Doomsday Preppers, Agenda 21, Glen Beck and other conspiracy theory groups are gaining in popularity, especially since the NSA, IRS scandals. These groups are also making a great deal of money. I contacted Deep Earth Bunkers, a company that builds bunkers, shelters and safe rooms for Doomsday customers and has a realty tv show. I wanted to know how much an underground bunker would cost to shelter four people. They gave me an estimate of $100,000 and that’s unfurnished and doesn’t include installation or excavation — which requires a 25 foot hole and won’t fit under your existing home — better add another $50,000 to the bill. Oh and the size of this roomy underground condo? 20′ x 50′. And you will need to buy some land in the woods to house your “bug-out” pad… you wouldn’t want the world to know your hide out when the “shit-hits-the-fan.” And they are backlogged with new orders for the next two months.
Another company claims to offer cheaper models that come with free Arizona land and flat screen televisions, but they won’t disclose exactly where you “pod” will be until you fork over some cash. As for the flat screen televisions , exactly what shows will people watch from underground? Do people really believe that they will be able to watch their favorite tv shows, if there were a catastrophe? Don’t they think things through before they sign on the bottom line or do they plug into their “lizard brain” and all common sense goes out the window?
“Agenda 21”, is a book authored by Glenn Beck…the same Glenn Beck that got too crazy even for FOX News and who claimed he left FOX to “save his soul”, but the real story is — he knew he was about to get fired because according to a FOX News spokesperson: “Glenn Beck wasn’t trying to save his soul, he was trying to save his ass. Advertisers fled his show and even Glenn knows what that means in our industry. Yet, we still tried to give him a soft landing. Guess no good deed goes unpunished.”
It appears, from my research that Beck decided to write a fictional book based on the real Agenda 21, which according to Wikipedia, is a non-binding (I wonder how many tax-payer dollars are wasted on non-binding resolutions, which amount to absolutely nothing) voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. It was formed in 1992 and they continue to meet every few years. No where, in anything I read, is there mention of population control or “culling the herd” which is the favorite topic on many Agenda 21 blogs and chat rooms. The newest accusation is that genetically modified (GM) foods were created to kill people off who could not “adapt” to it. I am a big opponent of GMs but I have not found credible evidence that they are part of some sinister plot to control human population — I think it’s pure greed. I don’t know where people like the Glen Beck’s get their information — my guess is they just make it up because it either sells more books or Doomsday shelters.
Beck claims that his book, “Agenda 21” is pure fiction, but according to many Doomsday websites there are many who believe Beck’s book is a real prediction for the future of the world. I am guessing that many of them are those who insist on protecting their 2nd Amendment rights believing that “their government is out to get them.” Agenda 21 is also the name of his website subtitled, “A Fusion of Entertainment and Enlightenment.” It was hard for me to tell where the entertainment ended and where the enlightenment began. It looked more to me like an online infomercial, where he sells merchandise from tee-shirts, to books, to a place to purchase tickets to his “shows” — his newest coming up this July called, “Man in the Moon.” If you can’t go, you can buy his commemorative “Man in the Moon” coin for only $150.00. What was that quote? “There is a sucker born…”
If anyone has tuned in to any of Beck’s latest “shows” they will or at least should see that they are listening to either a nut job or a very savy businessman. He has made millions off his book sales and endorsements for gold investments. Beck also announced this year that he plans to build a Libertarian community in Texas for 2 billion dollars called Independence Park. He told the media that it will be a self-sustaining city – theme-park hybrid, where people can choose to live or just visit. Sounds like David Koresh meets Disney to me. Beck has not asked for anyone to put down a deposit to help build his utopian city, but I am sure that is coming soon.
Meanwhile there is another community forming in the mountains of Idaho, named Citadel that as of last December more than 200 individuals and families have paid a partially refundable $208 application fee to reserve space for the project. The land they plan to purchase will be large enough to accommodate at least 7,000 residents. I don’t know how much money the final cost will be for those who want to buy property there. The Citadel organizers don’t grant interviews to the media but on their website they state that residents will be required to buy and maintain at least one AR15 automatic weapon. They go on to say that their community is modeled after Disneyland. “Millions of people visit Disneyland and interact peacefully. It’s exceptionally rare to hear of any serious problems. The key is that those people want to be there and understand what is expected of them. Surprisingly similar to what we are doing.” Do they allow semi-automatic weapons in Disneyland now? I don’t get the connection.
