I’m off to the California Democratic Party convention soon, where I hope to raise $420,000 today for my now-official campaign for District Attorney, so I have time only to give you some headlines (and somtimes a little extra) from the Registrar of Voters’ Office. (Vern will evidently cover at least one story, which I hope he will call “The Fail of Troy,” later today.)
[Note: as with Tony Rackauckas‘s swanky Balboa Bay Club event, where he “collected” $419,000, that $420,000 figure includes not only actual cash-in-hand but also pledges of future donations. Unlike Rackauckas — at least I presume it’s unlike him — I plan to include not only apparently serious pledges of support but also insincere and facetious ones.]

And I had only been raising money one day! At $2432.97 per day, I’d have more money than Tony Rackauckas raised at his Balboa Bay Club party $419,000 by late July — less than two months after the election!
1. Neel Kashkari Makes the Ballot
I’ve been bragging about OJB having an insider view on this big story for a while now, so here’s the anti-climax: yes, Neel Kashkari did show up yesterday, did complete his candidacy requirements in the nick of time, and will be on the ballot. All California Republican politicos sigh at this — some in relief and some wistfully.
2. Is Van Tran on the Ballot or Not?
Van Tran looked like he was going to make a move against ethically-challenged Diane Harkey (and Area Man John Kelly, plus an Inland Imperialist) for the Board of Equalization. He paid his fees. He filed his papers on Wednesday. And yet the ROV still does not list him as being on the ballot. Clerical error? Trouble brewing?
3. Yeah, Lauten Was Only Messing with Us
It’s Royce against Anderson in CA-39.
4. Moorlach Decides to Wait for Shorter Lines
Endorsed Republican Mimi Walters is in. Unendorsed Republican Greg Raths is in. Endorsed Democrat Drew Leavens is in. WHERE’S THE MOORLACH? My heart skipped a beat — until I realized that John Moorlach has until Wednesday to file, because eligible incumbent John Campbell is “retiring.” The lines will be shorter next week.
5. The Competition to Lose to Loretta Grows Crowded
On Thursday, only Loretta Sanchez and Ehab Atalla had made the ballot. Yesterday, John Cullum, Carlos Vasquez, and Adam Nick joined the party.
6. Only One CA-47 Candidate Files Candidate Statement
Front-runners Rep. Alan Lowenthal and Gary DeLong did not file ballot statements in the OC half of their district. Expected also-ran Andy Whallon did. If this led to Whallon beating DeLong in June, I would not stop laughing for at least an hour.
7. Two Smart Blondes Take on Vulnerable Rohrabacher
While Robert Banuelos and David Burns are also in the race to knock out alleged carpet-soiling incumbent Dana Rohrabacher, the real competition appears to be between a pair of smart blondes: Republican Costa Mesa Councilwoman Wendy Leece and endorsed Democratic candidate Dr. Suzanne Savary. In noting their hair color, I don’t mean to demean them — they’re both stereotype-busters if one still holds such hoary stereotypes at all. It just helps people, even supporters of Crazy Dana, to remember that since he’s presumably secure in this race, people can safely vote for the blonde of their choice. And if it turns out that the played out Rohrabacher finishes third to both of them … well, in that case we end up with a good campaign between two solid candidates who well-represent their respective parties — and is that so bad?
7. Janet Will Not Get to Sit on Her Money
Whatever it is that Janet Nguyen did, at some point, to piss off Long Pham — she’s about to pay the price for it. Pham did complete his candidacy requirements on the last day — and while it’s theoretically possible that the both of them could beat Democrat Jose Solorio, it’s not going to happen. (Solorio won’t fall asleep at the wheel the way that Tom Umberg did in early 2007.) Pham is a credible candidate, so Janet’s going to have to spend a whole lot of money at a time when Solorio can spend only part of his. And, if she beats Pham unconvincingly, her funding could dry up. Sorry, Janet, but some political opponents have long memories.
8. Neither Ken Lopez, Ken Maddox, nor Anyone Else Files Against Pat Bates
As predicted earlier this week, Ken Maddox-Lopez did not file. Pat Bates can still face a contender, but it would come from a write-in candidate. Does it need to be an officially registered write-in candidate? Good question. Let me get back to you on that.
9. Anne Cameron Makes It Official in AD-68
Don Wagner‘s opponent Anne Cameron made it official. Let the best woman win!
