Here’s Johnny…….and there he goes!

Do you sometimes meet people that you immediately take a dislike to?  In this world of political correctness, it becomes tougher and tougher to be truthful when asked for your opinion.  Luckily, here on the OC Juice…..most purveyors of truth, justice and the American way…..all tend to go….their own way on most things, which is very refreshing.  We have a unique cross cut of humanity, bureaucracy, political identities and odd ball humor.  Many times, our ruffled feathers land everywhere from the bluster and luster.  Sometimes we have to remind each other, that we admire and respect our brothers and sisters in arms as we tackle the worlds problems with some sense of urgency and inquiry.

There is little doubt that when you find this many overblown egos out of control, stubborn attitudes and decisive positions on qualitative and quantitative issues may be twisted here and there – just in order to bring a sense of cohesion to the process.  The unvarnished truth is that baloney occasionally rules the dialogue for a while, until emotions get under control and are brought back to the clear thinking and analysis that should be required to find either a suggested resolution and identify a possible unique idea which could solve the problems at hand.

We sometimes write about sports on this blog, because it is as American as apple pie and Chevrolet.  Sports is a metaphor for all of life, “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat!” said John Cameron Swazi with his TimeEx advertisements keeping us affordably informed of the the time of day.  Oh they had those wonderful Omega Chronograph watches back in the day, but those were usually reserved for astronauts, commercial and private pilots.  The 1956 Olympic games in Melbourne taught us that even the 4 minute mile could be broken.  Roger Banister did it and fell in a heap at the finish.  It made us understand the commitment to excellence that was required.  Years later, they did a movie called “Chariots of Fire”…..which was about an earlier time of competition in the Global Community.  As we look back and remember Jim Thorpe, Duke Kahanamoku, Jesse Owens and Dr. Sammy Lee….one thing is clear:  minorities could be great or greater than anyone ever thought possible.  Jim Thorpe had all his Olympic Medals taken because he played summer league football.  Duke got to come to the mainland, but went back and created surfing USA.  Jesse Owens broke Adolph Hitlers heart and still got no respect in any restaurant in America.  Dr. Sammy Lee came back home to Orange County and couldn’t buy a house, because of his ethnicity.  Sports do say something about our society and the issues, in our opinion.

Fast forward back to today.  Hey Le Bron games has moved on to the Cleveland Cavs…..anyone care?  How about Michael Sam and his white boy friend…anyone care about that?  How about Donald and Shelly Sterling and their nonsense….anyone care about that?  What about Aaron Hernandez, the Patriot tight end that is accused of killing several folks….anyone care about that?  How about all the concussions that are crippling pro players, college players, high school players and even Pee Wee League players….anyone care about that?  What about all the drug abuse by professional, college and high school athletes…anyone care about that?  The point is:  Sports are part and parcel of our society and be had better take notice of things that come up along the way.  The NCAA has recently changed to the rules for establishing what teams can compete for the top four teams to play for the Football National Championship.  The formula for this program is not transparent or fair….and totally dogmatic……anyone care about that?  Perhaps players,  that have their future earnings controlled by these kingmakers of the NCAA.  Hype, Sponsorships, Sports Coverage on Television, Sports Contracts like the Dodgers or Lakers or now Alabama and Notre Dame are just the tip of the iceberg and does not count the Global Gambling venues which amounts to a $350 Billion dollar business….and that is just what we know of.

Johnny Manziel is a made up phenom that with less humility than a piss ant called himself:  “Johnny Football”.  Johnny boy played for Texas A & M and won the Heisman Trophy.  Goodie Goodie no hoodie!  Johnny Manziel is a white boy from a southern state that is playing for the Cleveland Browns.  He is being pumped to the public as the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Please call us when he wins his third Super Bowl.  There is little doubt that the Cleveland Browns do need to hype up their ticket sales and TV contracts.  Hey, Cleveland is turning into the Sports Capital of the western world with Le Bron at the Cavs and Johnny Boy at the Browns.  However, we have great doubts that Johnny Football will ever surpass Otto Graham as arguably the greatest NFL Quarterback of all time.  He will be no Joe Montana, Tom Brady or Terry Bradshaw….either.  In fact, throughout NFL history we can think of no quarterback we have liked less and he hasn’t even taken his first snap, in the first game of his NFL career.  Heck, we are pulling for Josh McCown who was unceremoniously dropped by the Chicago Bears – because our other unfavorite Jay Cutler didn’t want the competition and was sent to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  We think Josh will restore that franchise to greatest….our early prediction.

Another really offensive quarterback, in addition to Cutler and Manziel is Tony Romo from Dallas who is tied with Payton Manning from Denver for being unlikeable.  Phillip Rivers of the San Diego Chargers is also another self defeating type who we can never approve of.  This brings us to who we like:  Ever heard of the Seattle Seahawks?  How about Pete Carroll?  How about Russell Wilson?  This is a nice guy – win or lose!  Good quarterbacks are like that.  Everyone, we believe has there own type of quarterback they like.  We know one thing:  anyone who likes Johnny Manziel will never like us much.  Anyone that likes Tony Romo….has a screw loose.  Anyone that like Jay Cutler, probably needs a psychotropic drug to take throughout the 16 games of the NFL season.

Recently, the NFL has determined in their wisdom that LA needs a NFL Franchise.  Wow… many years have the Raiders been in Oakland?  The Raiders and the Rams left back in 1995!  Hey, we are going on 20 years without an NFL Franchise….and doing just fine.  During the Pete Carroll years at USC…..that was our Pro Team.  Those days are gone…eh?  UCLA is the new Blue?  Not too sure about that.  Sarkesian and Haden at USC make a lovely McCain and Graham team….and we are not impressed.  So, Roger Goodell says that the next Franchise will go to either Chicago or Los Angeles  and Chicago has just been crossed off the list…..that leaves Billings, Montana or Los Angeles.  Hmmm, tough choices Roger!  Let’s just say, “we don’t need no stinking franchise!” …as they said so eloquently  in the “Treasure of Sierra Madre”!

So, this all brings us back to where we started:  “Here’s Johnny……and there he goes!”  May his career in the NFL be short and sweet.  May he wind up a coach at Texas A & M helping other kids make it in the NFL after getting that wonderful “Interdisaplinary Studies” Sheep Skin Graduation Certificate! “Sports the Final Frontier……going no place that man has gone before……..Star Trek  Part V!  Or VI or VII or VIII and there will still be gambling on Titan!  The planet…not the team stupid!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.