tony bushala. Kelly thomas would be alive today if rusty Kennedy and his commission chose to act as a “clearinghouse”and independent “mediator”for OC commuities’complaints of civil rights abuses committed against them by their respective law enforcement agencies. In 2008, rusty Kennedy awarded his colleage on OC Human relations, the chief of fullerton Police, Pat McKinley, a $1000 for McKinley’s foce’s “exemplary”police-community relations. this was the same year fullerton Police Officer rincon was molesting female detainees in his squad car. since the beating death of Kelly thomas by fullerton PD, it has been revealed to the public the fullerton PD has a history of severely abusing the civil rights of fullerton’s community;perjury, false imprisonment, molesting of female detainnes, suspeicious jail suicide, and the horrifuc beating death of a homeless schiziohrenic in fullview of the public at fullerton’s transportation hub. rusty Kennedy’s response to his colleague’s police force killing Kelly Thomas; sensitivity training towards the homeless for fullerton PD and deflecting guilt away from fullerton PD by publishing a letter in a local newspaper stating fullerton’s community’s indoifference to kelly Thomas homelesness caused his death. Rusty kennedy insults humanity