One of the positive functions of local blogs is to identify the urgency of certain issues in our immediate community, and try to promote a constructive debate on how to address them. Recently this blog has posted several articles on the frustrating, insensitive conduct of the Anaheim Police Department in impoverished, mostly Hispanic, neighborhoods. Some of the issues, as compiled by Cynthia Ward in this recent post, include the following:
- Good kids without criminal records put into the system because they stopped to play basketball with the neighbor they have known since Kindergarten – thus earning a label for “associating with known gang members.” There is no known appeals process for getting your otherwise good kid off the list, and as it’s not a criminal charge there is no obligation for a trial, sharing of evidence, or even notification that your child has been labeled in such a manner.
- Officers involved in shootings are reassigned to the same neighborhoods, where they routinely encounter the families and friends of those they shot. They are permitted to interact with witnesses in pending investigations, and those who have filed lawsuits against the City – because there’s no policy against the practice. This includes at least one officer whose case is still being reviewed for potential criminal charges by the DA – openly cruising the neighborhood where some witnesses have reportedly not yet given statements to the DA’s investigators.
- Reports of officers involved in shootings verbally harassing or threatening family members of the deceased, and allegedly making threatening statements to neighborhood leaders.
- Policies that allow bodies damaged with graphic injuries to lie on the pavement for hours, in full view of children, before being taken to the morgue.
- Reports of disrespectful handling of the deceased in view of others. Neighbors report that Joel Acevedo was stripped naked and dragged to the Coroner’s vehicle. In an area with extremely strong cultural reverence for the dead this is doubly insulting.
- Anna Drive bystanders (especially children) who witnessed friends, family, and neighbors fired upon on by Police had no way to determine officers were not using live rounds. While the information was disclosed as residents were injured instead of killed, the fear induced by that event has left otherwise innocent witnesses in need of counseling.
- Reports of officers coming to the homes of family members of the deceased, behaving in a disrespectful manner toward those not accused of any crime, with what is perceived as the apparent intent of intimidation.
- Reports of discrepancies in the District Attorney’s review of the shootings, along with what appears to be no consequence for failing to activate the expensive digital audio recorders to capture evidence of the contacts, creates doubt of the veracity of the investigations.
- Fear of conflict of interest, as Police union leader Kerry Condon serves on Council member Kris Murray’s host committee for her re-election campaign kick-off, leave many convinced she will not risk the wrath of the most powerful public employee union in the City. Records show the Anaheim Police Association has spent hundreds of thousands in independent expenditure money for their chosen candidates. What are the odds Murray (or others) will call them on the carpet for their behavior?

Rusty Kennedy.
In an attempt to bring these issues to the attention of other institutions, I contacted the Executive Director of the Orange County Human Relations Commission, Rusty Kennedy. Here’s what I wrote to Mr. Kennedy:
I am contacting you as a 25-year Anaheim resident shocked by the last year’s riots. I have been learning about the issues and got involved addressing them. I understand that your commission has intervened in the subsequent riots events, particularly in the Anna Drive neighborhood.
I would like to know what the protocol is to request your commission’s assistance on the listed issues. I feel that the city authorities are not adequately and timely addressing them, which is fomenting a potentially volatile atmosphere.
This was Mr. Kennedy’s response:
“You ask about the protocol for raising the issues listed to the Commission. There is no requirement or set way to raise issues, we would respond to any of the specific cases listed if the aggrieved party called, e-mailed, contacted in person, or showed up at our offices.
“James Armendaris of our staff is a police complaint specialist and could help anyone with a specific complaint about an officer’s actions. He can be reached here at 714-567-7470.
“As for the activities of OC Human Relations in Anaheim before, during and after the civil unrest, there are many.
“James and other staff went to Anaheim the night of the first riot, and dozens of times after that day, to assist individuals and see if there were any things that could be done to prevent violence.
“Prior to that outbreak of violence our staff facilitated a community meeting at Ponderosa School in the Library for the residents and the Anaheim Police Chief to talk about the rumors surrounding the fatal shooting of Manuel Diaz by APD there in the neighborhood. This tense meeting was a critical communication link that helped to dispel some of the incorrect rumors, and build a new sense of trust between Anaheim Police and the Latino immigrant community.
“OC Human Relations has also been working with high school and junior high school students at schools all over Anaheim including Sycamore Junior High that serves Anna Dr. This is done through our BRIDGES Program that teaches young people to be leaders and speak out about issues that are important. We teach them to create school climates where ALL kids are safe, valued and included.
“After the ATF/Anaheim Police joint raid to arrest suspects in the murder of a 14 year old boy in a gang related shooting at Sycamore a year previously, OC Human Relations staff went door-to-door to speak with Anna Dr. residents, give them flyers from the Anaheim Police department that explained what the multiple arrests were for, and to listen to what the community members were thinking about the arrests. In those conversations our staff were able to dispel the false rumor that the raid was in retaliation for the riots that took place just days before. We explained that the raids were as a result of a year-long investigation into criminal activity growing out of the gang related shooting death of the 14 year old.
