This is an update to the story I wrote earlier this month:
I just found this article written by a woman who just completed a nutritionist course. Here is a snippet of what she wrote:
I decided that it would be a unique “cultural exchange” to experience what traditional Nutritionists learn. Although I did learn a few useful things that I will outline below, for the most part I was shocked and disappointed to see the mis-truths and lack of unbiased information being presented to the students. Well, we all know that industry sponsors many universities through expensive grants, so could we really expect these teaching institutions to maintain an impartial perspective?
Many times during the course, I felt like I was being fed propaganda created directly by the food industry and/or Monsanto themselves. I actually feel bad for anyone who spends the money on a 4-year Nutrition Degree, because they may enter their study with high hopes of helping others, but how can they really help guide others through nutrition and diet when they are being taught lies? It’s truly a shame to see a system that is so broken and so far away from the relevance of a real natural, whole and pure diet and its effect on one’s health.
You can read more here.
In my opinion, anyone who pays attention can see that the food industry is doing its best to pollute our health professionals with their profit driven propaganda. And it appears that those in charge of these institutions have no problem “prostituting” themselves to make that “all mighty dollar.”
I read an article the other day in the Huffington Post written by an “expert” in nutrition, who represents, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND), the world’s largest non-profit organization of food and nutrition professionals. What I read made my jaw drop. I don’t know why I still get surprised when I read something that clearly favors the junk food industry over educating the public as to what foods are healthy. You can read the article here if you would like to know more. The title is, “8 Things Nutrition Experts Wish You Would Stop Saying About Food.” What they should have added was: “Brought to you by, Sara Lee, Kelloggs, and Coco Cola.”
The gist of the article states there is no nutritional difference between a bowl of Cheerios and a bowl of brown rice with steamed vegetables. It is clear to anyone who knows even a smidgen about a healthy diet can see it for what it is: an infomercial for the processed, junk food industry.
I was not the only who was upset over this article written in the Huffington Post (whom I trusted in the past to offer well informed, well thought out stories…but maybe I was naïve?). Other health bloggers wrote responses too.
This is apparently not new. A post written in “” last year pointed out:
Then… I found this video on You Tube that confirmed my suspicions. ACEND gets contributions from (guess who) the wonderful members of the Grocery Manufacturers Association. The same group who are suing Vermont over GMO food labeling.
It looks like the food industry will continue to try and sell the public chicken shit and package it as chicken salad.
Kinda sickening huh? I’m glad there’s a few level headed people out there who can see the green dress through the Matrix! We have some work to do though…
There is NOTHING in this article that even REMOTELY equates “a bowl of Cheerios and a bowl of brown rice with steamed vegetables”.
This article that was really a series of quotes by different registered dietitians on a variety of diet myths. Diet nazis may not like to hear it, but the reality is that with a couple of caveats ( 1) specific health issue restrictions, like diabetes , etc., and 2) everything in moderation) that most people can eat whatever they want within reason and it probably won’t affect their longevity or overall health. The thing that most determines longevity and health; genetics.
Best advice; Eat, drink and be merry.
WOW! You’re back! I missed you girlfriend and I knew you couldn’t stay away, you enjoy my writing too much 😉
Actually Inge, I’m just shocked that Gregg and Vern give a platform to a serial … hmmm, how should I phrase it, uh, how’s about … MISLEADER.
Your posts and comments are so spurious and uninformed that someone needs to step up and set out the facts. I see that as usual you make no defense of your post, (heavy editing … bad anonster, bad).
And you’re a little behind the curve, I’ve been “back” over a week now, but you should know that, unless you just post and run.
Belated welcome back. (I’ve been busy.) As I’ve written before, in my view Inge represents the view of a large swath of citizens, one that seems particularly prevalent in OC, and that generally doesn’t get as much coverage as others. As I believe that sunlight is the best disinfectant (and that whether she’s right or wrong, she’s at least not bought by any special interests), I’m happy to give her a forum to write what she likes and am happy for you and others to challenge her.
For the record, I agree with Inge on some issues (GMOs, fracking, TPP, Occupy-related banking issues) and disagree on others (vaccinations, Cliven Bundy, Libya, some other government interventions.) That’s OK. I’ll tell you from my involvement in politics that there are megatons of people who agree with her — and many of them are the elusive independent/uncommitted/NPP voters who are disaffected with rather than uninterested in politics. I find that damned interesting and learn things about current political thought from her that I would not as likely (or at least as conveniently) learn elsewhere. I hope that you two can coexist, even with some bruises. Zenger and I manage to!
