Can you say, “liability?”
Those of us who think the world of Curt Pringle, who have attached ourselves to him like barnacles, believing him to be the Machiavellian genius who will remake Anaheim in his image, and whose crumbs will inevitably fall into our gaping mouths, started to experience grave pangs of doubt in his intelligence beginning with his choice of Councilwoman Lucille Kring as his horse in the Mayoral race.
In retrospect, maybe that was a sign that our god has clay feet, that Curt doesn’t always know what he’s doing any more. Maybe it’s an early sign that rats should begin looking about for lifeboats. In what sort of altered state could it have appeared wise to wed one’s fate to a person so undeniably stupid, weak, disloyal, and regularly inebriated?
There’s little doubt in most of us Insiders’ minds that old Lucille was three sheets to the wind when she made her crack that it’s “always a good outcome” when the fatal shooting of a suspect “saves us the cost of a trial!” Did she forget that was the same forum where stupid Gail splashed so much mud on our faces back in aught-12 by thanking God for the riot saving us from having to cast embarrassing votes “without a shot fired?”
Three sheets to the wind? Yes, I’ve personally witnessed Ms. “Pop-the-Cork” passed out shitfaced at the table at TWO recent Pringle events. I know, everybody looks away, avoids the subject, but… THIS MAYOR THING IS NOT GOING TO WORK OUT.
And bad judgment clouds the minds of those who drink regularly, even when they’re sober. How about that PATHETIC performance at the OCGOP? “Yes, I promised some people, but… it wasn’t on my campaign literature.” WTF??? If you’re going to LIE, and I assume Curt chose Lucille for her willingness to lie, you LIE BALD-FACED! Like: “No, I never promised anyone anything, and if they say I did, they misheard, they’re misremembering, or THEY’RE lying.” See, THAT’S how you do it. Even I know that, and I’m just a lowly sycophant.
Hey, I wonder if Tait or Galloway are needing any new sycophants.
Those of us Insiders who remember the Godfather trilogy well (actually that’s all of us) keep thinking of Fredo, Michael Corleone’s undependable, weak, drunken, disloyal, hungry-for-approval-from-anyone brother, whom Michael finally just had to cut loose. Maybe Lucille should resign, and “save herself the cost” of … whatever is the political equivalent of a late night boat ride out onto that dark, quiet lake.
Anaheim Insider here. For The Win!
Alright, here’s a question: Just how much money is Kring’s stupidity going to cost the Anaheim taxpayer? I’d put her statement right at the top of the complaint and schedule her deposition first.
Save a trial, indeed. Way to go, Lucy. Maybe you’ll do the right thing and cut the city a check from your family trust to right your own wrong.
Dear Lucille Kring / Curt Pringle, even Robert E. Lee grew up eventually
“In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country.
So far from engaging in a war to perpetuate slavery, I am rejoiced that slavery is abolished. I believe it will be greatly for the interests of the South. So fully am I satisfied of this, as regards Virginia especially, that I would cheerfully have lost all I have lost by the war, and have suffered all I have suffered, to have this object attained.”
The deliberate targeting of people for harm by your police department is tantamount to the disgrace of slavery.
*Saw 12 years a Slave……and Lucille Kring was not in it. Saw the Butler, and Lucille Kring was not in it. Saw Dallas Buyers Club, and Lucille Kring is not a doctor! Bruno is recovering, Lucille visits him every day in the Pet Hospital….got a problem with that?
Still, Lucille believes that shooting a suspect fatally to avoid the “cost of a trial” is an acceptable policy, whether that is what happened last week or not. And as far as we know that is really what she believes, since her lame apology did NOT address that statement, but just how SAD and TRAGIC everything is.
Stop pandering to racists with these sorts of comments. This is why Kris Murray’s version of district elections is a sham. The people being pandered to would have an inordinate amount of influence in each districts outcome. This ain’t rocket science.
I was a surveillance state engineer from 1992 to 2005. You don’t more about your law enforcemet community than I do. Keep the mind open.
As I recall, Lucille said all of Anaheim should be a gang injunction area. You were there, Vern. ‘Member? You ‘member
So she fantasizes about a constitution defecating “stop and frisk” program in OC? Please win the Mayor’s race Mrs. Kring. It’ll accelerate the spot light shining required in Anaheim/Garden Grove.
At what price? A perpetual 5-0 vote is no better than 4-1, and NO questions would even get ASKED! Are you in the U-Haul business and things are slow?
Sarcasm was its name.
Wow! those are serious, damning allegations and accusations!
However, I have trouble giving credibility to an accuser who refuses to use their real name.
