Weekend Open Thread: TR Black-Eye Invites you to the Irvine International Film Festival. (In Laguna Hills this time!)

Greetings Cinéphiles,

It is that time of year already. Now that you have caught up with all of the big films of 2013, it is time to step into the future of 2014. The IIFF offers you an excellent opportunity to preview an array of rare and exceptional films all of which have survived the rigorous pre-screening process proffered by the purveyors of the festival, Kevin Derek and Jack Kaprielian, both of whom have sophisticated tastes and a keen awareness of what it takes to make a successful film. This assures us of a line-up of thought-provoking, high-quality cinema. Being able to see these gems on a big screen only adds to their sensual enjoyment. Nine out of ten of the Oscar-nominated shorts last year were previewed at the Irvine International Film Festival, selected by Kevin & Jack, long before being recognized by the Oscar committee. Expect more of the same astute prescience this year.

Ironically, this year’s fest is being held in Laguna Hills, a small town that is Irvine-adjacent. While not my fine local Regal Cinema (Westpark 8) of previous years, the theatres found in the Laguna Hills Mall are conveniently located on the southbound side of the I-5 at El Toro Blvd. While not being too far from Irvine, this location makes it easier for those of you coming from south county. Plenty of parking and peripheral eateries add to the convenience and enjoyment of attending the 2014 affair.

I know I plan to be hanging out for most of the festival, taking it all in. During that time, I hope to see you, too. It will be great to get caught up and discuss new films, to boot.

Here’s to an excellent time had by all,

Mr. Black

P.S. The following link provides all of the information you should need. If not, feel free to email me for further info.


The screening schedule is on a grid at the bottom of the page.

[Note from Greg: This is your Weekend Open Thread.  Talk about that or anything else you’d like, within reasonable bounds of decency and decorum.]

About T R Black