It seems that almost daily there is someone who comes up with a new idea how to make money off of the “fear factor” and plenty of people willing to give up their life savings to buy into the idea that they will survive whatever catastrophic event comes their way. This whole Doomsday thing is nothing new though — back in the 50s, Americans were convinced that Russia was going to drop “the bomb” on U.S. soil — even though it was the United States who dropped not one, but two bombs on Japan that ended WWII. Many Americans bought bomb shelters and prepared for the worst…which never happened. I guess the upside is that these Doomsday salesmen are keeping our economy afloat.. for now.
We have no shortage of whackos out there and Beck does not have the market cornered unfortunately. We can all improve our disaster preparedness though…especially living in an earthquake prone area of the earth. Store some water, store some food, flashlights and candles are good, maybe some gas. Talk to your kids about where you should meet up (that is my biggest fear btw…getting to my kids at school or wherever they are at). Do you need a bunker…well, not IMO, but we all should be prepared to take care of ourselves and those around us when help could be a few days away.
I agree. California has major earthquakes on a regular basis. Imagine a month of no electricity which would mean no water no gas no refrigeration etc. Also, if the overpasses topple over, it means no delivery of goods and services including emergency supplies.
As far as bunkers go… tunnels and bunkers do quite well in earthquakes. They move with the earth whereas above ground structures get shaken quite a bit.
From: The
Interestingly, and it should be mentioned right from the start, the label of “conspiracy theory” and “theorist” to those individuals doing research into the Sandy Hook tragedy by mainstream media, signaled to the alternative community that there must be something seriously wrong with the official story as once again the mainstream media went on an incredible campaign to discredit and demonize any individuals daring to disagree with their projected false authority.
If you can come up with a credible source re: Sandy Hook…I’m all ears. And I do think there are times that we need and should questions the actions of our government. But from my research…most of the sites I looked at (in general) were white supremacist or plain old kooky….one site claimed that our government leaders are really aliens…seriously???
That reaction to Sandy Hook was just about the saddest thing you’ve ever done. I know that it was politically inconvenient for your RKBA-lovin’ self, but you should not have gone off the deep end. No one needed to discredit you; you did that yourself.
I contacted Deep Earth Bunkers again to ask about where I would get my power source and this is their reply:
“We include an inlet for possible electric otherwise it is plugged. You could have some conduit leading to the shelter connecting the wire1 to a generator/house. You can also arrange a solar powered set up. You may need to keep the generator above ground or you could make a covered area for the generator but it needs to have enough airflow.”
So…what happens when there is no electricity? Where do I get the gas to power generator? Do people think about these questions before spending $100,000??? My guess is those dumb enough to sit inside a steel cylinder that is 25 feet underground will be actually sitting in their own self-made, steel coffins, clutching their AR15s believing that that someone will try to steal their MREs.
“I don’t know where people like the Glen Beck’s get their information….” I know where.
“Have you wondered where these terms ‘sustainability’ and ‘smart growth’ and ‘high density urban mixed use development’ came from? Doesn’t it seem like about 10 years ago you’d never heard of them and now everything seems to include these concepts? Is that just a coincidence? That every town and county and state and nation in the world would be changing their land use/planning codes and government policies to align themselves with…what?”
– See more at:
Have questions? Answers are only a click away.
Robert — your other post (available at Liberal OC) seems off-topic here. Vern can pick it out of the trash if he’d like.
You mean, in the trash out back? Is that it underneath that crumpled-up Obama-Hitler poster? I am not wearing my gloves.
I mean as opposed to in the Spam folder. Are those your Michael Jackson gloves? (oooh!)
Robert, thank you for posting that link. It is a fantastic educational read on current urban policies coming all the way from the apex, What people like to refer to as The New World Order.
When I have more time tonight, I fully intend on reading it over more thoroughly.
Why this has to be considered lunatic fringe is beyond me. These “theories” and understandings do not have to have anything to do with any racial agenda or paramilitary agenda or even survivalist agenda.
These understandings do not even have to be considered reactionary, just current and conscientious.
I would ask all though not to jump on an immediate ideological side in opposition to the U.N. or any “Big Government” though. The biggest crooks in town besides the IRS and U.S. Congress etc. are still the Private Developers, Corporations And Lobbyists that manipulate on the local levels, such as with what is going on in the City of Anaheim. There is a transportation funds war going on there where State Mandated Sustainable transportation policies are being rejected for the interests of Privateers that work on behalf of the Disney entertainment corridor. I suspect that there is an Orange Juice article that delves further into that scenario on this same day, next page.
I want an AR-15 without having to move.
Any effort put into squawking about the likes of Agenda 21 when there are real and admitted prospective horrors like the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement looming is just shamefully wasted.