Irvine Police Department – are they getting enough Support?



Most Irvine residents undoubtedly realize that we have the distinction of being the safest city in the United States.  Many have read or heard the results of the annual Forbes report that has Irvine atop the safety rankings.  Even those who may have missed this have perhaps made similar personal observations.  Whenever the Irvine Police Department is called upon for help, residents can rest assured that they will be there, usually with a response time of two minutes or less.  The fact is that we all enjoy a level of safety and security unparalleled in cities across this country.

A look at the statistics makes this point even more impressive.  According to Business Insider, Irvine has had the lowest violent crime rate in the nation for an amazing nine years in a row.  The City Data Crime Index, which is based on numbers of murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, and arsons, reveals Irvine with a rating of 89.4, much lower than the national average of 316.9.  This is even more impressive considering that Irvine is much safer than neighboring cities such as Santa Ana and Costa Mesa who have indexes of 229.6 and 234.3 respectively.  Additionally, Irvine’s Violent Crime Index is 34.6 compared to a national average of 252.4.

These statistics are certainly impressive and we all owe a great deal of gratitude to the Irvine Police Department for their efforts in making this community the safest in the nation.  When living is such a safe area, it is natural to sometimes take this for granted; however, it is important to realize that these men and women put their lives on the line daily to protect and serve.  This is a police department that routinely takes drunken drivers off the streets at sobriety checkpoints, keeps our families safe by partnering with events such as the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day and Distracted Driving Awareness month, and educates the community through events such as September’s National Emergency Preparedness Month.

Recently my campaign director Miguel Ileto Carlos Partner of Proximity LLC and Secure Channels, with his fiancé were having dinner at Ruby’s Diner. He stated that he had left his table only for a moment only to return from the restroom and found his cell phone had been taken.

He wanted to say” thank you to the manager of Ruby’s Diner and the security team  of the Irvine Spectrum,  in particular Officer S. Paulsen #418, for a job well done”.

“The officer assisted me with the return of my cell phone. Within 2 minutes!! They found the suspect right away. With a short description and little information they were able to apprehend the person who took my phone”.

“Within seconds the police department arrived and took action immediately, And I was very pleased with the results. I am very happy and felt very safe regardless of what happened here in Irvine. It is proven safe. I wanted to reiterate the words used by the Irvine Police Department which really stood for Integrity, Quality Service, Accountability and Respect. I love Irvine and I will fully support the Irvine Police Department”.

With such a low crime rate and such extraordinary efforts of the Irvine Police Department, it would seem that Irvine is fortunate to have a strongly staffed, well-funded police department. However, that isn’t necessarily true. In 2012, Irvine had 0.92 law enforcement officers per 1,000 residents, significantly lower than the state average of 2.36 per 1,000. This is important for several reasons.

First, it truly showcases just what an amazing job our police are doing. And secondly, it illustrates a pressing community need. The Irvine Police Department does not receive adequate support from the current city council. They need more officers, a larger department, and more up-to-date equipment among other things. They need a government that will hear their grievances and needs and respond to them in the same prompt manner with which they respond to the needs of our citizens.

Safety is one of the cornerstones of an effective community and is one of the reasons Irvine is a place where families, education, and local businesses thrive.   It is simply not something that should be taken for granted.

About Irvine Valkyrie

Irvine Valkyrie is Katherine Daigle, the once and future Irvine mayoral candidate, an independent-minded Republican who is aligned with neither of the two dominant Irvine political cliques.