The California Senate Health Committee passes SB – 1381 to Label Genetically Engineered foods.
Senator Noreen Evans (D) introduced the bill last month. It will now move on to either the Senate Judiciary or Agriculture Committee. This is the first bill to require three different committees before going to a vote.
We need your help to ensure this bill is passed.
These are the names of the members on the Ag Committee:
Susan Eggman (Chair) (D) (916) 319-2013
Kristin Olsen (Vice Chair) (R) (916) 319-2012
Toni Atkins (D) (916) 319-2078
Brian Dahle (R) (530) 271-0201
Richard Pan (D) (916) 319-2009
Bill Quirk (D) (916) 319-2020
Mariko Yamada (D) (916) 319-2004
Call and tell them to support SB- 1381 and tell them to label GMOs!
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