“[T]he move to change the [Anaheim] mayor’s term of office from four years to two years stands out as particularly suspicious.” (emphasis added)
Bravo Orange County Register! Our very own paper-of-record is spot-on in urging Anaheim voters to vote ‘no’ on the hyper-political measure D. While coy in approach, the Register not only rejected the measure in substance but called-out a Council Majority determined to avoid the consequences of their cronyism in November.
In the Register’s words, D does “nothing more than clip Mayor Tait’s wings”. Meaning, money/time that would otherwise be spent on defeating the Council Majority must now be spent educating voters and defeating measure D. As such, the Council Majority launched this plot to distract their opponents, and with the intent of drawing resources away from the pivotal contest in November.
What the Register leaves out, is how much the Council Majority’s clever campaigning is costing taxpayers. After-all, there little ploy is also drawing funds away from the city’s budget. (see: “particularly suspicious”; read: particularly shameful)
And don’t forget also NO on Measure C, which is not something the Reg thought about. As Diamond wrote in our voter’s guide:
NO on MEASURE C — because in a package of otherwise unobjectionable technical reforms they’re trying to sneak through a proposal to combine the positions of City Treasurer (who protects city money) and City Finance Director (who plans how to spend it) into one job — and that would make corruption more likely by watering down the Treasurer’s watchdog function. AND IF YOU CAN’T UNDERSTAND A CHARTER REVISION PROPOSAL, VOTE “NO”!
Hey, Cunninghamster is now doubling back on his own tail. His latest bullshit in response to BBORW is that Anaheim’s Mayor really is just a pretty weak figurehead who doesn’t “run” anything:
“The mayor presides over the council meetings, and possess greater public authority than councilmembers due to the nature of the office, and the reality that news media looks to the mayor rather than councilmembers for public comment.
But the fact remains that the only thing the mayor runs is the council meeting. In fact, the city charter bars the mayor and councilmembers from giving direction to department heads.
“Changing the mayor’s term from two to four years doesn’t interfere with the city manager’s ability to do his/her job, nor with the ability of the mayor to pursue his or her priorities. The only real limit on the latter is the mayor’s ability to lead and put together three votes.”
If this is what the Kleptocracy really believes, then why the need to clip Tom Tait”s wings? After all he’s really little more than a talking mannequin.
And yet oddly enough these are the same mental zombies who accuse the impotent mayor of single-highhandedly queering the Great Angels Heist.
Of course in reality Measure D is about two things, the first and foremost is to try to get rid of Tait again in two years with Murray, if he wins this November. The second objective is to increase the ability of the Kleptocracy to get rid of any other upstanding person who might accidentally get into office, or who, like Tait, sees the light and decides to put the citizens ahead of the cronies .
I offer a final thought. The Klepto’s very own Bagdad Bob also claims that it is the Charter Review Commission that is responsible for all the (crooked) proposals to the Charter, conveniently ignoring the fact that the Commission was heavily stacked by appointees of the Klepto’s puppets on the City Council in the first place. Really quite extraordinary that anyone would be expected to fall for that line of happy horseshit.
I think Cynthia’s got them in a real panic.