Here — you will enjoy this and I’ll bet that Inge will have a sense of humor about it:
The Daily Show
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show Video Archive
The Daily Show always cracks me up! Good find Greg! And Anonster isn’t the only one who enjoys criticizing me. I’ve got a fan all the way from China who insists I am a paid liar who never had cancer. I take all of it with grain of salt (Himalayan salt that is).
“The thing that most determines longevity and health; genetics.” Challenging facts is one thing – presenting ignorant fallacies as fact is another thing altogether. You are entirely wrong, and obviously void of any education on the topic. You would do well to keep your words few.
Aaron, you’re right, just “genetics” was a gross over-simplification. That should have had a large caveat; with a healthy lifestyle and a job or environment that aren’t detrimental.
But one doesn’t need to be perfect in order to have a “healthy lifestyle”.
One could eat Cheerios everyday and live to 100 or eat only “super foods” and die at 50, it really is a crap shoot. We all know (or have heard about) overweight, chain smokers who lived into their 80’s and 90’s and slim, non-smokers who die of lung-cancer or have heart attacks in their 40’s and 50’s.
I think a lot of health claims about foods and diets mislead people into thinking they will live longer rather than saying you might feel better while you live.
Actually, anonster was not “entirely” wrong. That is simply not a true statement. Genetics do play a major role in our health and longevity. Even, to a degree, regardless of our diet and other factors.
Here’s the thing with Inge’s posts; anonster and others have so frequently debunked aspects of what she’s written, and she’s so prone to speculative conspiracy-theory thinking in general, that I simply don’t find her to be a reliable, or interesting, source of information on this particular topic.
Please read this abstract from US library of Medicine regarding genetics, cancer and lifestyle (environment)
Also, my article is about the relationship between the junk food industry and ACEND…. and yes, all processed food is junk food, .
The purpose of my posts is to give my readers all the information they need to make an INFORMED decision when they buy food. Our government agencies, who are paid to do that seem to work for corporations instead. It is up to them to do what they want with that information.
I am around cancer patients 10 hours a week and there is an epidemic of cancer cases. The cancer center at the hospital valet parked 50 cars a day 2 years ago, now it’s over 200. Our patients are getting younger and younger. Most oncology doctors there are having their patients change their diets because more and more research points to a bad diet as the culprit (along with smoking). The hospital I am at is a teaching/research hospital they have access to information long before other hospitals do. Why? Because its about money and funding. Hospitals do not share information until they can get credit for it.
But of course there are some who refuse to believe food can be medicine or it can kill you. I see it at the clinic. People hate change. There will be those (doctors) who say they can keep living an unhealthy lifestyle and pop a pill or two to manage their disease.. but it isn’t long before those patients’ names are entered in “Remembrance” book.
“But of course there are some who refuse to believe food can be medicine or it can kill you.”
If you’re suggesting that’s what I’m doing, you’re way off base. It wouldn’t be the first time.
Inge, there was nothing “informative” in your post. You blatantly mischaracterized the article that you were criticizing.
First off you infer that the author wrote the entire article when in fact it was a series of quotes by different dietitians that the author assembled. Secondly, you never give one scintilla of evidence that the author(s) or the article promotes junk food.
“What I read made my jaw drop. I don’t know why I still get surprised when I read something that clearly favors the junk food industry over educating the public as to what foods are healthy.”
Why don’t you find the quotes that back up that assertion, as I can’t find them in this article.
Anon… I don’t know who you are, so I do not know what you eat or your lifestyle. I am speaking in general terms, but I do visit patients who see cancer as an imposition to their lifestyle. They continue to eat junk, smoke and drink alcohol, which probably got them into the condition the are in. Many tell me they are dying anyway so they will go out with a bang. Others eat a steady diet of junk food not understanding the consequences.
For every action there is a consequence, and we should be able to make informed choices that are best for us and not be fed a load of crap from the food industry.
*Inge, good heads up as usual. The truth of the matter for those who give a hoot is that many so-called pro-health blogger/expert/activists are actually just paid off grifters for the Big Pharma crowd. We do have to be careful in assessing the validity of any claims right now, both pro and con. The Soy Lecithin, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Canola Oi-Rapeseed bunch ….just to start are shaking in their collective boots. No one is buying these GMO – Round packed goods and it is freaking the entire Medical Industry out. Deservedly so….we might add. They have been boosting Diet Coke for so long they thought they had bad health for all guaranteed. The folks are catching on and when no one buys their crap anymore…..they can go into Wind and Solar power to make a living.
I believe some common sense is needed to be able to make decisions in our treatment and lives, as well as the latest information available. The white paper Inge referenced is pretty old, 2008 and some of the information has since, proven untrue.
