AnaheimBlog Censortopia Open Thread, Round 2

Ah,  It’s just the gift that keeps on giving.

Or as one of our Skadooshy nominees would say, the gift that keeps on grifting!

It’s been an entertaining week.  What started off as a mere misadventure into mockery quickly developed into something more meaningful.  Indeed, before our Juicing mission was complete, we would delve into the innermost sanctum of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce.  What would we discover in the dark depths of the kleptocracy?

Betrayal?  Absolutely.  Conspiracy?  Of course.  Accusations of criminal behavior???  YES!

In what can only be described as a stunning display of stupidity, Anaheim Insider appears to accuse city staff of violating the Brown Act, a crime, in order to perpetuate what’s obviously a lie about Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait:

Tait had long known about the framework of the MOU. He had even told Arte Moreno, in person, months before, that he was fine with the framework. That’s one of the reasons Arte ultimately agreed to the MOU: he thought Tait was on board because Tait had told him so.

In order for Mayor Tait to have “long known about the framework of the MOU” city staff would have had to leak information discussed in closed session to the Mayor, who had been excluded from discussion as a precaution related to a property disposal near the stadium within the prior year.  Not only would that be wrong, this would be a crime.

Now, it’s one thing to lie about something to score political points.  It’s another to implicate another in a crime in order to perpetuate a tall tale.  Either Anaheim Insider is a liar who completely made up the story or someone at City Hall belongs in jail.  Given that Arte Moreno formed a land development company mere days before the MOUs were signed and given that the contract authorizing the economic study supporting the MOUs was authorized the weekend before the vote, it’s highly improbable the framework existed in any appreciable time frame before it was approved last September.  And, if it were, it’d make liars out of the four council members who ultimately approved the MOUs on the basis of the “substantial” economic benefits the Angels provide to the city, which had been concocted only hours before the vote.

So, I’ll leave it to you to conclude.  Is Anaheim Insider a liar or did he just out a public employee for breaking the law just to make me look silly?  You decide.

While our journey into Mordor was wrought with gloom and despair, I was surprised to find a light glowing ever so faintly in the darkest of all possible places.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, it is true.  Matthew Cunningham has . . . a conscience.  BEHOLD, CUNNINGHAM EXPRESSES REGRET:

By the way, Ryan. You may have noticed that I’ve retrieved a number of your comments (and Zenger’s) from the trash and published them. Generally, I don’t like engaging with either of you and try to avoid it. Other commenters are free to do so. I don’t enjoy it because your relentless negativity doesn’t bring out the best in me, and I find myself typing (or being tempted to type) intemperate things I regret.

Going forward, I will continue allowing as many of comments as possible from you and Zenger, but I will edit them in the interests of polite conversation without removing the points being made.

In this my friends, you and I have made the world a better place.  While we may be the devil that tempts Matt Cunningham’s soul into sin, like all sinners, he is free to turn back to the light.  Let us all hope that he finds the light warm and pleasing.

With that, let us turn to  the first OrangeJuiceBlog Skadooshy Award.  From over 150 comments spread across two blogs I present to you our nominees:

Vern Nelson reminds Dan Chmielewski that Dan is supposed to be a Liberal, not a soulless douchebag who comforts the comfortable:

You remain the most pathetic creature that comments here, masquerading as a liberal while defending Rackauckas and Kring, and ridiculing candidate forums in poor neighborhoods for not having as big an attendance as an Angels game.

Oh yes, Skadoosh.

David Zenger:

Isn’t just it horrid how I’ve been forced to support a left-winger?

But really, what choice has the oligarchy left? But what about that $158,000,000 tax kickback to develop a hotel the free market couldn’t build? How did that advance anybody’s freedom?


Honorable mention from Mr. Zenger:

Why should Tait take the blame for the Angels (phony, by the way) talks with Tustin? Kring was the one who voted to give Moreno another three years on the opt out.

That extension was handed away with ZERO consideration, all based on the flimsy say-so of somebody named Charles Black who appeared to be working for the Angels.

Greg Diamond:

I forget what the “campaign to convince voters that Jordan Brandman was probably a criminal” was about at the moment, but if it had anything to do with the Wikipedia report then it had some serious validity. I have hoped that Brandman would have learned from that; some people learn slower than others.


Anonymous masked as “Arte Moreno”:

Sounds like Lucille’s leadership involves shooting people to save money as she said before the public during a city council meeting. What kind of leadership is that? Not one that I want to negotiate with.

OOOOOHHHHHHH.  Wait.  That just reminds me of how incredibly unqualified Lucille Kring is to hold public office.  This isn’t funny at all.  She actually said that allowing one of her constituents to die saved us the cost of a trial . . . and that’s always a good thing.  Ick.  No skadoosh.


Orange County needs a new District Attorney who will prosecute police officers and politicians who contribute to his campaign.

I bet Mayor Paulido is really, REALLY hoping that didn’t skadoosh too hard.

Gabriel San Roman:

A white person is telling me, a brown person, that I don’t understand the definition of racism even though I, a brown person, have experienced it in Anaheim, where Matt, a white person, literally can not!

Matt, come on!  What were you thinking?  You might want to not lecture anyone on what racism is or isn’t for another year or so.  Just sayin’.  Skadoosh.

And finally, for reminding us that the root of what good politics is supposed to be . . . overcoming fear to do what is right and in the best interests of the people:

“Tait’s primary objective (with help from attack dogs like you) was to as a wedge to try and hurt his colleagues politically.”

Even if this were true, you now, finally admit that political fear kept the Feeb Four from doing what you consider to be the right thing.

Got it. Thanks

Congratulations David Zenger.  That is one helluva Skadoosh.  Not only do you remind us of what good politicians should do, you came up with a cute nickname for four people who suck at being even barely passable as a representative of their constituency.   For the “Feeb Four”, this Skadooshy’s for you.


Now get to work people, it’s a new week!  GO GET YOUR SKADOOSHY!  Remember, you’re helping them grow.

About Ryan Cantor

Our conservative columnist, raised in North Orange County, works as an auditor.