Voice of OC star reporter Adam Elmahrek gets ahold of the long-delayed draft report on the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce’s use of public funds, possibly by hitching a ride on the back of Councilwoman Gail Eastman’s hairdo
I’m going to invent a new phrase today — “Anaheim Anguish” (or “Anaheimguish”) — to describe the emotional reaction I have every time I see another story in the Voice of OC peeling back that city’s onion skin of corruption. So, kids, it’s time for another chapter in our continuing series, Adam Elmahrek and the Chamber of Secrets. (Honestly, can we just get it over with and give this guy his Pulitzer?)
In Wednesday night’s episode, inadequately titled “Audit: Anaheim Chamber’s Tracking of City Funds Spotty” — and seriously, Norberto Santana, do you need some help jazzing up your headlines? Because as a gesture of respect, I’ll do it for free — Adam Elmahrek explores the contents of the still-unreleased performance audit of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce. (This isn’t even yet the fiscal audit to assess the organization’s financial soundness. This is just “what did they do with the public money given to them?”)
Among the highlights of the piece, which is mandatory reading for this school year:
- The completed performance audit was due in June, but the Chamber keeps on not finishing it. (“Math is hard! Let’s go politician shopping!” It’s like they want to delay for some reason — some reason like the September payment for work on the contract to administer the dead Enterprise Zone program.)
- The draft audit found that the ACoC has been inadequately tracking expenses, particularly using unreliable staff time-keeping methods
- Nevertheless, it requested and got a $600,000 increase in its city contract earlier this year, citing the need to hire more staff for day-to-day tasks
- Mayor Tom Tait is quoted saying: “Without an audit trail, the council cannot know whether our funds were spent appropriately. It was irresponsible to vote for a $600,000 increase without such verification.”
- The audit found a potential conflict of interest with having the business-controlled chamber awarding government tax vouchers to businesses
- The Chamber is not complying with generally accepted accounting practices
- The chamber was increasingly going into debt to sustain operations, including a $50,000 corporate loan and credit card debt
Matthew Cunningham, a blogger who promotes the council majority, has received between $10,000 and $100,000 from the chamber, according to a statement of economic interest he filed with the county.The chamber earlier this year purchased an advertisement in The Orange County Register touting the council majority. And the chamber’s website has promoted Councilwoman Kris Murray’s June 25 fundraiser.
Cunningham, who recently resigned from the Voice of OC Community Editorial Board, didn’t deny that he is being paid by the chamber to run his political blog, but he also declined to comment on his contract with the business group or show it to Voice of OC.
“I’m a private business, and my contract is with a private organization … so no,” Cunningham said when asked for a copy of his contract.
So does this mean that Matt Cunningham should now properly be described not as a “paid blogger,” but as a paid lobbyist for the Chamber? I’m sure that we have a regular commentator on Anaheim issues who may have an opinion on that.
Go read the rest yourself. This is your Weekend Open Thread — talk about that or anything else you’d like, within broad bounds of decency and decorum.
And yes, this week I’m doing a freakin’ Dearthwatch! It will appear below, when it’s good and ready.
For the last two weeks, the urge not to do the Dearthwatch was completely overpowering, but this week I decided to go ahead with it. So the changes that you see represent three weeks above the green line and four weeks below it. As you can see, it was an excellent three weeks for the Juice — only Around the Capital did better in raw terms, which we don’t begrudge — but it also tells us something interesting about political scandal. Look at the San Diego Union-Tribune! That’s a pretty heft leap — so they should thank Bob Filner. ( I’d say that they should also thank Carl DeMaio too, but they haven’t been covering his scandal.)
The Register continues its slow recovery; the Weekly continues its slow rise, as does the HB Indepenent; and Voice of OC gets back on track. I’m developing a hypothesis that the problem with newspapers putting their stories behind paywalls is that the radio and TV stations will just take over — getting people onto their websites is a good way to market their main product, after all — and below the green line you’ll see some good evidence for that. Look at NBC go! It started out around where Press-Enterprise was, but now it seems like it’s ready to rocket past the Register before too long!
I’m happy enough from the progress of this boiling pot of water when I didn’t watch it for a few weeks that I’m considering continuing and expanding my negligence of the Dearthwatch. But, again, if anyone out there (with a few exceptions) wants this gig, it’s theirs for the taking!
