Police Oversight–Will the Fullerton City Council Stand with the People or the Police? Part 2

Fullerton Rag

Image by Ricky Stauffer

Police Oversight–Will the City Council Stand with the People or the Police? Part 1 closed with the observation that there are several reasons the Fullerton City Council should not go forward with a two year contract with Michael Gennaco’s Office of Independent Review (OIR) on September 17, and should instead adopt the Police Oversight Proposal Committee’s (POPC) plan to establish a civilian police commission. The most obvious reason is that the actual OIR contract is not even included in the agenda report, leaving the public completely in the dark about what OIR would even be hired to do.

The City Council should be prepared to ask the following questions about the proposed contract:

  • Will the OIR have direct access to all Fullerton Police Department (FPD) documents…

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About Fullerton Rag

Stories cross-posted from "The Fullerton Rag" are generally written by Green and good-government activist Matt Leslie.