Vile Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, roundly being hailed these days as the second coming of Sen. Joe McCarthy, is set upon by a smiling fellow Spanish-surnamed Harvard man, Jose Solorio. This picture comes from the Republican Party of Orange County Facebook page. Download it and bring it out on special occasions, such as whenever we discuss the 34th State Senate District race.
“Democrat” Jordan Brandman has appointed Republican master-lobbyist-cum-spider-cum-puppeteer Curt Pringle, who represents an enormous swath of interests sucking money and benefits out of Anaheim, to officially as well as effectively control the city’s Charter Revision Commission.
That’s less photogenic than the atrocity above, though. Spanish-surnamed Harvard men Jose Solorio and U.S. Senator from Texas Ted Cruz discuss party business.
Dr. Jose Moreno, a political independent, had this to say as he shared it with his online friends:
Wow! Go Democrat Jose Solorio at the OC Republican Party smiling and shaking hands with Sen. Ted Cruz who is vehemently opposing Pathway to Citizenship and humane centered Immigration Reform as well as attacking the entire Democratic Party platform including LGBT marriage equality. Bridge building perhaps?
[S]o…every time Jose Solorio or a Democrat asks me to register as a Democrat…BAM! I show this pic…not because i don’t believe Dems and Reeps should not shake hands but because of the cynical politics that some Dems and Reeps play yet continue to get a pass…unless of course Mr. Solorio was there to stand up and challenge Sen. Cruz on his cynical politics on Immigration reform; LGBT rights; and Federal Budgets.
I am, believe it or not, going to an all-day political training for the Democratic Party of Orange County today — not because I really need the training at this point, but to be supportive of others who may attend. I’m making sure that my cell phone is well-charged, because I’m going to be showing this one around a lot. Politically, this is sort of like being photographed naked in bed with Fidel Castro — which, to my knowledge, Solorio has never done.
It’s almost enough to make me forget to mention that OC Business Council leader Lucy Dunn has send out what sure looks like an illegal fundraising appeal for Kris Murray. Thank you, Lucy Dunn! I honestly don’t know what I’d have done without you this morning.
I’m just going to inhale the sweet aroma of some quotes from the article at that top link, from Voice of OC, before I go off to do my volunteer job today as a loyal Democrat.
Yet another controversy over charges of racism in Anaheim’s political structure erupted in recent days as former Assemblyman Jose Solorio criticized the all-white City Council for appointing only white people to the city’s charter review committee.
And beyond the race issue are contentions by Mayor Tom Tait — which are backed by a good-government expert — that committee members should be required to file public statements of economic interest, particularly because one of the committee’s appointees, former Mayor Curt Pringle, is an influential lobbyist.
The appointees to the charter advisory committee include: Amanda Edinger, a vocal opponent of automatic citizenship for children of immigrants and illegal immigration; Craig Farrow, a retired police sergeant and advisory committee member of the pro-Disneyland group Support Our Anaheim Resort (SOAR); Keith Olesen, an outspoken critic of the council districts election system; attorney Tom Dunn; and Pringle.
Solorio, to his credit (if it weren’t being done just to lay claim to some liberal cred), was a major critic of the appointment of an all-non-Latino-white Charter Review Commission for Anaheim. “Where’s our OC equivalent of Texas Senator Ted Cruz on this commission?”, he did not ask — nor did he have to.
Darn it, now I’m going to be late for my meeting. Sometimes it just really hard to psych up for a day away from family to support recruitment and turnout for a county party that some elected Democrats do whatever they can to undermine. I hope that Dr. Moreno will be outside picketing, at least.
Will this posting be reported as an in-kind contribution to Janet Nguyen for State Senate?
We’re OC Democrats. We don’t need any stinkin’ OCGOP. We devour our own!
Exactly! That is the message that Brandman has been sending to Anaheim residents.
I think that you need to define “our own,” whoever and whatever you are.
Seeking out an opportunity to shake hands for the camera with the modern incarnation of Joe McCarthy takes one out of the protection of being “our own.”