“Additionally, as our staff spoke with different families there that morning, we were able to assist two or three of the families who had members arrested. We helped them find where they were taken, the charges being filed, how to get them legal representation, and in fact we went to court with one of the families at their request.
“OC Human Relations also taught cultural awareness to Anaheim Police officers at the request of the Chief of Police, and we shared insight into the plight of the families in neighborhoods like Anna Dr. who felt squeezed between the gang members recruiting their children and the Police coming in after the gang members and not knowing that their kids were not gang members. So they could understand better that the vast majority of the residents are families trying to survive in very difficult situations with little recreational area, streets that are unsafe, and poverty that gave them few alternatives in where they lived.
“OC Human Relations has also consulted with the City Manager, City Council members, Police Chief and command staff about how to create safe venues for hearing public testimony about the issues you have raised and others. About how to include diverse voices in the decision-making process. About what are some of the concerns we hear from the community. And how to prevent violence.”
Mr. Kennedy’s recognition of the very difficult conditions of these neighborhoods, and his advocacy to include diverse voices in the decision-making, is encouraging. It is unfortunate though that his efforts, other than preventing further violent outbursts, are not producing additional positive, timely results for the affected communities.
The cultural awareness training provided to the APD has not modified its insensitive behavior. The commission may have funding and political limitations preventing it from assuming a more effective role, but these limitations have already eroded the trust of significant sections of the community.
I hope that the police departments and local politicians help to restore the commission’s credibility and trust, by addressing issues such as the ones listed above.
Interesting and well-done, Ricardo!
I’m sure that Duane Roberts and GSR will point out (if they show up) that the OCHR has received money from the Anaheim Police Department for this and other services. That is unfortunate — but also an unfortunate consequences of their not otherwise being able to fund their activities, which is a choice that our government actively makes.
Their going around to explain that the raids had nothing to do with the rioting is good if it’s true and bad if it’s not true. My first question is: how did they know that it was true?
maybe because the cops told them it was true? and what’s up with stripping people naked in the streets??? I think it was done to show anyone watching that they could be next…
That’s exactly correct; former Chief John Welter said so and therefore it was true.
John Welter also told the former city manager that I was not a subject of any investigation by his police department. Well I’m the subject of something since I’ve witnessed this police department and others harass me since Chief Randall Gaston in the 1990’s. But hey – John Welter says so and therefore it’s true.
I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has no idea who you are.
German Santos.
Vern is correct on that input.
May I just add: I was an embedded systems engineer in the police surveillance state before and after 9/11 only to discover that the police were as criminal as the criminals that they arrest.
Ask the Coroner. It’s coroner policy and part of the coroner’s field duties.
Kennedy still abuses the memory of Kelly Thomas to promote his agenda which includes deflecting blame where it really lays: the Fullerton FPD’s Culture of Corruption. He gets some funds from the cops but he is still getting support from the County and he needs the top cops to help his “Council.”
If you strip away the dopey platitudes and meaningless rhetoric all that remains is self interest.
And there lies the truth, in your words. Rusty Kennedy’s primary concern is convincing the Swaynes he can rid them of their white guilt with his voodoo commission, schmoozing OC police forces to gain their financial support and running interference between the good people of the OC and their respective police forces
In my dialogue with Mr Kennedy, he provided this additional information. This background may put the questions posed by Greg and Tony, and the discussion of the facts and reality, in the proper context.
“What we accomplished this year
This year we reached 40,000 youth in Orange County schools developing them into effective leaders to create safe, inclusive school climates where immigrant, LGBT, ethnic minority, Muslims, Jews, and people of all faiths and backgrounds are respected.
Our bilingual staff resolved over 2,000 disputes helping empower people.
We documented 61 hate crimes, assisted hate crime victims, and educated police and community about hate crime.
We worked in the aftermath of the death of Kelly Thomas in Fullerton to bring together a community-wide effort to create a homeless shelter to protect this vulnerable population. A struggle that continues today.
We brought together 200 Ponderosa area residents to dialogue with the Police Chief after the death of Angel Hernandez by Anaheim police.
We worked door-to-door to reach out the Anna Dr. residents.
We worked with non-English speaking parents at Sycamore Junior High School that serves Anna Dr. to develop their skills at advocating for their children. And we worked with their children to develop their leadership skills. As well as 7 other Anaheim schools all over the community.
Additionally, we assist people with police complaints as I have told you in the past.
Where we get the funding to operate
To enable these efforts we have a dues system where Anaheim and 20 other cities pay us small amounts to support our infrastructure, and we receive special funds to conduct more comprehensive police/community relations work in 15 cities including Anaheim where the Chief of Police has enlisted us to help train his officers, advise his leadership, and mediate complaints.
We also receive small fees from 15 schools where we conduct our BRIDGES program.
We have a grant from the Courts to perform multi-lingual mediation in the courts and community.
We have a grant from the County to support limited staff support to the OC Human Relations Commission.
And we have an additional about half million dollars that come from Foundations, Businesses, and individuals who think this work is worthwhile.”
