Death Knell for Genuine Police Oversight in Anaheim: Council Boosts Office of Independent Review


Last week, Mayor Tom Tait, along with the rest of the Anaheim City Council, voted for an “amended agreement” with Office of Independent Review which made it a de facto police “oversight body.

At the Tuesday, June 18th meeting of the Anaheim City Council, Mayor Tom Tait, along with other members of that body, voted unanimously to approve an amended agreement with the Office of Independent Review, a Los Angeles-based law firm run by Michael Gennaco, to drastically expand the scope of services it provides the City of Anaheim. The 5-0 vote, which was done quietly and without much discussion, essentially paved the way to make it a de facto “oversight body” for the Anaheim Police Department.

But last week’s decision, however, was not a victory for genuine police oversight within this city; it signaled its death knell.

Click on the following link for the story:


About Duane Roberts