“Friends For a Livable Fullerton” organizes to Stop Fullerton’s Core and Corridors Specific Plan

Friends for a Livable Fullerton is back, with a Facebook page dedicated to warning residents about the potential negative impacts of the Downtown Core and Corridors Specific Plan (DCCSP). FFLF was founded over eight years ago by Fullerton residents concerned about the pace of overscaled developments being allowed in the city. The new Facebook page defines the organization as existing to “Preserve Fullerton’s Uniqueness and Livability” and “Stop the New Downtown Core and Corridors Specific Plan That Fast Tracks High Density.” (The “Downtown” in the proposed plan’s title is deceiving. The DCCSP would extend along major streets as far west as Magnolia and as far east as St. College).

Vist the Friends for a Livable Fullerton Page to Stop the Core and Corridors plan here (and be sure to “Like” it and invite your Facebook friends to “Like” it too):


In an ongoing series of posts the FFLF Facebook page critiques the DCCSP…

Read more at Fullerton Rag

About Fullerton Rag

Stories cross-posted from "The Fullerton Rag" are generally written by Green and good-government activist Matt Leslie.