Chewbacca wants a Town Hall meeting!

The Congress of the United States has a 9% approval rating.  They do nothing, but to their credit have finally allowed the President to confirm serveral appointees which include some Judges and others…like the BATF Chief and others.  Basically however they have made sure that nothing gets passed as far a legislation that might matter.  They have had 40 Votes against ACA (Obama Care!) and spent thousands of hours about Benghazi, Fast and Furious and the IRS.  In the words of so many of us here in the hinterland:  “How does that affect me?”  How about some focus on the rising cost of prescription drugs?  How about trying to take away Saturday delivery from our US Postal Service?  Why hasn’t the dumb legislation of Congressman Tom Watts from Indiana (long gone from the Congress) been overturned – so the USPS doesn’t have to deal with reduced services to the people of the United States?  What about the Federal Laws and or Regulations that “Mandate Toll Roads for HOV lanes that allow Electric and Hybrid Single Drivers”?  MAP -21 – indeed!  How far afield can our Congress be – from the people?

Our Congress is now off until September 9th, 2013.  They are supposed to be home to talk to their constituents.  They are supposed to have Town Hall Meetings so they can meet members of the public that are concerned about their government.  These folks are not all Tea Party Members, Corporate Moguls or members of those 501-C4 Sometimes Political Organizations.  Most a business folks that need to know the ramifications of Health Care Requirements from ACA and perhaps what should be done with the minimum wage, CPI holds for Seniors, Military and others…in the years to come.  Lots of issues, so little time.

The News Media says:  “The Congress people will be going back to their districts to have Town Hall Meetings and will meet with their constituents!”  Is this another “Sex, Lies & Videotape” moment?  Called our Congressman yesterday……..”Oh, in the last three weeks we had Phone Call Town Meetings that reached 20,000 people!”  Really, who got to listen in?  Really, the Congressman is afraid that in meetings with 300 people, 100 are going to be from some “fringe group” that will cause trouble.  Really, then dear Congressman, you better get a good Security Force to defend your turf and the public safety of those assembled.

Want to know where your Congressman comes down on having Town Meetings while in town for the next five weeks?  Want to know how you can get invited?  Wanted to know why they are not having a Town Hall Meeting that allows “your presence”?  Caution:  Many Congressman are not using Voice Mail so you can’t even reach a staffer.  If you we have provided a FAX number…to help them remember to keep those areas of communication OPEN please while you are supposed to be in your District.


45th John Campbell – 20 Pacifica, Suite 660 – Irvine:   949.756.2244   FAX:  949.251.9309    *Not running for re-election!

49th Darrell Issa – 1800 Hubodo Rd., Suite 310 – Vista:   760.599.5000   FAX:  760.599.1178

48th  Dana Rohrabacher – 101 Main St.,  Suite 380 – Huntington Beach:   714.960.6483   FAX:  714.960.7806

39th  Ed Royce – 210 W. Birch St., Suite 207 – Brea:   714.255.0101   FAX:  714.255.0109

38th  Linda Sanchez – 17906 Crusader Ave., Suite 100 – Cerritos   562.860.5050   FAX   562.924.2914

46th Loretta Sanchez – 12397 Lewis St., Suite 101  – Garden Grove    714.621.0102   FAX:  714.621.0401


*If you live in another District, we apologize…..but these folks are easy to look up and we advise contacting them NOW…with whatever tweeks your toes at the   moment.  If you don’t have the time to contact these folks, we understand – life is complex and everyone is busy.  Just remember though that after they return to Washington, D.C. in September – your chances of face time will be limited.  Our guess is ……these people will probably be trying to hide out for the next five weeks and hopes all the nonsense goes away.  Congress, is supposed to help its constituents with “their problems”.  If they don’t here from you….they can easily say;  “You didn’t mention that before!”  Don’t let this happen.  This is the time for all good folks to come to the aid of their country!  We don’t care if you call to report a wild dog or coyote on your front porch – call these folks and demand they do something when they go back to the Congress.

Yes, Congress folks this is the right of the people to address concerns with their Representatives.  Send out Representatives, Send our Staffers, but show up and find out what is happening here in the hinterland.  Chewbacca is asking for a Town Hall meeting!  Check you Android, I-Pad and your Twitter Account now!


About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.