Yesterday I was out running errands and I noticed a woman standing next to her car in the parking lot, she caught my eye because she wore a pink bandana; it covered her bald head — a sure sign that she is a cancer patient — I notice these things a lot more, ever since I was a cancer patient. She also had a pink ribbon bumper sticker on her car. I found a parking space close to her and I planned to talk to her– until she lit a cigarette. At that point, I didn’t bother because I knew I would end up asking her “woman, what are you thinking?”
I thought about this woman quite a bit. She isn’t the only cancer patient going through treatment and sabotaging her healthcare with bad habits. Yes, smoking is a bad habit. I know smokers claim it calms their nerves or that cigarettes are too addicting to quit. I have heard all the excuses. I am married to a smoker. He tells me he is down to 2 cigarettes a day. I have a very hard time with people who claim its too hard to quit. Believe me, its even harder to fight and beat cancer.
I don’t know this woman’s story and I know its her right to do whatever she wants with her own body, whether its smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol or eating crappy food. But now that Obama Care is about to kick-in, what responsibility do we have to keep ourselves as healthy as possible? I guarantee the new health plan will not be the panacea that proponents claim. We have to do our part.
Healthcare costs are through the roof and since we are a free market the cost will not go down anytime soon. The medical profession in the United States is used to getting $10,000 for a PET scan and they aren’t about to settle for $2,500 like Canada. Maybe there will be a hashing out over fees, maybe there won’t — but you can bet if there is, it won’t be sorted out for years. Meanwhile, people still get sick. And if you ask me, many get sick because they live an unhealthy lifestyle. I know — you say, we live in a polluted environment and I agree but its still up to us to keep our immune systems as strong as possible to fight the bad stuff, and it can’t be done taking a “magic” pill. It just won’t happen– I don’t care how many commercials claim it will.
A few months ago CVS required its employees to get health checks, to lose weight and stop smoking — or pay $50 more for their health insurance coverage. I really don’t think that’s a bad thing. People are all to willing to take a pill in the hopes of losing weight, or stop smoking, or the myriad of other health problems we face, without doing their part, like making better food choices– not processed, made in a laboratory junk foods — or exercising, like walking, stretching, dancing or whatever.
The medical profession is also to blame. Physicians are swamped with patients these days and most do not take the time to talk to their patients about living a healthier lifestyle, because they just don’t have the time or they don’t think about it. Or maybe it pays to just write the patient a prescription for diabetes (which usually has worse side effects than the disease) instead of telling their patients to lose weight, eat right and exercise. There are some who do, but not enough. I am around hospital medical staff weekly and eat lunch with a lot of them. They eat the same junk that I believe, makes their patients sick. There seems to be a total disconnect. And when politicians like the mayor of New York try to help their constituents lives better, by banning 30 gallon sodas at fast food restaurants, they are accused of running a “nanny state.”
Ever since the invention of the Internet, we no longer can claim ignorance, unless its willful ignorance. The information is out there. The information has been around for years and we are still getting fatter as a nation. I noticed the wheel chairs at the hospitals have gotten bigger — they look like small love seats. Hospitals now have special rooms just for large people, that have a crane next to the bed so the staff doesn’t hurt their back helping the patient get out of bed.
Health insurance is a good thing and I am all for single payer. I believe we should all be treated equally and that healthcare is a moral right, but we have to take responsibility for our own lifestyle choices. For those claiming their illness is genetic — sorry, that doesn’t cut it. Just because mom and dad had high blood pressure or diabetes does not mean we will. Yes, we might pre-disposed but it doesn’t have to manifest itself if we make different choices. I see too many people take expensive medications for weight related health problems, then buy a sugar free soda and eat processed, fast food.
For those claiming the excuse of not having enough time, I say they have a the time, but suffer from a time management problem. Stop spending so much time on the computer and use that time preparing healthy meals for the week that can be frozen. The Internet is full of recipes for the person “on the go.” For those of us with kids — meal time is a perfect way to get the kids involved– delegate… delegate…delegate. Its up to us as parents to teach our kids to make healthy choices. We can’t depend on our schools to provide healthy lunches — they bow to the fast food corporations. Its up to us as consumers to stop buying the “crappy” processed foods and support locally grown fresh foods– that means shopping the perimeter of the grocery store. If we vote with our dollars — we will see more healthy foods on store shelves. Its economics 101 baby.