Of course, MY comment is parody, in keeping with my promise not to post inflammatory comments or interfere.
LOL, good point, but … WE know who it is. And we can vouch for their allegations. And why they need their anonymity … especially if they’ll keep bringing us such good material.
And he or she is OUR version of Matt Cunningham’s “Anaheim Insider.”
Well, I’d sort of like to know. The last accusations of drunkenness on this site were later corrected (but never apologized for).
Since you can’t help yourself from picking scabs: no apology is appropriate. I was provided with an alternative explanation for what many perceived over various occasions as public drunkenness. That explanation may or may not be true. I don’t want to elaborate on that explanation, so I have settled on “appeared to be drunk” and I don’t bring it up anymore — except on occasions when you get huffy.
Pathetic. I realize that in the blogging world the next to rarest words are “I made a mistake.”
The rarest words are “I made a mistake and I apologize for it.”
You said it was common knowledge that Norby had a drinking problem. That was just a lie that happened to fit your politically motivated narrative and previous obsession.
BTW, “Appeared to be drunk” is really quite chickenshit.
Guess from whom I’m disinclined to take deportment lessons, Zenger?
Prior to the discussion I previously noted with Shawn Nelson, everyone with whom I have discussed the question of whether Norby had a drinking problem, to a person, believed that he did. That is because he looked and acted like it. I am informed that there’s an alternative explanation for that.
So, while I accept that I — and most people who have followed his career, of any party — may have been wrong, it doesn’t change the assertion that common knowledge was that he did. Sometimes, though, “common knowledge” is wrong. It may have been my mistake and others’ mistakes, but it was not a deliberate lie, nor was it even particularly negligent.
Norby had other problems that I’m not mentioning here, but if you’re a true friend to him you might want to help him address those rather than continuing to press the point that he’s not actually a drunk — because for the purposes of addressing the allegations of domestic violence, it really is not decisive. The accusation was merely of legal drinking, not of smoking meth.
She has spoken of being “diabetic”, might that be a cause?
Now, back to the “How I Met Your Mother Marathon”……No spoilers please. (that was a joke, although Neil Patrick Harris is No Danny Dwyer).
I get the whole “we know” but “you don’t” thing, I even support it, but when I say anything the least bit contrarian, instead of reasonable debate, it receives the whole “blog/troll” thing.
Let us not forget, that you hosted a “troll” who is a candidate for state senate as poster.
I find that incredibly revealing. I still like what you do, and don’t hate you because I drive a caravan and you a Windstar (inside joke Bizzy).
Simply put: Whatever!
PS – Whatever happened to Part Four of the Lucas Fable or the Chris Norby is a wife beating drunk things?
Paul is in jail. We really thought he would only be there for a short time, but it’s turning out to be until May 7. I don’t want to finish the story while he’s still in jail, it’s hard to spin it as “triumphant” that way…
You used the “Norby is a drunk” cop-union lies to support your narrative that that Norby is a likely a wife-beater, not to be given the benefit of complete lack of evidence against him (and YOU want to be DA?!). “Everyone you spoke to?” Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?
When that failed you obliquely recanted, but maintained with equal ignorance that Norby “appeared drunk.” Yes, that was cowardly chickenshit. And yet you persevere. Get off your high hobby horse, jackass.
I can explain myself again — or I can just not bother.
I’m truly amazed at your insistence on rehashing this — as if whether Norby WAS drunk vs. APPEARED drunk is truly critical. It’s nice that he has friemds like you to defend his honor — but his drinking (existent or rumored had not been the main problem with him. You do him no favors by trying to get me to elaborate when I’m obviously trying not to do so.
[At the urging of a mutual friend, I’m redacting the last paragraph of this comment, regardless of whether it’s true. If you didn’t see it, ask our mutual friends.]
But she’ll probably get even more votes now. Look at the comments below the news stories.
I’d like to think that they’re not actually representative of the voting public.
Re: Above…
I’d like to think so too, but I remember what revelations about Kurt Waldheim’s nazi past did for him at the Austrian polls.
True. But she’ll be radioactive by November, if she even stays in the race. She screws up way too much — and not in a cute sitcom way.
The last Two times I spoke at the planing commission Lucille Kring called me a liar. The first time it was to protect Disney. the last time it was to defend herself, she denied Disney spending over a million dollars on independent expenditures to get her elected to do Disney’s bidding. she also denied being on the council under Sidhu. She denied voting in lockstep with Sidhu.
This current council has tried very hard to get the stink of Sidhu off the Council and then they appoint Lucille Kring to the planning commission.