I don’t and won’t support Janet Nguyen for State Senate, largely because I expect that she’d run against Alan Lowenthal in 2016. Maybe if she switched parties I’d reconsider.
It’s nice to know how the shadowy Solorio forces will try to slam his critics for “disloyalty” without a speck of irony, though. You’ve done us a service there with your example.
Publius, please quibble with a sentence of what Greg has written?
Or else slink off pathetically.
gosh, i miss tail gunner joe, and b-1 bob dornan and john briggs,,,,,,,
Of course you do; you’re a comedian.
willie – do you also miss John Schmitz?
Nance was nebulous, uttered all her ludicrous platitudes in the home.
Late nights all alone with her silver, oh-oh-oh-oh
Ron’s out late again, selling yet another new arms deal in the House:
Now we’re selling arms to the Russians, oh-oh-oh-oh
But as the GNP reaches a peak, a circuit starts to short:
Bang bang Reagan’s Silver Hammer came down on our head!
Bang bang Reagan’s Silver Hammer made sure that we were dead.
Ron gets shot again, Alex plays the fool again, Caspar gets annoyed,
Wishing to avoid an unpleasant coup-oo-oo-oo,
Bush goes on the air, telling soldiers everywhere HE is in control;
John Schmitz does not agree and he tells us so-oh-oh-oh.
But as the bulldykes reach for their guns, a noise comes from above….
(what i was singing in 1982 or so)
I saw the “Honorable” John Schmitz in Wash. DC at Union Station – selling trinkets in his little store – pretty pathetic. I felt sorry for him.
I hear his daughter is a real hit with the 13 year old boy crowd.
Maybe Solorio was just mesmerized by Cruz’ good looks?
That is the “don’t get too close to me” handshake.
Upon further examination, you are correct. That is the (do not get too close to me shake) and the (why did I just do this?) shake.
But with our experience of Jose.. it’s just too damn disturbing without a WHOLE lot of explanation we’ll probably never get. What was this event again?
Check your email, Vern.
No way. Jose is giving Tailgunner Ted the full two-handed handshake treatment. That’s not “don’t get too close to me” — he’s pulling, not pushing.
True, Solorio is displaying an odd facial expression there. My tentative hypothesis is that part of his personal dignity is trying to escape through his mouth and he’s trying to hold it in.
Cruz lacks Charm. Ne can not become president can he?
Look at Solorio’s lips. He at least knows how to turn them up in the corners. Cruz’ lips turn down in the corners. That is a poor prosperity indicator for his/our future.
He looks like he would be a terrible kisser. possible rapist.
You’re just so full of opinions, aren’t you? Hey, if Cruz pisses off his party, isn’t he then free to become one of your potential political saviors, as you suggested elsewhere yesterday?
Richard Nixon became President. It’s not all about charm.
Who isn’t a “possible rapist”? Why even say that sort of thing?
Perhaps I miss the “evil” or “horror” in shaking hands.
Is a hand shake sometimes just a “hand-shake”?
Or Did Trustee Jose Solorio and Sen Ted Cruz shake hands because they just concluded an “agreement” where Jose Solorio abdicated all his positions in favor of those of Sen Ted Cruz. Is that what the picture shows?
How does this compare to:
1) Nick Berardino, GM of OCEA making a call to invite the OC GOP to meet informally at a restaurant (which in my opinion makes sense – April 2011)
2) Sen Bob Huff, “praising” Gov Jerry Brown for the Gov’s budget stance (May 2013)
3) I disagree with Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, and have been a strong objective critic of him; however, I also recently shook hands with him at a public event because each of us was acting in a ceremony, independent of our personal views.
4) I also strongly disagree with Lupe Moreno, “Minuteman”, and have also been a strong critic, and most likely will never agree with her stance on immigration; however, I shook hands with her about 2 years ago, thanking her for her contributions to an Independence Day celebration where the focus was on honoring the sacrifices of our veterans, and not on political/policy matters.