The author touches very briefly on the role of viruses in human cancer. Since then viruses seem to be implicated in an awful lot of cancers that were conventionally thought of as being related to alcohol or tobacco use, but actually test positive for virus signatures.
Like my HPV-16+ tonsillar cancer. I’m certain that a lot of cancers will be discovered that have less to do with both alcohol or tobacco and more to do with social contact and viruses. Of course at this point I have no real proof of that. Considering that many of these viruses are still being differentiated and knowledge of their epidemiology are still being discovered.
Vitamin E for instance isn’t the panacea it was thought to be nor some of it’s other claims that showed early signs of benefits, seemed to show less scientific connection upon closer examination.
Anti-oxidants may actually be the exactly what’s NOT needed, since cancer cells don’t die a “natural death” (apoptosis) like normal cells. But that’s just one area that has recent input from the experts. “Drs. Tuveson and Chandel explain why eating foods rich in antioxidants, as well as taking antioxidant supplements, can actually promote cancer, rather than fight or prevent it, as conventional wisdom suggests.”
Bottom line, nobody knows for sure what the causes or the cures are for all cancers, nobody. While nutrition probably plays a part in all of our daily lives, even the experts aren’t sure how much of it is genetic, how much of it is situationally based on our environmental and exertion loads, as well as our abilities to digest said fuels for our bodies.
There is a great deal of hope out there for the future. As genetic tools get better we will see a great deal of additional knowledge come to bear in the fight of cancers as well as other disease. Here’s a article about such studies that will add to that.
Inge, while we may not see eye to eye on some things, we’re both fighting for our lives and trying to inform others about what we see as a way to help in that fight. I must thank you for bringing up the subject, making me work a little harder to find what I have seen, so I can bring it to the attention of others who might share that fight. Keep it up!
Since even the experts have very heated discussions on the subject I would expect nothing less from the audience we have here on the OJB. Live, love, enjoy what you have while you have it, life is fleeting.
Hold up — you’re writing off all professional nutritionists, a few of whom said some relatively uncontroversial things in the article you linked, because their professional association allegedly has donors you don’t like? (I don’t see where the video you included supports that claim.)
No matter what you think about GMOs, this is disordered thinking.
*Pappa Carlo, God bless and keep us all. Here is a wonderful thought balloon for you to think on: White Cell count! White cells as everyone knows come riding to the rescue when virus and fungai and leukemia and other things come a calling. When you produce too many White Cells….people get cancer. The blood work ups of the 50’s and 60’s were on the right track….what wasn’t on the right track was using chemo therapy (deadly poison) and radiation (terrible cell damage) to fix cancer. They could not determine if it would be better to use heat or cold during surgery, which being blood related caused the cancers to mitastasize throughout the body. Many times these cancers had already progressed before detection. Therefore, early detection became the calling card of physicians. The problem however is, was and has been bad diagnoses and worse wrong treatment. The Cancer Centers of America already use various, vaccines made from the cancers they discover. They take the biopsy and create a unique vaccine to be reinjected into the tumor….which eviserates it. Additionally, today Nano surgery is being used to target larger tumors of the Pancreaus and Brain. The Healthcare Industry has old equipment….out of date and calibrated Radiation machines which they paid untold millions for 10 years ago. They can virtually do more harm than good. As we all know, Big Pharma is not creating any cures anymore. Right now we have a terrible shortage of new anti-biotics to take out lots of different Hospital generated Staph infections, MERS and a long list of others. The Big Pharma folks don’t want to invest one dime in something that gets used for three weeks and you are cured. No, they want you to use Celebrex, Cialis and a huge list of drugs which either do harm and require other drugs to fix the side effects or they want you to be hooked on that drug for many many years. In the words of Sonny Corelone: “There’s big money in that white powder Pop!” We are discovering more and more about various supplements that cure…….every day. It usually takes some catastrophic event to get your attention…..but luckily …….the info in on the web….if you dare to look. Anything you put in your body – should be studied by at least five separate sources – for side effects. Just so you know how deep things can get about anything medical try this: Which company in World War II made the poison gas that killed all the jews and gypsies? Bayer! Sound familiar! We are all in this together and we all have to fight the food additives that kill, maime or disable. We ingest them every day and we don’t have to. As we have said for so long: Go through your food cabinets at home and just look for one thing: Soy Lecithin. Through anything with Soy Lecithin out and never ingest it again. That is called step one! Go to the web and look up Soy Lecithin and the side effects…..thats all. Do not believe us. Look yourself.
See the update!