Pedroza tells us that Jose Solorio has a message out to his supporters explaining how he lost so badly yesterday.
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I would like to thank everyone who has been a part of our campaign journey this year. Both our Solorio for Senate and Vote for Vets campaigns have been high-visibility, positive and well-received.
We’re glad we won our top-two primary spot, but we’re especially excited that we helped Proposition 41 receive so many votes in Orange County with our Vote for Vets campaign. We dedicated our resources in June to support Proposition 41 and will now focus on winning again in November.
We’ve known from local and statewide history that Democratic turnout is always low in June. We look forward to running a robust campaign, using our 2 to 1 fundraising advantage over our opponent, to win in November when Democratic turnout will increase significantly.
Our current State Senator Lou Correa, and supporter of ours, has always shared his campaign war stories, including how Democratic voter registration is stronger today than when he won on Election Day in November eight years ago. Also, even for his re-election in 2010, he lost the June primary to Anaheim Councilwoman Lucille Kring, but went on to win the November general election by 30 percentage points.
Our path to another win in November begins today! Thank you for being a part of it.
Jose Solorio
I don’t even know where to begin. He expects us to believe that he gallantly and selflessly chose to focus on Prop 41 in the primary rather than his own campaign? WELL THANK GOD FOR THAT! Let’s look at the statewide results map and see how his efforts helped us to avert a disaster!

Just IMAGINE what this election results map would look like had Solorio not sacrificed his own interests to help pass Prop 41!
The truth, Jose. Just tell the truth. It looks something like this:
“We were confident of making the runoff even without a vigorous campaign and so chose to save our resources [including our 2:1 fundraising advantage, if that’s really true] for the November election.”
Now set aside that if Solorio really had a 2:1 fundraising advantage that he expected to carry into November, this was a really poor strategy. It risked the sort of 20-point primary loss that could lead major funders, including the California Democratic Party upon whose largesse he depends, to reassess their priorities. And it missed the chance for the sort of “dress rehearsal for November GOTV” that the Nguyen campaign has clearly been planning — and that went off wonderfully. And most importantly from my perspective, if his claim is true, then Solorio’s intentionally failing to devote resources to the primary as the leading candidate in the region was probably the deciding factor in the narrow defeat of Jim Moreno in the overlapping Supervisor’s race, because Moreno needed that GOTV machine to be working NOW!
Luckily, Solorio is surely lying that he decided — completely unnecessarily, when it came to the affecting that already certain outcome — to devote all of his resources in the primary to Prop 41, presumably in order to get some of that sweet “respect for veterans” smell on his cheeks. (If that’s what he wanted, he could have joined those of us working for a veterans’ cemetery in Irvine — the operative word not being “supporting,” but “WORKING.”) “I was busy supporting Prop 41” just a face-saving excuse. That’s OK, in principle — face-saving excuses have their role. The problem here is that it’s a face-saving excuse so loopy, so patently dishonest, that it insults the reader’s intelligence. And Solorio can’t afford to do that.
Solorio’s problem within the Democratic Party is that he is seen as self-serving and dishonest. People who know what he did to foster business interests when holding the gavel on Assembly Committees have reason to fear what he’d do in the State Senate. Unless he’s chairing a committee where supporting Democratic policies would pay off for him, handing him the gavel would be like writing off that committee’s entire docket for years. His task is to convince potential volunteers that he won’t do that. I don’t know what would accomplish that other than his having to wear a shock collar that any one of 50 people in the party could activate, but nevertheless, that’s his task. The alternative is to hope that Janet Nguyen goes to jail before Halloween.
Disingenuous messages like this — he’s “glad” that he made the top two, but “exicited” (!) that he helped pass Prop 41 by putting up some reputation-burnishing signs — do not help him. Telling the unvarnished truth — and acting in such a way that telling the truth about himself doesn’t hurt him — is what helps him. And wrapping himself in the embrace of Lou Correa, who fought Lyin’ Lucy Kring to a virtual draw in the 2010 primary before squashing her hapless carapace in November, is a dangerous gambit because many people speculate that Correa would be happy to see Nguyen win because he still needs somewhere to land her victory it would open up the 1st District Supervisor seat for him. But sure, we’ll play along — and we’ll see how often Correa appears with Solorio and how hard he slams Nguyen.
The biggest problem that Solorio has right now is that the Latinos in the district didn’t come out to vote — and that is largely a function of the fact that energizing Latino leadership in the district is lacking. (Loretta does what she can, but she’s in DC.) Having a Latino State Assembly representative would have helped to change that — and it would be someone with whom Solorio could negotiate — but no one did more to ensure that the 69th District seat would be held by Tom Daly rather than a Latino than Solorio himself.
As for Pedroza’s own commentary:
I know for a fact that Solorio did not attack Nguyen in the Primary because he wanted her to advance to the General Election but now she has a mountain of momentum despite her corrupt ways.
No, you don’t “know that for a fact.” Long Pham was not going to beat Janet unless she was in jail; Solorio no more had to intercede in that choice than he did in the Prop 41 race. Vern notes that Solorio and Pham are friends — and thinks that Solorio himself may have recruited Pham into the race. Why? Because it was important to hold Janet below 50% in the primary — not that you’d know it from the above letter. And, of course, that didn’t happen.
To all of Solorio’s supporters — and I have been one, even if uncomfortably, for the past half-year — if you let him think that sending out obviously insincere (despite the “sincerely” signature, which is a nice touch) public letters like this helps him, then you are contributing to what will be, unless the FBI rides to his rescue, his defeat. Be straight with him about the need to be straight with you. (And if any of you can get a good deal on a shock collar in his size, please let me know and I’ll head to Kickstarter.)