10. Daly Picks Up Two Challengers
Tom Daly goes from 0 to 2 challengers in one day: Cecilia Iglesias is joined by Sherry Walker.
11. Travis Allen Ambles Back Onto the Ballot
Endorsed Democrat Joel Block and unendorsed whatever-he-is Albert Ayala will have to face incumbent Travis Allen after all. He came in pretty late — to the point where a good fender-bender would have kicked him right out of the Assembly (and given Troy Edgar something more plausible to do than what he did yesterday.) He had to wait in a long line behind, among others, me — but, while along with others (me included) who were there late he’s not yet listed as on the ballot, he apparently did make it.
12. Glaab Bags a Ballot Spot in AD-73
Wendy Gabriella‘s path to November got even easier today as now four — count ’em, four — Republican officeholders are in the race to succeed Diane Harkey. There was some chatter about Paul Glaab facing a challenge for some reason, but the ROV has him on the ballot.
13. Anila Ali Makes the Ballot; Others Waiting for Shorter Lines
Because Allan Mansoor is an eligible incumbent not seeking re-election, this race will be open until March 12, so don’t get too excited that Republicans Matthew Harper, Karina Onofre, and Emanuel Patrescu still aren’t on the ballot against Keith Curry and Democrat Anila Ali (who filed Friday) in AD-74. But don’t be surprised to see fewer Republicans running here than in AD-73.
14. Challengers Hayden and Luege Join the Ranks of Judicial Candidates
Helen Hayden is challenging Judge Derek Johnson; Carmen Luege is running against Jeff Ferguson for an open seat. Wayne Philips had already filed to run against apparently perfectly good Judge Joanne Monoike. [Motoike with a T, for God’s sake. And apparently a perfectly GREAT judge if commenter Irene Pai (below) is to be believed. – V] The big four-candidate scrum is in Office #14.
15. Al Mijares Unchallenged for County School Supe
You can still run against him as a write-in, though! Could work!
16. Boyd Challenged by Pollitt
A third candidate did not make it onto the ballot in the Area 2 County Board of Education race. It’s just incumbent David Boyd vs. Tom Pollitt.
17. Dorn Parker vs. Lindholm, One on One
Post-office dwelling paper goods manufacturer (neither of those is true) Kimberly Clark didn’t complete her filing, so it’s well-regardedincumbent Liz Dorn Parker against Dana Rohrabacher officemate Linda Lindholm.
18. Glasky Files After All
Better late than never: Ira Glasky ends the suspense in his race against Carolyn Inmon and Bob Vu. Unless I’m mistaken about Vu’s registration, this looks like one of those rare June races where the Democratic Party of Orange County endorsement might actually prove important! Yay.
19. Moreno Must Be Smiling at June 2nd Supe Lineup
Coastline Community College District Trustee Jim Moreno must be smiling at being the only Democrat up against three viable Republicans: new arrival to OC Michelle Steel, departing Assemblyman Allan Mansoor, and Huntington Beach Councilman Joe Carchio, who will divide up GOP votes nicely. Carchio informed me, when I told him that I wanted to see his great Italian restaurant reopen, that he did too — so someone get right on that!
20. Bartlett Makes It a Foursome in 5th Supe Race
Turns out that Lisa Bartlett is harder to deter from a race than some might have thought. She joins Robert Ming, Frank Ury, and Joe Williams on the ballot in this race — which will likely go past the June primary.
21. Guillory In, Bilodeau Apparently Out in Assessor’s Race!
There must be a really interesting backstory to this one. Apparently a lot of people really don’t like Claude Parrish, who got 46% of the vote against incumbent Webster in 2010. Shawn Nelson Chief of Staff Denis Bilodeau went through the whole process of filing on Thursday — except for the final step of filing the Declaration of Candidacy and being sworn in. It looks like — and this is only my speculation — maybe someone did some polling overnight and decided that Bilodeau would lose to Parrish. So, late in the day, in comes Guillory, filing all of his papers and getting sworn in — and Bilodeau never completes his filing. Happily for everyone, Guillory and Parrish can both lose, because highly experienced and honest Jorge Lopez is also on the ballot and should be both sides’ second choice. (And he should be the first choice of everyone else.)
22. Jan Grimes Does Not File for Reelection
Auditor-Controller Jan Grimes has, sure enough, not filed for reelection, so this race remains open until Wednesday. Four people have taken out papers; so far only one has made it onto the ballot.