How do we expect members, of opposite political parties with very likely strong philosophical differences, to find common ground and work together if we read too much into a hand-shake? ‘
It seems to me we should be encouraging more of this, to hopefully kick-start some dialogue, and to hopefully kick-start some work on the issues that matter.
(P.S. From what I know of Sen Ted Cruz, I disagree with his stances, which seem to be opportunistic ones rather than principled ones.)
My personal opinions and not those of any group
Is a handshake really worth all that remonstration?
REMONSTRATION? Jesus, who is giving you these vocabulary words? You’re out of control!
I can hardly wait to use “bifurcate.”
Solorio went to a GOP sponsored event for Ted Cruz. I think that it’s a fair presumption that, in an area where no one else seems to be standing (more easily seen from the original uncropped shot available at the OCGOP link), Solorio approached Cruz rather than vice-versa (because who the hell is Solorio to Cruz?) and stood in front of a well-placed photographer either with or (unsurprisingly) friendly to the OCGOP for a photograph that could be used by the GOP now and Solorio perhaps later. (Or maybe scampering up to anyone famous or notable in front of anyone with a camera is simply a reflex action to Solorio by now. Maybe the guy just can’t help it.)
This is not a case of someone popping up unexpectedly at a non-partisan banquet with their hand thrust forward, where declining their offer of a handshake would be a big slap in the face. This is going to a GOP event, seeking out the honored guest, and offering a handshake in a situation where anyone with a brain (and Solorio is smart) would recognize that it was utter stupidity unless one was planning to switch parties. (I mean switching official parties; Solorio is always actually representing the “Solorio Party,” in the grand tradition of “Connecticut for Lieberman.”)
That’s not (1) meeting informally in a restaurant to talk about local political concerns; (2) praising an opposition move that was unexpectedly favorable towards one’s own party; (3) shaking hands pro forma as part of a public ceremony where it is a requirement of one’s official role there — a situation in which I might shake hands with either Solorio or Cruz; or (4) thanking someone for their efforts on some joint matter that transcends partisanship or ideology — unless you have some idea of what that might possibly have been here. This was going into political “enemy territory” unnecessarily, for no apparently purpose other than personal gain, and fawning over someone who is among the absolute worst politicians from the other side and whom even many Republicans these days would apparently prefer to shun. What “dialogue” do you suppose that Solorio might have been trying to “kick-start” with the Senator from Texas?
I’m glad, and unsurprised, Paco, that you disagree with Ted Cruz’s stances. I think that if you studied them a bit more — as Solorio unquestionably either did or should have before his trip to pay homage — you might be able to work up a healthy amount of disgust if not rage. Let me know if you’d like some research help on what Cruz has “accomplished” in his mere half-year in the U.S. Senate so far.
(And don’t forget me shaking Matt Cunningham’s hand a couple Anaheim meetings ago, cuz it sorta seemed like something I should do)
Did you? My goodness Vern…this guy bullies and puts people down when one disagrees with his patrons’ views in his blog…It is OK to be polite but shaking hands….and don’t tell me this is just blog talk. Most of the dirt thrown against Vivian at the last council meeting had already appeared in this guy’s blog.
@ Greg Diamond:
I think the real story and on which we should focus on is the mixing of fundraising/campaigning through a not-for-profit as you mentioned in your post above, which appears to very likely be illegal.
The Voice of OC is already well on it. So, probably by now, is the FPPC.
This is an “UNIMAGINABLE HORROR”, but a child being sexually abused: RAPED. at your child’s school is subject to due process, and a wait and see attitude.
Got it.
This is the kind of talk that scared me away from activism and the folks involved with it.
wait…. we’re still talkin about the 17-year old boy who had sex with his teacher?
The seventeen year old KID.
I among the weird troop of Fathers that maintain seventeen year old boys (this isn’t 1945) have neither the emotional maturity nor the intelligence to deal with a 40 year old woman’s sexual advances.
There is a reason Avis, Hertz, Budget and other Rental car companies, DO NOT rent cars to people under 25! it’s because they lack the responsibility. It’s called RISK assessment.
