Anaheim Insider here. (Not the sycophantic one, and not the satirical one.)
Although he’s best known as the “GADFLY” who uses offensive incendiary rhetoric to draw attention to his sometimes-invaluable, sometimes-paranoid Council comments, Denis Fitzgerald has a long history of providing the ballot statements for and against various Anaheim measures.
This year, besides his emphatic argument against the tax Measure N, Fitzy also wrote the argument against Measure M for expanding the council. This post begins as a public service, and as a favor to Fitzgerald: He wants you to ignore his argument against Measure M. It is wrong. He agrees with this blog that you should vote YES on both L and M. Here’s what happened:
As hopefully you know by now, Measure L will create elections-by-district in Anaheim, and Measure M will expand the council from four-plus-mayor to six-plus-mayor. They complement each other nicely, but there is a lot of opposition from the powers-that-be to Measure L, while Measure M has very little opposition. Looking through the fine print, Fitzgerald found “either-or” language, so that only ONE of those two measures would pass, whichever got the most votes. And since nearly everyone will vote yes on M, that would be an easy, sneaky way to kill Measure L even if it gets over 50% of the vote. So he wrote the argument urging a NO vote on M, believing that voting-by-district is more important than how many districts there are.
Well … that either-or language WAS there; he showed it to me. In subsequent drafts it disappeared. Did Fitzgerald stymie a nefarious trick? Did Fitzgerald correct a clumsy accident? Or did the change have nothing to do with Fitzgerald? In any case, the change came out too late for him to withdraw his anti-M argument, so he just wants you to ignore it now. “They’re trying to make people think I’m crazy,” he concludes. Maybe, maybe.
DO read and consider his argument against Measure N, however – a 4% utility tax that was sneaked in decades ago, and now has to be voter-approved in order to legally continue, but which authoritarian Lucille Kring is framing, typically, as “Do you want more cops on the street? Then vote yes on N!” Fuck that manipulative shit.
More fascinating stuff we’ve learned recently…
Did you know? EVERY CITY in Orange County delegates the criminal charges and prosecution of misdemeanors against individuals to the District Attorney, who charges NOTHING for the service. Every city, that is, except one – ANAHEIM.
Anaheim alone has opted to spend millions of dollars a year (between 2 and 5 million, we can’t be sure) hiring its own deputy city attorneys to charge and prosecute, in North Court, misdemeanors committed in Anaheim. Right THERE is a huge unnecessary cost a new, non-corrupt council might look at for savings.
And you may or may not be surprised to learn that over the years, the City of Anaheim has frequently abused this power to charge and prosecute crimes FOR POLITICAL REASONS.
Segueing Right Along…

Yesenia discussing matters with a Mayor Who Listens.
Now, remember what happened to beloved Anna Drive neighborhood activist Yesenia Rojas last month? The Weekly‘s Gabriel told the story as only he and others can. Long short, the 37th-birthday party her kids and family had put on for her on Sept 6 was interrupted by a gang-unit raid, as the cops came in to drag out two young men, one for “violating the gang injunction” (which just means being there with friends) and the other for “drug possession and resisting arrest” (which could mean having a joint on him and trying to get away.) Yesenia, as is her habit, responding to the kids’ mothers’ cries for help, approached the cops with her hands in the air, asking what they were being arrested for and for their names and badge numbers, answers they never gave.
Nearly three weeks later, on the 25th, she made a friendly call to Deputy Chief Julian Harvey to invite him to some community events (as she also regularly does) and he informed her that there was a warrant out for her arrest, and that she should go to the station to straighten it out. She did not expect to be arrested when she arrived at the station, for “interfering with police,” jailed for several hours till near midnight, and released on $10,000 bail.
It’s rare to be arrested even on the spot for “interfering with police;” at most it’s a ticketing offense. It’s unheard of to be arrested for the charge weeks after the fact. Inquiring minds began to wonder why the police were gratuitously harassing such a well-respected and law-abiding community leader, and her community, shortly before election time. What were they hoping to accomplish? Or provoke?
Looks Like We Have a HOUSTON Problem, Anaheim.
Now we’ve been told by more than one trusted police source (who understandably won’t go on the record) that both the raid of Yesenia’s party and her arrest weeks later were ordered by reptilian Anaheim City Attorney Michael Houston, over the strenuous objections of both Chief Raul Quezada and DC Harvey, who argued that these actions would break down the trust the APD had been trying to establish with the Latino communities. These accounts jibe with our experience of Harvey’s obvious exasperation.
Our thinking is that the very political City Attorney, joined at the hip as he is to the kleptocrat-authoritarian candidates Kring, Murray and Eastman, was (is?) hoping to provoke a repeat of the 2012 riots, gambling that that will drive scared white voters to the polls and to their side. If this is so, ONE MORE of many good reasons that, if a sane, honest and humane council gets elected next month, one of their first orders of business should be replacing this toad.
He blew $2.4 million fighting the ACLU, unsuccessfully, the ACLU who was only trying to get the city to follow the Voters Rights Act and put districting on the ballot. He’s been blowing, allegedly, tens or hundreds of thousands fighting CATER, who similarly is only trying to get the city to follow various laws. Add to that throwing fire bombs into the tinder of troubled neglected neighborhoods in the apparent hopes that it will redound to his political side?
