***** UPDATE
I wrote this story at 10 a.m this morning, as of 10:45, Facebook removed the page. As some of you already know, I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with stage four rectal cancer in December 2010. I do not have a history of colon cancer in my family BUT for 10 years I did eat dairy foods laced with rBGH, and corn and soy products that were genetically modified (gmo) and they are all brought to you by Monsanto. I NEVER knew I was eating foods that would soon give me cancer! I NEVER had the chance to decide for myself if I wanted to eat gmo foods!
I shopped around for attorneys late last year — I wanted to be lead plaintiff in a class action law suit against Monsanto and I was told that “not enough people have died from eating gmo foods yet”…then Monsanto got their “Monsanto protection Act” signed in to law this past Spring. My question is this… if Monsanto claims to have the “magic seeds” to save the world from hunger, why won’t they label their foods and then feel the need to be protected from lawsuits???
I will tell you why they are AFRAID to have their foods labeled… once they are labeled the numbers of gmo cancer related deaths can be officially recorded and they WILL be sued up the yazoo… just like the tobacco companies.
We successfully got the Facebook page removed… its just a matter of time when gmos will be successfully removed from our foods…
I just received this post from the Institute for Responsible Technology:
CYBER BULLYING PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rachel-Parent-Paid-Anti-GMO-Lobbyist-and-Murderer/303065033171760
Interview: http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/TV+Shows/Lang+%26+O%27Leary+Exchange/ID/2398966167/
Sign the Petition:
*Dear Inge…..on the job…as usual. There is little doubt that various “great minds” develop massive marketing strategies to sell their GMO Programs. Using kids is a well worn program that has been around since the earliest days of GE and AT&T. There is literally no doubt that when the big boys spents hundreds of millions of dollars to fight the GMO Initiative……they have been serious….very serious that they know how much harm will occur to their industry “if people knew”. We have to applaud the European Union for refusing to buckle under to the dreaded GMO Seed World. Africa however is in a difficult situation with all their poverty and of course the rampant rape of their farmlands for high dollar fruits and nuts which can be exported to feed the various Military Juntas running those countries. Africa, has had to sell out to the Monsantos and Duponts to be sure they have cash flow. It’s brutal that literally millions of people are going to be affected within 10 years. This could make the AIDS problem in Africa look like a bee sting on an elephant. The Asian Markets are where the world will either fight or die. Unless the polluted worlds of China and India fight the GMO fight……it will all be over … in no time. Don’t forget a few basics however: (1) Over population of the world occurred in 1950. (2) Adding storage ingredients like BHT and a wide variety of other so-called “freshness ingredients” have been added so that a tomato for example used to last about six days or less before it became rotten. Now, that same tomato can last upwards of a month or more. It’s all goes back to the storage, transportation and availability restrictions. You get a tomato from Ecuador…it has to be picked, packaged or stored, put aboard a container ship, brought to the US, repacked perhaps, trucked to the various Super Markets, sit in Produce Department for five days, is sold, sits in your kitchen a week or more…..and still has to be fresh? Not likely. In the old days, 5X8 Tomatoes came from the Central Valley..Modesto way and we put onto trucks out of Salinas…..they arrived at the LA Central Produce Market usually by 5AM……or earlier. Restaurant Owners and Super Market Buyers picked out what they wanted and delivered them to their locations by 8AM. We walked into the Restaurant for Lunch or Dinner that day….went to the Market that day…..consumed the Tomato that same day. It was fresh, had flavor and contained no modified genetic products to keep it fresh for several weeks. Take a peek at your basic cereral boxes. Check the dates when they are good by…..maybe a year or more. How long did manufacturers fight putting the suggested “date best by….”. How about Diary? Milk used to last three days. Now how long….two weeks?
In any event , Inge you are right about the nasty tricks these folks play to maintain their grip on our food stuffs. But, we equate it all to the controversy over “Brazilian Bikini Waxing”……something so dangerous they don’t want to talk about it. But then, we won’t go there!
*Forgot….Dow Chemical is the Fertilizer producer king. Congress is watching them
like a hwak after they set that whole town on fire recently…nice explosion too!