This came galloping across our transom late last night, sounding for all the world like the hoofbeats of Paul Revere on horseback:
Huntington Beach, CA
Diverse OC Privacy Coalition Takes “Don’t Spy On US” Message To HB’s 4th Of July Parade!
This 4th of July Americans from across the political spectrum are standing up together to demand our government respects the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits the recently exposed unconstitutional monitoring and search of Americans’ electronic communications.
“Restore The Fourth” is a grassroots national campaign, and the OC branch will be demonstrating creatively near the start of the Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade.
OC Restore The Fourth is setting a precedent in terms of diversity, with members from Occupy OC, OC libertarians, and local Tea Party groups, as well as numerous independents.
They encourage interested people to get in touch through their site or Facebook event page, and to show up early near the start of the parade with respectful and relevant signs and attire.
For More Information:
(OC Restore The Fourth website)
Vern here again: Hell yes I’ll be there! I haven’t missed a HB 4th of July parade in nearly a decade … but I usually march with the Democratic float. In our official Constitution teeshirt. I’ll wear that shirt again, but it doesn’t seem right to do that marching with the Party which has continued Bush’s disrespect of the Constitution. This time I’ll be on the outside with my crazy patriotic friends from Occupy, the Tea Party, and everywhere in between – see you there!
UPDATE – here we are, on the corner of PCH & Main – lots of us!
(click for much bigger image)
*Vern….the cows have already come home a dozen times. It was in 1989 and 1995 that took away all our rights of privacy. It changed the ability of Law Enforcement to enter you vehicle or home without a warrant. It made it possible for “Probable Cause”
to mean…….any evidence of Spousal Abuse or Domestic Violence and Law Enforcement could appropriate any firearm or even knives (longer that 6 inches in length) in your premises. Electronic Monitoring is now GLOBAL – not local anymore.
You have Russians, Chinese and East Indians reading your every click. The new Computer Data Center in Bluffdale, Utah…..will hold all the worlds knowledge in a tiny
corner of that facility by September.
Take back what? Oh, the 4th Amendment. “to be safe in your papers and goods and have the right not to be invaded by Alien beings from the planet Mongo!”
Let’s be honest everyone is spying on everyone
vern, you are the only one that can pull off cute and angry at the same time on that level.
I’m watching Fahrenheit 9/11 for the 4th.