The office of Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-KS) is not commenting on rumors floating around Washington that he is sponsoring a bill to end the GMO labeling debate once and for all. His federal law would make it illegal to label anything genetically modified, pre-empting a states right to pass and enforce labeling.
According to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, agribusiness and the food and beverage industry have given a combined $170,000 to Pompeo in campaign contributions. Are they now looking to “collect on their donations?”
You can contact Pompeo directly and tell him that he and his “bosses” are not fooling anyone. Americans fed up with the lying and shell games being played in Washington and that includes what they are doing to our food. Here is his Washington contact number ( 202) 225-6216. You can leave him a detailed message if his office is closed. I think calling our representatives is better than sending emails. It takes a shorter amount of your time and there is nothing like the “tone” of a pissed off mom to get the point across.
I already told him what I thought of his bill. Won’t you please do the same and send his phone number around social media.
“His federal law would make it illegal to label anything genetically modified, pre-empting a states right to pass and enforce labeling.”
Under what authority? The Commerce Clause?
Ironic that a liberal backed concept be skunked by running rough shod all over states rights.
“Ironic that a liberal backed concept be skunked by running rough shod all over states rights.”
Wouldn’t be the first time, brother.
Supremacy Clause.
The Supremacy Clause recognizes laws that are derived from the Constitution itself – i.e. “Constitutional”; and foreign treaties.
It would be the Commerce Clause that permits Pompeo to promulgate a nationwide law for the sake of “regulating” commerce between the States and Indian tribes.
Fine, then it’s both. But the ability of Congress to act in this area goes back at least as far as the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 (if not further), so the legitimacy of federal legislation in this area goes back quite a ways.
*These slime never cease giving their best for cash. What in the world would encourage this kind of behavior? Euros and Dollars and Stock from Goldman-Sachs….surely. God it is encouraging however to have these nerd cakes out themselves. May the name Pompeo reign forever as the poster boy for Monsanto, Dow and the un-American dream.
Please ✎SIGN✎ & SHARE Everywhere! “Big Food has found its Biggest Fool. Poltico announced this morning that Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) will introduce the #GMA Grocery Manufacturers Association’s bill to kill GMO labeling.”
✎ Sign ✎ Stop Rep. Pompeo from Supporting the Food Industry’s Bill to Preempt GMO Labeling Laws! (You may include your own comments or links)
If you live in KANSAS: Tell Rep. Pompeo: Don’t Sponsor a Bill to Kill GMO Labeling Laws!
After you take action, please ☎ Call Rep. Pompeo (202-225-6216) and post on his Facebook page and Twitter @RepMikePompeo and let him know that you are one of the 90 percent of consumers that want a mandatory GMO labeling law. You can also let him know that a bill written by the food industry should not be used to deny states their constitutional right to pass laws governing food safety.
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