And I repeat… its up to us to take charge of our own health care– not wait for the health care professionals, health insurance companies or Washington to do it for us.
*Inge, great article and very true. Tell your husband to have Dutch Mint or a Werthers
when he wants a cigarette. Try to get through without the nicotine injection even once or twice a day. Back in 2005 had a cancerous tumor on the inside of the hip. Had smoked three packs plus a day for over 44 years. Before going into surgery, they tested the urine, blood and a breath test three times. Past everything but the breath test. Asked the Doc….what that meant. Could we still have the surgery? “Yep, not to worry he said….only about 20% of those the fail the breath test go into a coma and don’t come out!” Was the last day we had a cigarette – Cold turkey, no patch, no simple reduction in amount ingested. As you might recall, Peter Jennings had quit smoking for about 25 years, when 9-11 came about. He started back smoking 2 plus
packs a day and didn’t realize that his lungs had gone back to perfect pink inside after being off cigarettes all those years. The damage he did to his lungs caused his death within three years of …..Lung Cancer. Once you quit, you can never go back and start again. It does take about three to four years to clear out your lungs…. The new nicotine electronic cigarettes are scary… tar, but they still ingest deadly poison into your body. Nicotine overdose……you die! So, how bad can it be? “Anyway, not everyone goes into a coma….eh?” That’s what the anesthesiolgist said.
The first thing I said after coming out of surgery? “What day is it? What year?”
Maybe the cigarette had Marijuana. Sonjay Gupta from CNN says that Marijuana might kill some cancers. Israel is spending money researching it while the U.S. is spending money fighting it’s sale and consumption.
I saw that documentary last night. I was surprised to hear Israel is researching. I plan to write about cannabis and how it helps cancer patients and now it looks like it is the answer to many diseases. Hubby told me it was some powerful big-wig who put the kibosh on cannabis decades ago and then the false information was spread to keep it illegal. Cannabis is not the same as cigarettes, which are laced with toxic chemicals. I will take “weed” any day over cigarettes, but prefer edibles.
Have you ever heard of this therapy?
It sounds very interesting.
I like Weed on occasion. I believe that it is powerful medicine, and that it probably has the great medicinal powers, but I also know what it does to the youth. It makes them kind of slow, dreamy, and maybe paranoid. I have no scientific proof though.
BEEP BEEP – *”Now here this…now here this – the smoking lamp is lighted – roll ’em and smoke em if you got ’em!”
Don’t know if Capt. Kirk or Bones would buy this….Spock and O’Herra seemed
like they were always on “something”.
Don’t even try to Captain a ship if you are going to do the head knocking toke break every day and night. It ain’t functional or professional.
That sh*t is for remedy only. Not Business.
THis might explain Ronn and Ana’s political commentary.
Floating and non-focused.
And too distracted too understand rational “conspiracy theory”.
*A subtle reply…….at least Stanley understands us…….Gosh, hate being considered Floaters…..that are unfocused! Distracted? What, there isn’t a “Halley’s Comet” after all? No Acapulco Gold, Panama Red or Oregon Forest Raindrops can convince us…..that the Wildwood Weed should be unregulated and totally decrimilialized for underage teenage girls and obese folks hooked on Diet Coke.
How about this for subtle: “A Well Regulated Drug Culture being…….necessary…and blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada,..
shall not be infringed….”
You are doing no favors to your own movement Ronanna.
Lay off the weed please.
Drink more beer.
And when you finish with the munchies,
Let me know when you are astute enough to really talk about Sandy Hook, Dorner, Boston.
*Sandy Hook? Bad. Dorner….Sad. Boston….Brutal. Travon….Ridiculous. Weiner….Exposing himself to Culture. Filner Exposing himself to Ridicule. Benghazi…..Confused. IRS……Nonsense. FOX News Reporters…Not Reporters. Fast and Furious….Which Drug Cartel did what to whom? Fast Eddie Snowden….wants a cameo on Arrested Development. Bradley Manning is a Puke. and Hasan is a Terrorist. Barack and Joe are doing a great job and if there is no Global Warming, why do we have to raise the sea walls on Balboa Island?
Now Take two shooters of Tequila with a beer back and call us in the morning.
