The Dodgers, the Trojans and the Lakers!

Sports is what Karl Marx called – “the opiate of the people!”  Just kidding, but then in those days there was no NFL, MLB, NBA or NCAA Collegiate Athletics.  There was croquette and maypoles, some basic tribal and ethnic dancing and maybe even some days of feasting for certain holidays.  What did they say:  “The Catholic Church was great – until it got into Real Estate!”  In any event, if you look at stupid C-Span Washington Journal and listen to the idiots that call in, you do have to wonder why you are not rather listening to Charles Barkley on ESPN Sports Zone instead.  Sometimes, you wonder why the power brokers and gatekeepers of our society allow shows like “Boardwalk Empire”, “The Borgias” or “The White Queen” on Cable TV.  Dumbing down our society is certainly not solely reserved for typical male, macho, sports fanatics that have no qualms about creating chaos and beating up people with Sports Logos which could offend them on any given day.  Dumbing Down our society has become endemic.  Politicians lie, Sports Figures lie, Celebrities lie and life certainly does imitate what others may call art.  Who doesn’t take PED……Pharmaceutical Enhancing Drugs?  Yep, even kids in Grammar School….trying to make the team!

So, we will attempt to bring to your attention the “Simultaneous Equation” within our society based upon tribal icons, paid-off athletes, paid off officials, paid off College and professional Coaches, their players,  Athletic Directors, College Presidents and Administrators and of course those that are calling the shots with ties to Power Brokers and Organized Crime.

The first thing you don’t want to miss is the ongoing attack on the Washington Redskins… change their name to something like the Washington Range Rovers or Washington Escalades.  Who cares about historic names?  Maybe naming them the Washington Hyundai’s or Washington Toyota’s might be preferable to the Washington Senators or Washington Solons…..with their 10% approval rating.  Maybe the Congress could offer them some Federal Funds to pick up some new “free agents”.

Meanwhile, the Dodgers have made the MLB play-offs.  We love Don Mattingly, an old Yankee and close friend to Joe Torre.  We wish them the best of luck in spite of some serious injuries and people out.  Can they win?  No choice on this one….just the best of luck.

The greatest news came with the firing of Lane Kiffin as coach for the USC Football program.  Lane never could quite grasp that USC is our NFL Professional Teamin Los Angeles.  Since the NFL won’t give us a true NFL team, we had to designate one on our own.  Pete Carroll understood this all so well.  He grabbed the brass ring and made The Southern California Trojans…….our own NFL Team.    Without all the faux-de-al of course!  Congrats to Coach Carroll on making Seattle Seahawks history and winning the first four games of the NFL regular season…for the first time in team history.

Meanwhile, back at USC…..we got a real mensch of fill-in coach with Ed Orgeron.  He has been around the horn and seen the elephants.  He is a great recruiter and the next assigned coach….whoever that may be will need to keep Coach Ed no matter what!  Cody Kessler is the Lane Kiffin choice as quarterback for the Trojans.  Cody has done a lot of wrong things:  Like talking to the press after games, before games or ever!  Do not talk to the press Cody if you want to remain the quarterback of the Trojans.  We prefer the redshirt freshman Max Brown.  He may still be untainted.  We are not sure….but if Cody goes down, we need to have Brown give it a try rather than “The Stoneman”  Max Wittek.  Wittek needs serious quarterback coaching.  He needs to be able to move in the pocket.  He would need to learn a quick offensive scheme.  Might be a while to make coaches happy with a Wittek start.  Cody seems to have flashes of brilliance combined with blank pages in between.  No interceptions is what is required.  No sacks is what is required, no matter your front line coverage.  As much as we detest Johnny Manzeil he does show that even with a weak front line………the quarterback needs to move and be awake.

Jack Del Rio is the current Defense Coach for the front running Denver Broncos.  Jack is a USC Alum, but is in the midst of a possible Super Bowl run with the Broncos and Peyton Manning right now.  Jack is our first choice!  We don’t want Petersen from Boise St.  Too stoic….not a good USC fit personality wise.  Sumlim from Texas A & M is not right either….we already had that Larry Smith….brave bull, rather than smart bull mentality.  No one except Nick Saban, who is way too smart to take either the University of Texas or the USC Coaching jobs no matter the pay rate.  All the out of work NFL Coaches are not right either.  We certainly do not want any Coaches currently on the hot seat in the College ranks – like Mack Brown at UT or even an entrenched type like Steve Spurrier at South Carolina.  So, who will be the next Coach at USC….we want someone with Intelligence, Excitement, Grace, Ability to Recruit the greatest players in the nation, Sense of humor, Strength and a huge positive energy.  Pete Carroll…..come back!  Well….since that is not going to happen, so we will see what we shall see.

The Kings and Lakers are both great teams in LA.  The Kings will be making a run for the Stanley Cup in 2013……we wish them great luck too!  The LA Lakers have a tremendous list of impossible tasks to overcome to even think about their run in the NBA.  First off, Kobe will need to come back strong.  At his age, is that even possible?  We shall see.  The Lakers needs to fire their coach too – Mike D’Antoni is not Laker Coach material.  He mishandles the media and the sports writers.  He is totally not believeable to the public.  He is no Phil Jackson, in any shape or form….that is for sure!  Pau Gasol will be entering his final year on a Laker conract.  Pau has help with a good affordable back up center.  The Lakers have some new shooting guards that can hit those important three pointers.  We still don’t trust Steve Blake, even coming off the bench.  So, what is in store for the Lakers in 2013?  Too early to tell.  If they get rid of the D’Antoni  before he ruins the new players, it might be possible to actually – make the play-offs.  Otherwise, we are looking at a possible 46 game winning season.  Forgettable at best.

We failed to mention the ill fated Anaheim, Los Angeles, (Someday San Diego) Angels.  The owner Arte Moreno is trying to push the City of Anaheim around and force them to relinquish the name Anaheim Angels forever.  They want Anaheim to build another stadium or whatever.  Arte needs to go………probably taking his team to San Diego.  There he can rename them the San Diego Angel Friars!  That way, San Diego could have both the San Diego Padres and the San Diego Friars!

OK, sports fans and political junkies everwhere.  Let’s forget about Tea Parties, The House of Representatives; Republican 50 to 80 Votes, Obama Care, Wars in the Middle East or visits of Dennis Rodman to Kim Jon in North Korea.  Let’s forget about the runs of Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton for President in 2016.  Let’s hope for a great year for the Lakers, the Clippers, the Trojans, Dodgers, UCLA and US Olympic team in Sochi.  Let’s keep our televisions on ESPN Sports Center, Fox Sports, ABC Wide World of Sports and the NFL Red Zone.  Who needs to worry about where we get our next paycheck?  Figure it this way:  They will either send our Social Security Check or they won’t!  No need to fret about it – is there?

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About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.