23. Clerk Race Gets Hella Interesting for a While
I returned to the Registrar of Voters office at 3:55 yesterday, as promised, and saw Troy Edgar some yards away talking to someone whom Vern later identified as Brett Barbre. “Is Travis Allen dropping out of AD-72?” I asked Vern. Barbre overhears and calls back: “City Clerk!” “Mmmph?” I replied. Well, Vern will tell you the rest of the story himself; I get to tell you that OC will be spared a Monica Maddox vs. Steve Rocco runoff, because incumbent Hieu Nguyen and Gary Pritchard — both credible candidates — have both been sworn onto the ballot.
24. Intrepid Challenger Swoops in to Challenge Rackauckas for First Time Since 2002!
Modesty refers me from saying more than that about the District Attorney-Public Administrator’s race — at least for now. (That’s only because I’m late to leave for the convention. Talk to you later!)
25. Hutchins and Friedenrich Both Unopposed
There won’t be a new County Sheriff in town next year, at least not based on the primary election results. Nor will there be a new County Treasurer.
*it will be a great joy to vote for Wendy………with our written apologies to Rhonda…of course! But with out two votes….how much could that really cost
“The Would-be Taliban of Beach Blvd.”?
Jan Grimes didn’t file for re-election because she was never elected in the first place.
Bilodeau running for something would have been funny. He would have spent even less time at “work.”
And even less less time in his office now that his boss is apponting him to the County’s Community Development Commission (according to the online supplemental agenda), which I’m sure is a blatant conflict of interest as a full time employee of the county and an Orange City Councilman. Nelson has completely lost his marbles.
Probably a stipend in it.
To be fair, Tom Umberg didn’t “fall asleep at the wheel”, Greg.
He fell a sleep with his secretary!!
Well, but that (and I don’t know the details, as I returned to OC only around the time of the race to replace Correa on the Board of Supes) is not why I say he was asleep at the wheel. He lost largely because no one was paying attention to the political ferment within the Vietnamese community that would ultimately put two Viets into the runoff, when the assumption had been that he’d face the one of them who won the “Viet primary.” (Surprise!)
Yeah, I gotcha.
I really liked Tom at one time, but he seemed to fall victim to the political realities of California and it felt like he lost touch with his constituents. The affair certainly didn’t help, although he handled it masterfully, in terms of damage control, got out in front and took a shot in the heart so as not further embarrass the party.
The Judge’s name is Joanne MOTOIKE not Monoike. Her opponent is a nobody; he probably doesn’t even know where the county courthouses are. Joanne MOTOIKE is a former UN Prosecutor at the Hague who prosecuted war crimes. She was an experienced trial attorney who held the highest regard of prosecutors, public defenders, and bench officers and has longstanding ties to the community.
Sorry, Irene. I was cranking this out as fast as I could this morning; there were bound to be some errors. I have heard her speak and was quite impressed. I don’t know anything about her opponent except that he seems to have questionable taste in choosing which sitting judge to challenge.
Perhaps we can agree on this: on your ballot this June, look down at the judicial races — and if you see ANY JUDGE AT ALL whose name begins with “MO” and ends with “IKE,” don’t even bother looking to see what’s in between: just vote for her!
GO Robert Banuelos! Since I was in the primary with him that was bought by Mike Farber (CA-46) I had the pleasure of working with him while we competed and I will say that Robert was a gentleman and a person I could respect (at least at that time, since he went to work for Blue Dog Loretta, who knows now).
Like I said, 20 years ago he was a great candidate. He was honest, upstanding, hardworking and he really cared about the community he wanted to serve (I would hope he would say the same about me 🙂 ).
[has it really been 20 years? Oy!]
Cacityguy, I am betting that appointment for Bilodeau was to give him a better ballot designation, something like County Commissioner. If Webster didn’t turn in his papers there would have been time after the meeting on Tuesday for him to turn in his papers.
Thanks for the wrap up Greg, great job keeping us up to date with news from the front. And by the way, Guillory does a great job as County Assessor. I believe he is a registered Dem and as Assessors from neighboring counties are going to jail, you never hear about Webster handling his office in any political manner. Exactly what we need, and exactly what Bilodeau would have not done.
News about the DA’s Unconstitutional crusade against registered citizens and their families (The parks ban) has been rejected by The California State Supreme Court.