It’s Chemerinsky Time Again! Monday, Laguna Woods – the Supreme Court’s “Amazing Year.”

Concerned Citizens of Laguna Woods Village present:
Returning for the 6th year!

UCI Law School founding Dean

The Supreme Court:  Another *cough* Amazing Year.

Can you explain how some Supreme Court cases affect more people than most actions by Congress?  How appointments change its precedents? Or, thus, how elections turn the Court’s direction?

Its 2012-13 term was indeed “amazing”. In late June, as frenzied media told us, its 5 conservatives gutted the Voting Rights Act, and left affirmative action in university admissions barely still alive. But Justice Kennedy joined the 4 moderates to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act. And an odd group (Roberts, Scalia, Ginsburg, Breyer and Kagan) found a narrow way to duck Prop. 8’s “merits” (no standing), thereby restoring same-sex marriage in Calif.

Dean Chemerinsky will analyze those and lower profile rulings that’ll impact even more lives, and that extended trends he explained in prior talks: Limiting class actions, jury trials and relief rules for corporate fraud and unfair practice, harmful pharmaceuticals, workplace discrimination, other “closed courthouse
doors” in government spying cases, defining police power to search vs. privacy, new technology, etc.

Folks at prior Chemerinsky talks said:

“Insightful, frank, brilliant, clear to non-lawyers, warm wit.” “Just take my word,” chimes in Jonathan Adler, “Don’t miss him!”

Erwin Chemerinsky, a leading scholar, teacher of judges as well as students, litigator in the Supreme Court and lower courts, and constitutional law expert, often analyzes its cases and trends in print and on the air. Author of 6 books and over 100 articles for scholars and law students, many for lay readers too, at his talk here in 2011 he signed for over 100 of
us his new “The Conservative Assault on the Constitution.”

He often testifies to legislative committees, including Senate hearings to confirm now-Justice Samuel Alito. His amazingly prolific public service includes chairing the L.A. City Charter Reform Commission. A Harvard Law School graduate, he taught law at USC for 21 years, then Duke, and moved to Irvine in 2008 to found UCI Law School.

Bring your questions for Q&A time • Concerned Citizens members free • Guests: $3 donation requested
LWV Nonresidents: GATE ENTRY Info, Address, Map & Directions: see PDF p. 2, or back side of flyer in rack
Website: • Info: Jonathan, 949-581-2178

Directions to Clubhouse 3: 23822 Avenida Sevilla, Laguna Woods, CA 92637 –next to Gate 3 or via Gate 1

From 5 Freeway Southbound:
• Exit at El Toro Road. At exit ramp stoplight, go straight onto Paseo de Valencia (don’t turn onto Carlota)
• 0.2 miles on Paseo de Valencia to first light; turn right onto El Toro Road
• 0.3 miles on El Toro Rd to first light, sign marked (to left) “Avenida Sevilla / Gate 1″; turn left into Gate 1
• Stop at guard shack, hand in filled-in entry slip; or say “[your name], guest of [resident who ‘called you in’]”
• 1.0 mile straight on Avd Sevilla – pass 2 stop signs (1 just after guard shack, 2 at top of nd hill at 0.9 miles)
• Going down the slight hill, see on the right big parking lot & clubhouse; turn right into that lot; park
If you see 3rd stop sign at Calle Aragon, you went 75 yds too far: Do U-turn. Or: right on Aragon, then 1st right
From 5 Freeway Northbound:
• Exit at El Toro Road. At exit ramp stoplight, turn left onto El Toro, go under freeway
• 0.5 miles on El Toro to Paseo de Valencia (3rd light), then straight on El Toro
• Jump to line #3 above [“0.3 miles on El Toro Rd to first light, sign marked (to left) …”], do directions from there
From Moulton Parkway Southbound:
• At El Toro: 1.0 mile more south on Moulton, to sign “Calle Aragon/Gate 3″ (2nd left, 4th light); left on Aragon
• Stop at Gate 3 guard shack, hand in filled-in entry slip (or give your name and resident who “called you in”)
• 0.1 mile on Aragon to 1st left, Clubhouse 3 and its parking lot entrance will be obvious on left; park
From Moulton Parkway Northbound:
• At Alicia Parkway: 1.2 miles more north on Moulton, to sign “Calle Aragon/Gate 3″; right turn on Aragon
• Jump to line #2 above [“Stop at Gate 3 guard shack, hand in filled-in entry slip …”], do directions from there
From 73 Tollroad:
• Exit at El Toro Road, turn onto El Toro, north-east, toward Laguna Woods
• 2.0 miles to Moulton Pkwy (pass Aliso Creek Rd, Calle Corta, up long hill, Calle Sonora at top, down to flat)
• Right (south) on Moulton. Jump to “From Moulton Parkway Southbound” above; follow its directions


If you are not a resident of Laguna Woods Village, unless a resident “calls in” your name to a gate, you must fill in this
information, detach the entry slip below, and present it to a “gate ambassador” for entry to the Community for this event.

Event Type: Lecture Sponsor: Concerned Citizens of Laguna Woods Village

Day of Week: Monday Date: Sept. 16, 2013 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Clubhouse 3 Auditorium


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About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.