Seventeen, might as well be thirteen when it comes to sex with an adult woman.
Do 18-year olds have the necessary “emotional maturity” or “intelligence”?
For that matter, do 17-year-olds have it in the vast majority of the country setting the age of consent at 17 or 16?
(And, come on — since when is this not 1945?)
She FUCKED HIM, Vern. Plain and simple.
If I am wrong. I will say so here. LOUDLY AND CLEARLY.
By why is this different than a MALE 40 year old, FUCKING a young girl?
I don’t get it. The kid was a victim of a predator. according to the charges, we all are excited by the salaciousness of a woman seducing a boy, but, it is A) not un common B) No less harmful.
I can not understand Francisco “PACO” Barragan apparent support of this rape, given his vocal support of anti – sex trafficking causes. This strikes me as a bunch of bullshit by failed canidates.
Come on.
“Apparent support of this rape”? Say WHAT? This bullshit is why I hate your being anonymous. You wouldn’t say that otherwise.
What’s the difference between this and a 40-year-old man with a 17-year-old female? I can think of two: (1) pregnancy risk and (2) the onslaught of comments at the OC Weekly would not have been saying “Attaboy!” but would be engaged in “slut shaming” and blaming her for surely being so seductive.
Next question?
What does this have to do with the idiots at the OC WEEKLY?
When Schwarzenegger, did his maid, there was the same kind of mindless chatter, that’s a byproduct of the internet.
The knee jerk defense here is the same thing, just a different color.
You can read. I listed what is has to do with them under “(2).” The treatment of the underage person would be very different.
@ Nameless:
I am not sure what your personal or political or political agenda is and I actually don’t care . . what I care about is that you are making an unfounded allegation . . . no rational person would say or believe that I am in support of rape.
Also, it’s not only “vocal” support of anti-sex trafficking causes – I have been directly dedicating my life to this cause, alongside other volunteer partners and advocates, for the last 2 1/2 years, because of the seriousness to our community of this modern slavery scourge.
so keep the bullshit to yourself!!!
Due process is what allows time for investigation of the facts. Unless Solorio is going to claim that this image is Photoshopped, or that the part of either he or Cruz is actually being played by an impersonator, or that Cruz’s hand was on fire and he was bravely reaching forward to snuff out the flame, then the facts here aren’t really in question, are they?
Your (presumably feigned) failure to understand this, and thus making a bogus comparison between that and the alleged BOHS sexual abuse, would get the headline “imaginable horror.”
I think it was the great KENLAYSNOTDEAD who said it best (maybe his Dad):
“Son, sometimes in life you have to kiss ass….BUT, you never have to suck dick”.
I think if we all considered that, this might be much about nothing.
If someone shows up in a place (especially one where they wouldn’t be expected to be) where they will be expected to do either, I don’t think that “have to” applies. That’s a “want to” situation.
This is no worse than Amin David and Nativo Lopez palling around with Curt Pringle, a fact that the Bloviator and Jose Moreno will never acknowledge because it dings their victimization argument for district elections.
You’ve like, got this itchy sore that you can’t leave alone. And you think it’s the whole world.
Put that assertion in the Weekly, Gustavo. I want it to be easier to make fun of you on a grander scale.
Dear “Ask a Mexican” columnist:
A Latino Democratic politician in my area recently went to a GOP-sponsored event and went out of his way to approach Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, shake his hand with both hands, and get photographed doing it. I recognize that “Cruz” is a Spanish-language surname, and Texas is a heavily Latino state, so can I assume that Sen. Cruz is one of the good Latino Republicans? I ask partly because some people are saying that he might run for President in 2016 or 2020. Can you tell me everything you know about him and his policies — without looking it up first?
Signed, Joe Singleriver
Dan C has an informative article, and good analysis, in the LOC:
That’s not Dan, it’s Chris.
In fact you can see Dan arguing with it. Partisan apologist for Solorio and Brandman, that guy.