On another topic: I took a lot of grief from some quarters for my glee when Pope Francis was chosen for the papacy — I thought that he was far and away the best possible candidate. Our differences on some important issues notwithstanding, he continues to surprise and delight. Take this story: http://swampland.time.com/2013/08/29/pope-calls-a-rape-victim-to-comfort-her/. If you become Pope, this is the sort of thing that you should do. Bravo!
Dearthwatch is up! First one in three weeks. We did well.
“Our differences on some important issues notwithstanding ..”
Are you referring to the “Jesus is the Messiah” thing?
No, I was thinking more like abortion. “Jesus is the Messiah” is not really a political issue — or at least it shouldn’t be. I suspect that the Pope is with me on that one.
I don’t usually make long comments – but I thought that I should share this comment re. BHOcare by a personal friend:
Let me start this with – I think everyone deserves affordable healthcare, and I am not going to have a political debate about, well, anything.
Thanks to Obamacare, my previously AWESOME insurance will no longer be. We as a company had multiple options, and with the lupus, I paid a little more, but had great benefits with a lower co-pay, great Rx coverage and an option where I didn’t pay for tests because I did pay a little more. The next tier was cheaper, and included a copay w your PCP (I had none) and 80/20 on tests, higher deductible, tier 3, higher deductible, and then a CDHO.
Next year – gone. Tier 3 is the only one left (changed a little) and then two CDHOs. All are more expensive for less coverage. and the reason – while Obamacare is pushing back when it goes fully into effect, it is all in preparation for that – and for the MASIVE taxes company’s will be hit with for having “cadillac” plans that their employees are willing to pay for.
Oh well – guess I better stop any and all discretionary spending now in case I have to have another MRI or something next year. This year I have had a ton of bloodwork and xrays. last year I had an MRI, a nerve conduction test, a TON of very expensive blood and genetic tests, plus the regular stuff. All because the lupus decided to make life interesting and I couldn’t feel my feet. I had close to $12k in tests in 2 months. Under my new plan, I would be on the hook for I am not even sure how much since they haven’t said IN ADDITION to the newer higher deductible ($750). Looks like 20%. Which means $2250. Or $3000 with the copay. vs. the extra $200 I pay a month pretax = $2400. And that is just for that round of tests…yep. seems like an awesome change.
I can fix your friend up with some very reasonable and good quality care in the Philippines if he needs it. Let me know.
I am sorry Scally and I am not being a smartass. I hear the same stories from others. What makes me angry is Congress and their staff are exempt from Obama care. Exactly WHY is that? What is good enough for Scally’s friend SHOULD be good enough for them. What was supposed to be a good thing is turning into a windfall for insurance companies…Americans are already struggling to pay bills, how will they pay for high co-pays and deductibles too??? I am guessing they won’t and will not see doctors until they have to via emergency rooms.
Thank you Inge & I hear you about Congress scum.
Someone even closer to me with breast cancer was told by the folks in her doctors office that she was “lucky” that she got BC this year rather than next year under O-care. Can you imagine THAT – fuckin’ “lucky” that she got breast cancer ……. ???
10 companies profiting the most from war…
“Voice of OC star reporter Adam Elmahrek gets ahold of the long-delayed draft report…”
No he didn’t. He talked to somebody who saw the draft report. That’s what the article said.
“The completed performance audit was due in June, but the Chamber keeps on not finishing it.”
The Chamber isn’t doing the audit. The auditor hired by the city is doing the audit. How can the Chamber not finish an audit it ISN’T doing?
I hope you don’t bring this same inattention to fact and detail to your legal work.
The last line of the story is: “However, the draft performance audit did not review the chamber’s finances.” I infer from that that while Adam probably did not get to keep a copy of the report, he was able to read it thoroughly. In other words, he “got ahold of” it. Now maybe he got all of his information regarding it secondhand, but I don’t think that that’s the better inference.
Adam also says:
So do you think I’m misreporting that? How else is Ament able to delay finishing it other than by … not finishing it?
It’s interesting that you focus only on ancillary issues rather than the thrust of what Adam’s report said. As usual among a certain ilk in OC politics — good call for you to hide behind bushes and comment anonymously.
From Adam’s article:
“A city performance audit critical of how the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce administers the city’s enterprise zone found that the business group has been inadequately tracking expenses using staff time-keeping methods that are “not reliable,” according to sources who have seen the audit and said it’s been delayed for months.”
No need to infer anything, Greg. It’s in Adam’s article in black-and-white. He didn’t see the draft. He has a source who did. If Adam had read it, he would have reported as much, instead of attributing the content to “sources.”