Solorio has never inspired any confidence and this election shows why. He’s either getting terrible advice or he is just afraid of a real contested election and doesn’t know how to work it, or both. He sure looks diffident and weak in either case and why on Earth try to put a shine on the road apple? Nobody’s going to partake of it anyway.
His opponent has been revealed as a greedy, grasping, divisive, petulant, childish, incompetent grifter whose staff is employed by the taxpayer to work her fundraising circuit.
Alaric could have beater her in a fair election.
Jose is in a pickle. If he goes to the left for progressives, he will alienate the conservative voters in his district. And by that I mean the actual democrats in that district who are NOT of the DFA/PDA stripe but more of the business friendly Democrat type.
I personally think he could do a 360 on his stance on the drug war and dirty cops and pick up a great amount of conservative votes that way as even that demographic is fed up with dirty cops and billion dollar prison guard unions etc. But if he spouts one sympathetic word toward the war n drugs (Actually people) n the prison industrial complex, i will be the first to be kickin his ass.
I think that you mean a 180, right?
Yes thanks for the correction.
From Arnold’s best movie, The Last Action Hero.
I too have been underwhelmed by Solorio, for pretty much his entire political career. He was able to advance from the SA City Council (a feat few if any have ever done), but, that is hardly an accomplishment.
While Greg Diamond claimed “not to see the flyer” where Solorio championed the words VOTE FOR VET’S atop his name JOSE SOLORIO. While I don’t think that impacted his poor showing, I found it disgusting, disingenuous, well no it was BULLSHIT. Plain and simple. I wish people would call him out. I saw these signs littering the district. I am sure others did too.
As for the whole “Latino” thing, we are way further down the road than I thought when RACE trumps ability. That’s what everybody is saying: “Wow, there are so many Mexicans in Anaheim and Santa Ana, why didn’t Jose do better????
NEWSFLASH: Maybe he suck’s! Maybe he looks like a with his moustache and bigger without it! Maybe, he pissed people off with his voting record (HIGHLY DOUBTFUL, People don’t know, nor care what he did in Sacramento). If Richard Ramirez ran in the sixty ninth should he beat Pol-Pot?
Once again, we try to understand voting patterns and why what happened happened.But, there may be no understanding.
Maybe he just sucks. Sure Janet may suck bigger, but only a few thousand people get to decide. The reality is this: the majority of voters (and even greater majority of residents) in the 34th Senate District Don’t care who or what represents them.
Despite all this I still think his is a manipulative pig. Remember this 70 years ago , those guys were scaling the walls at Omaha Beach. Most of them are dead now.
Yeah, I think that Richard Ramirez could beat Pol Pot in the 69th, unless Pol Pot had the OCBC endorsement, which I suppose would be possible. Are you speaking in some sort of code?
At the time that I said that I hadn’t seen the flyer (by which I presumably meant “poster”), I hadn’t. Since then, while driving around Garden Grove, I did. I believe that I even mentioned it here, in the context of “if you love vets, you’ll love Jose Solorio!” being a really poor (and really disingenuous) pitch.
Thank You for an honest response on the “Vote For Vet’s” thing.
No code. I think you know what I mean. We like to say race doesn’t matter and we decry racial barriers, but then scratch our collective heads when a Mexican doesn’t win in Santa Ana.
So either our faith in voter intelligence is dashed (mine is decimated) OR we don’t really believe in equality and can’t understand why a James Hahn could win in a black district or Janet Ngyuen in a largely Hispanic district. I think we saw proof of this in the 69th last time, when neither Perez, Martinez (who actually lived in the district) and Moreno lost to what voters considered the better candidate. YOU didn’t think so, I didn’t think so but, the voters did. They did decisively, I think. So while I understand very well the demographic argument, the marketing or “Kardashianization” of the power of the Hispanic vote might be over rated. just ask the two guys who got DESTROYED running Ceci Iglasias, Talk about a goat fuck!
By the way what happened in your race is that to be covered in the Grand Finale of the election review?
POSTERS: NOTE: my name misspellings were not intended as “Obvious Racial Slurs” or any other “secret” doing, I am just a shitty speller.
There’s no “Grand Finale.” But there are less-grand additions still to come. One is coming along soon.
Perez did live, and still lives, in the district. Honestly — you and that guy “carpetbagger” — sheesh!
The Independent Expenditures for Daly and against Perez in that race totalled about $1,000,000 — and before you mention Anna Bryson, they weren’t bunched up together relentlessly at the end and attributed to a rich guy that a lot of Orange County conservatives hate. That’s why Daly won.
A look at all sorts of districts up and down the state will show you that race does matter to voters, especially in poorer or otherwise underserved areas. You do the research.
Viet’s vote Latino’s don’t.
Doo-dah, doo-dah.
I kinda of like the Carpetbagger cabal, I am stunned you haven’t figured that one out yet. It’s quite brilliant, my favorite Perez Quote:
“you have a guy who makes a hundred thousand dollars per year, working for the union, he is tens of thousands of dollars in debt, yet he can’t seem to settle/reorganize it? On top of it, he pull’s down that kind of bread and rents a room in a rundown house in Santa Ana”
I think that one speaks volumes. I think #3 gets credit….but it could be #2….but I digress.
I know that RACE does matter, but, my point is it shouldn’t! we should ALL focus on the candidate, not the party not the ethnic background of him or her. As for underserved areas, we repeatedly see the same shenanigans no matter what the race of the elected (look at Santa Ana).
I look forward to your take on the DA race. I hope you consider the words of the influential man of our formative years: “It’s better to burn out, then to fade away”.
No, you don’t “know that for a fact.”
Only Greg Diamond can make those kinds of silly claims.
Great news, everyone!
Thanks in part to Jose Solorio, the lone holdout county, Modoc, is now within four votes of making statewide county support for Prop 41 unanimous!