No Diet Coke or Electronic Cigarettes please! Stay up late and watch Melissa Scott……that is the late Gene Scott’s wife. She looks nothing like Mike Huckabee, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity ….thank god!
Anything else you desparately need to know?
“Fast Eddie Snowden wants a cameo on arrested development”
Gee, that helps.
Now who left a backpack full of explosives near the finish line in Boston?
Those two Brothers? Really?
Ibragim Todashev friend of Tsarnev Brothers shot seven times in the head during “voluntary investigation at own home by FBI May 22.
Today father of deceased Chechen immigrant files law suit with CAIR against FBI to release autopsy reports and INvestigation reports.
Also in today’s news, Tamarlan friends plead Not Guilty to obstruction of Justice during aftermath of Tamerlan Brothers pursuit by FBI.
Smoke Dope or don’t smoke Dope.
Just do your research.
Is it just me or does my post look more like the weekend open thread(from reading the comments)?
It does. I missed you in the last weekend open thread! I even posted a comment asking where were you.
I just updated the Weekend Open Thread with a video that should leave no doubt at all as to which is the true Weekend Open Thread.
Like Inge says here, “You have to do the work”. And I do.
I made a mistake because I believed what I read.
So I continued my research.
Ibragim Todashev shot once in the head and six times in upper torso. Not sure if it was through the back first or not. I am not a forensics dude. However, if you think that you are, please check out his autopsy pictures on Google Images.
Then decide if the FBI silenced him and for what reason.
Was he responsible for the triple execution murder that many would like to place on the Tsarnaev Brothers? Why or how did he get his J-1 non immigrant visa?
Was he leaving the next day for Chechna?
*Another good reason why Meta-Data is important to take in. You have a pretty good read on why Conspiracy Theories are real. Without the entire picture it is like a blind man grabbing the tail of an Elephant and thinking it is a a big Great Dane.
All the information needs to come out. Perhaps a whole “Cell of Terrorists” exists in Boston. The brothers seemed to have a whole bunch of buddies…and the wife….seems to have known a lot more than she is saying. Will it all come out eventually? Maybe not. Perhaps, in the name of National Security all the important data and contacts will not be revealed. Hey, they thought James Earl Ray killed MLK for about 30 years….until….well…everyone knows who really did it.
The biggest obstacle that the people face is overcoming the brainwashed idea that “conspiracy theory” means something irrational or ideologically polluted or lunatic fringe. It doesn’t.
It means that people have conspired to commit actions and deceive others about the true nature or motives behind the acts.
That’s my definition and I’m sticking to it.
How many conspiracy stories has the Orange Juice Blog written about Anaheim Council members being completely controlled by Disney?
Just because it is not the most well understood/known/popular story does not make it invalid or uninformed as a leading theory.
I will agree there is a grain of truth in some so-called conspiracy theories BUT I draw the line when someone starts talking about aliens running our government…psychopaths, yes…aliens? no. Another thing I discovered when I research conspiracy theory sites is that some are white supremacist… I strongly suggest that anyone research who is behind such websites and what’s in it for them.
And let me bring this all full circle or at least semi-circle.
Dzhokar Tsarnev (the younger brother was a pothead!)
Did his Marijuana induced hallucinations and paranoia contribute to his terrorist ambitions if he was in fact actually the terrorist that story line tells us?
Did the older brother murder his best friend and two others execution style because they were marijuana dealers?
Now if you believe that, you must be lunatic fringe! or brainwashed.
*You’re still fixated on the Rolling Stones rendition of Joe-Kar-Bro….rock star
look. Was that a Conspiracy too? Of course it was…..the CIA planted that
after the KGB called and said that Fast Eddie Snowden had given up the
entire list of CIA agents living and dead since the beginning of time.Meanwhile, Anaheim has to survive these tough fiscals times with sweetheart deals with the historic Disneyland Park. Heck, Disney put Anaheim on the map. Before Disney they had three german restaurants, lots of migrant workers and the Bean Hut! Conspiracy…the next thing you will tell us is that all the National Insurance Companies are in league with Corporate America pumping our annual premiums, doubling down on our co-pays and quadrupling our deductibles because Rand Paul needs something to blame Obama on.
Conspiracy Theory…..we loved Mel Gibson in that one too!
It’s not about Rand Paul vs. Obama
Or Obama Vs. Rand Paul
Don’t be such a tool of the system Ronanna.