So what if Adam has a “source” who “says” Ament is delaying the audit? Anonymous, second-hand hearsay. You can really take that to the bank. Notice there’s no explanation of how exactly the Chamber would be able to hold up the audit, either.
Don’t get pissy with me because you bollixed up the facts. It doesn’t inspire confidence in the reliability of your blogging.
Adam is doing such a kick-ass job these days that I will not even speculate as to his sources and methods, but “according to sources who have seen the audit” does not rule out that they gave him a peek to verify things. Especially if he was able to view but not keep the document, he would certainly have attributed the content to sources — because he didn’t have the blasted document. Get it?
It’s hilarious that you chide anyone for “anonymous” reporting, masked man. (OK, I presume that you’re Matt Cunningham, but I presume even more strongly that you would not admit it if so, so I agree that “I can’t prove it.” Maybe you’re just a cunning imitation ham.)
How could the Chamber hold up an audit. Really? You can think of a way? How about “failure to cooperate in a timely fashion”? Would that do it?
Also, that quote from Adam’s article doesn’t say the Chamber is doing the audit. What sense would it make to have the Chamber audit itself? The city hires an outside auditor. How do you not figure this stuff out?
See above comment: it says that Ament has delayed the completion of the audit — which he could do through simple foot-dragging — not that he conducts it himself. That’s your own odd inference.
I have to say, though: judging Anaheim City Council majority actions by the “what sense would it make?” standard is not wise in even the best circumstances. What sense does it make to give them another $600,000 to do the same job they had already bid on, once they knew that the project was being closed down? It makes no sense — and yet they did it anyway.
“It’s interesting that you focus only on ancillary issues rather than the thrust of what Adam’s report said.”
I haven’t seen the draft report. Neither has Adam. Neither have you. All we have is someone who says he/she has seen it.
I’d withhold comment until there’s a FINAL report.
“As usual among a certain ilk in OC politics — good call for you to hide behind bushes and comment anonymously.”
LOL. Like “Mayor Quimby”?
You have no idea whether Adam has seen the draft report.
Yes, you’d withhold comment until there’s “a FINAL report” — or until the Earth finally crashes into the Sun, if you could, because you don’t want to see any comment at all. And you especially don’t want to see any comment before that September payment comes through to the Chamber — right?
Yes, Gus Ayer did write under a pseudonym, but his articles were heavy on facts and analysis, with snottiness and vitriol only used to ice the cake.
So, despite his anonymity, I can’t say that Gus/Quimby was of your ilk, Matt or Matt-like creature.
next thing you know, they are going to want attorneys to be accountable
UPDATE to my post http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2013/08/be-adviced-aspartame-changed-its-name-to-aminosweet/comment-page-1/#comment-456271
a must see video about aspartame http://youtu.be/W6WBFb-OAYQ
Hi Inge: Monsanto is making news overseas: “On Tuesday night protesters gathered in plazas across Chile to voice their opposition to a bill which would permit the patenting of unique plant species, dubbed the “Monsanto Law.”
Environmental, human rights and indigenous activists argue that the privatization of seed varieties would oblige farmers to pay royalties to agricultural enterprises every time they plant a patented crop — robbing them of the right to grow such produce freely”
I missed that story, but will read your link , thanks Ricardo
What happened to my comment?
Sorry, no idea. I don’t see it in either Trash or Spam. Try to post it again.
5 things you need to know about fracking:
It was posted for a while. Oh well. I read the contract yesterday and shared many pithy insights.
Shit. I think I saw that. I hope I didn’t accidentally delete it when the Winships put up five copies of the same long confusing comment, and then demagogue started to freak out, and I tried to clean up the whole mess…
Try to think of what you said, Zengy!
Well, let’s just say the thing is a disorganized mess. The big question in my mind is whether or not the City performed its obligations to perform six month audits in year one; and if not, why not. If they didn’t, how come this delayed audit isn’t a full financial audit?
The contract is silent on the subject of “performance” audits.
Something smells here.
Vern, I thought it was hilarious that the Ships fell asleep on the “post comment” button after too much of the Roxanol.
Also, if I freak out, it won’t be as subtle as quoting “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”
I hope not – about the Bueller – cuz the last person who did that here, a week ago, was pinche Cunningham.
Sorry Vern. I never read the Cunningham crap.
Life’s too short to waste my time on his sputtering.
Don’t let him ruin FBDO for you.
Man hears noise.
Man runs down with his gun wearing just his underwear.
Burglars run.
Man chases burglars.
Burglars run away
Man knocks on neighbor’s door
Neighbor shoots weird man wearing nothing but underwear and carrying a gun.