But what did he actually accomplish? Nothing, of course, other than to make a few dozen do-gooders feel really good about themselves.
Kelly Thomas was the quintessential hate crime victim. What did Kennedy do about that? He closed ranks with the FPD still stands behind his blue shield while spouting his platitudes.
Thoroughly disgusting.
Why do you feel the need to overreach? Kelly Thomas was maybe — maybe — a quintessential victim of excessive use of police force, though there were lots of unusual aspects of his case compared so most such victims.
He was probably not a “hate crime” victim at all, as the law uses the term. (Go ahead and explain how you’re defining it, as I can pretty much bet on what mistake you’re making.) The “quintessential” hate crime victim? That’s completely absurd — unless you think that words can mean anything you want them to mean.
Why do you bother to comment? Your Socratic method of discourse hides the fact that you shill for whomever is in position of political power and money
The hell you say! Hey, carlash — if I’m “shilling,” how come I’m not getting paid for it?
If I recall correctly (please excuse me if I’m not), you did an analysis of the video of Kelly Thomas’s interaction with the police on July 5, 2011 where you gave opinions that to me suggested you felt this was excessive force. Are you changing that opinion, or am I not remembering correctly?
I believe that he was a victim of excessive force, at least by the guy with the taser who bludgeoned him. (I’m just going to enjoy this brief period of not even remembering his name.) The “maybe” hedge refers to the question of whether he was the “quintessential” — as in the prototypical, perfect example of a — victim of excessive force. I don’t think he was, but I think that one could reasonably try to make that case.
There’s no way that he could be the quintessential example of a hate crime, which is what Tony had asserted. No way, period.
Broken record. Trial coming soon. Civil case almost settled. Look to the future and pay for your defamation of others without facts.
Is that a threat or can you back up your threat with the elements of defamation?
Here is a hard question. How many hate crimes resulted in convictions?after all,you assert them as hate crimes not the public or the justice system. More lies.
Talk is cheap, where is your data, your statistics that proves ochrc has any positive influence on the OC’s communities. And don’t forget to tease out any other variables that solely improved the OC’s climate
I posted the stated accomplishments of the commission, to have a more informed opinion of their role. They believe that “All people have a right to live free from discrimination, harassment and violence. We seek to build community by fostering respect, resolving conflict and pursuing equality” I think that most people share those goals, and according to their annual reports posted in their website, they have accomplished their mission throughout the years. One indication is the participation of community organizations like Somos Anaheim in their programs.
I think that funding and political constraints have diminished their effectiveness, and their relationship with the Police Departments has become unethical. Not because they get paid for legitimate services like Cultural Awareness training , but for perceived intelligence gathering activities like in Anna Drive, or remaining silent on the FPD behavior, as I understand it, in the brutal killing of Mr Thomas. I’d like to think if they would not have the mentioned constraints, they would be addressing the root causes of discrimination, harassment and violence.
I found the short dialogue with Mr Kennedy productive. I think that it would be more productive if more people could dialogue in a non-anonymous way, or without insults. If we have the facts to prove something suspicious, like Duane has, ask them to explain it. Let’s hear their excuses. If we have reached a strong public negative conclusion, like Tony’s, then there is no dialogue. They will remain an established institution, we will have exercised our democratic participation of expressing our opinions, but the remote possibility of a change will be even more remote.
Pabulum, show me proof the ochrc actually positively impacts the people of OC. Where is ochrc data and analysis of same data that supports ochrc claims and your claims. If you respond with more pabulem, then the public will be convinced the ochrc is a self-serving sham
My claim is that they have a worthwhile mission : fostering respect, resolving conflict and pursuing equality so that all people have a right to live free from discrimination, harassment and violence, Now if you think that this is just dopey platitudes and meaningless rhetoric, then it is a self-serving sham.
“associating with known gang members. There is no known appeals process for getting your otherwise good kid off the list, and as it’s not a criminal charge there is no obligation for a trial ”
Sounds like a great way to instigate problems for that kid when a cop needs to generate an arrest/ticket to satisfy his career requirements.
These “gang” problems are
1. An OC cop’s reason for existing,
2. An OC cops excuse for overtime pay.
3. An OC cops path to promotion and the six figure salary/jackpot pension.
4. A springboard to politics later after retiring.
And besides, I never got an answer from the former Anaheim PD chief at a city council
meeting recently:
How exactly do you care about gang member violence when I have personally witnessed someone in US law enforcement use gang member types to commit crimes for them? Seems a tad inconsistent to me.
Most of it is true. If 5 kids are stopped for loitering or whatever the PC is, and a few self admit being gangsters, then all 5 will be put in the system as hanging or associating with gang members. Simple. Go to a gang trial sometime and listen to the gang detectives testify regarding the gang status. It’s very interesting.
Dialog all you want Ricardo. Tell them the way it is going to be though. Don’t let them change the subject or slip you some cash to keep your mouth shut.
Ricardo Toro speaks the truth in his final comment. Snake oil salesmen made less miraculous claims than the orange county human relations commission