Rep. G. K. Butterfield of North Carolina is now co-authoring the bill, Rep. Mike Pompeo introduced last week to prevent states from labeling GMOs. I spoke with each of their staff members today and was told by Pompeo’s spin doctor that he is a member of the Energy and Commerce committee and that gives him “the authority” to introduce the bill. Butterfield’s staff person told me that he wants a “unified” labeling approach. If states are allowed to decide for themselves it would create chaos in the marketplace.
I asked both Congressmen’s staff personnel if they would like to comment about their close ties with Koch Industries, Big Ag, and Monsanto. They did not have a comment. Then I asked how the federal government could be trusted to label genetically modified foods when the agency (the FDA) that would be in charge of the proposed law is the ex-employee of Monsanto, Michael Taylor. Again no comment.
I did find this statement from Butterfield in a press release on his government website:
…This bill has resounding support from the North Carolina Farm Bureau and the agriculture community at-large,” said Rep. G. K. Butterfield. “It prevents a mishmash of labeling standards and allows farmers to continue to produce higher yields of healthy crops in smaller spaces with less water and fewer pesticides. If passed, this will be a big win for farmers nationwide… GMOs are safe and have a number of important benefits for people and our planet. GMO crops use less water and fewer pesticides and reduce the price of crops by 15-30 percent. They also help us feed a global population of 7 billion that will grow to 9 billion by 2050, especially providing assistance to those who suffer from hunger and malnutrition. Contrary to claims by activists, there is no scientific evidence that suggests foods that contain GMOs are anything but safe.”
Does this sound like he wants GMOs labeled? I think he is more interested in keeping his farm constituents happy and keeping himself in a cushy job.
These are the Washington contact phone numbers for Pompeo and Butterfield. I urge you to call them and tell them you aren’t dumb enough to believe their lies.
Mike Pompeo (202) 225-6216
G. K. Butterfield (202) 225-3101
*Stay on top of this Inge……..we support you 100%
Nicely done.