“Stand your ground!”
The moral of this story is – don’t be stupid.
Darwin was right about some things…
Since this is the weekend open thread, …”And now for something completely different!”
I just want to throw out an idea for target practice- Would there possibly be any support for a “Civilian GAO” citizen group for the Cities in OC (and maybe even any issues the OC Grand Jury has no resources to address)?? Are there enough folks out there who can delve into background info, budgets, financial reports, etc, who possibly would have some spare time to provide IMPARTIAL analysis and counterpoint for math-and-finance illiterate members of the public (and possibly similarly-afflicted City Councils and County Boards and commissions, etc) ??? I imagine, in this economy, most of the folks I am thinking about are quite busy with their own survival (students, retired business people, etc), but the real answer would be more useful than what I think, and could surprise me? My long-ago original idea was to go back and examine the PERFORMANCE of Redevelopment Districts and other City funding to private entities, to see if the ‘promises’ about revenue benefits made to get them passed, are anywhere near achieved. Yes, I know Annual Reports are issued, but they are from THE SAME folks who want THE NEXT project approved, and yes, Redevelopment Agencies are ‘GONE’, But Cities such as mine, Anaheim, are doing the same KIND of agreements through other channels. Unless some information is developed by the diligent individuals who contribute to OJB VOC, and similar channels, (and the media on rare occasions!), most info for decisions is taken at face value, with or without context. Could their efforts be expanded or assisted with a pool of online help? Would this be a useful application of crowd-sourcing? Your thoughts are appreciated-
OK, sure. (Seriously — good idea, to the extent practicable.)
“.. good idea, to the extent practicable.”
Which “extent practicable” is about zero.
Perhaps — but practicableness makes perfectness!
I think that I just have to accept that I’m not going to get around to doing a story on Rohrabacher along these lines anytime soon.
Sometimes the moment just slips away. You’ll have to try harder, Dana!
In case anybody is still in favor of nuclear power plants, here’s a new reality for you.
“A radioactive plume of water in the Pacific Ocean from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant, which was crippled in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, will likely reach U.S. coastal waters starting in 2014, according to a new study. The long journey of the radioactive particles could help researchers better understand how the ocean’s currents circulate around the world.”
That’s swell ! It’s like Japan has given Mother Earth a PET scan.
I wonder if that’s covered by her insurance?
Now that things are totally out of control over there, Japan’s government is stepping in to try and fix the disaster. Another case of too much government? Anybody for less regulation over corporations?
This is the moment, I suppose, when some people switch from “laissez-faire” to “get right with God.” The transition can be very rapid and smooth.
“get right with God” probably means that now I have to tear down my Hannah Montana poster.
Just leave it out on the beach so that it can be properly irradiated.
The plume is insignificant – detecible, but harmless – and with a benifit.
The plume is harmless. Where do you get that crap from?
It may be very long term, but NO amount of radiation has ever been shown to be harmless.
“The good news—the silver lining to the plume—is that even though there will be a “measurable increase in radioactive materials,” the concentration of those materials will be well below World Health Organization safety levels by that point.”
Same thing here too…?
Ha! You are being irradiated every day of your life – it’s part of nature.
Another Pedroza article that you know isn’t worth reading from the title alone:
“The Democratic Party of O.C. quits Santa Ana and moves to Orange”
We got a much better deal on an office at a site as centrally located as one can get in OC (from all corners of which our members come.) And dork-boy — starting off the article with “Can you believe it? The Democratic Party is abandoning Santa Ana for a new office in Orange” — sees only a betrayal of Santa Ana (or something. I don’t know, because I’m not going to read it.) This is the sort of bullflop that prevents OC’s Drudge wannabe from being taken seriously.
California County Declares Secession from State
A Republican-dominated Northern California county has declared secession from the rest of the state. The Record Searchlight reported Tuesday that the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 in favor of a declaration of secession.
According to the report, most of the over 100 people in attendance supported the measure, citing reasons such as unconstitutional laws, water rights and a $150 “rural fire prevention” fee assessed on rural homeowners.
The county hopes others in Northern California and Southern Oregon will join it. If successful, their new state would be called “Jefferson”, presumably after Thomas Jefferson. Importantly, Jefferson was a staunch supporter of individual liberty and minimal government, signaling an eventual new state could be a positive step for the liberty movement.
Hilarious! What are their gripes?
I am SO sure they are a donor county to Sacramento … like OC, LA, and SF … and not totally dependent on the rest of our largesse.