His predecessor Cristina Talley was summarily fired for much less. In fact, as far as we can tell, it was for doing the right thing – for giving this klepto majority good advice that they didn’t like – a mistake that Houston will never make. Where were these klepto-authoritarians during the recent Candidates Forum on Anna Drive which an undeterred Yesenia organized right after her arrest? At the Angels Stadium, worshiping the Graven Image Of Bruno the K-9.
Kring, Eastman, Murray, Houston. Anaheim needs a clean sweep of ’em, brothers and sisters.
Hey, wait a dern minit. Houston can’t be both reptilian and a toad. It’s one or the other.
Anaheim Insider sometimes mixes up toads and lizards. You aren’t supposed to lick the lizards, Anaheim Insider!
Great article, highlighting the ‘NO SHOWS’on Anna Drive candidates fourm,as Mayor Tom Tait,show and Stayed to the conclusions of the fourm… Lucille & Company,”have some ‘splaning’ to do”!!….City Attorney Michael Houston Ex-Attorney for Curt Pringle, during Pringle’s state assembly years, need I say MORE. …Oh! & Nice photo of the Mayor and Yesenia Rojas….
Oh yeah photo credit there to one Mark Richard Daniels. Great picture too. Can’t wait to see what kind of hay Cunningham and his ghouls try to make out of it.
You are not Anaheim Insider. Anaheim Insider is a chickenshit asshole.
Au contraire, mon ami, I am the real Anaheim Insider.
“Chickenshit asshole?” You must be thinking of Todd Priest.
There is lots of clumsiness in Anaheim, but very few accidents. Somebody probably did try to sneak in the either-or language. This is how the plebiscite process is routinely castrated by the lobbyists in Sacramento: Prop X gets more votes, it supersedes Prop Y.
In any case that leads back to Houston, too. Maybe Fitzy busted them; or maybe they realized that if M won and outpolled L there would be another Voter’s Right Act lawsuit.
Don’t forget Harvey issued the warrant. He cleverly plays both sides. One thing he was right abiut. Two years of hard work building bridges….kaput. Thanks Harvey. Way to Julienne your city. #53%
I don’t think that Harvey would have had any choice but to issue the warrant if the City Attorney required him to do so., Zia Well, he could have quit rather than comply — but that would leave reformers in a worse position, as he’d surely be replaced by someone worse.
Classy move OJB.
Kind of makes Greg’s childish whining about handles a mute point.Oh the efforts of the desperate.
Whats next Jubal? Over But Not Out? ……….
A “mute point!” You are funny, Joe!
I wish every idiot who used the illiterate phrase “mute point” would just become mute permanently.
Piss off, chickenshit. We know who wrote this.
You may be on to something about the city attorney charging crimes. But the city of Anaheim was not affected by the Enron scandal because they have their own electricity utility. This was done decades ago by Disneyland so the park would never suffer any shortages like we had in CA during the Enron scandal. I would look to the Mouse for further inquiries on the city attorney being the one to make charging of misdemeanors and felonies within their scope of work.
Oh – haven’t I mentioned that yet this year? The Anaheim Public Utilities – our pride and joy!
Nope, our public utility predates Disney by 100 years, Paul! We had a water company from minute one, 1857, in fact the deed to your land was pretty useless, the stock in the WATER COMPANY was what you wanted in the divorce my friend. About late 1890s we added electricity to the offerings (but not to the water) and have been building on it since then. Disney came here much later, Walt did not invent innovation in Anaheim, I think he saw kindred spirits.
Now…does ANYONE have an original copy of the language of the ballot measure?
That would have to mean Houston knew about Rojas surprise party in advance and made this supposed call on a Saturday night.
If they wanted to provoke a riot why didn’t APD arrest Rojas on the spot instead of quietly taking her in weeks later with the only media coverage being the Weekly? The council majority crew doesn’t need to go to such lengths. Their power is not threatened. Even if they lose a seat, they will still have a 3-2 majority secured.
Sorry. It just doesn’t add up for me.
And what if they lose TWO seats? Try adding that up.
APD doesn’t want to provoke a riot. Their leadership acted responsibly here. It’s the “civilian leadership” that either recklessly or intentionally went out of its way to create an unnecessary and ill-advised provocation.
As for this,
no it wouldn’t have to, Cubby. See if you can figure out how Houston could end up knowing about something going on that night without advance warning of it or himself making a call.
If Tait wins and two of his favored candidates (Moreno / Vanderbilt) take the open seats, I’ll take you, Vern and Cynthia out for lunch on me in Anaheim. There’s my November wager.
In the meantime, re-read the leaked Action Incident Report on this very blog about the APD militarized response on July 29. The incident commander listed? Captain Quezada. The scope of preparations leading up to that weekend? Containing potential unrest in Anaheim’s hot zones, including Anna Drive. The neighborhood is still hot.
Let me see some sort of proof for the theory offered in this post. Until then…
APD pours into Anna Drive almost every weekend when there is a party.
And why this dichotomy between the APD top brass and the Anaheim council majority? The latter gives the former what they want: more cop hires.
Hell, Ex-Chief John Welter, darling of Anaheim liberals, showed his true colors in retirement by being a good host for a Kring fundraiser last month.
Can I get in on that lunch?
I have to say: it unsettles me that you’re giving yourself a financial rooting interest against Vanderbilt and Dr. Moreno — and Acevedo.
Do you plan on writing about Anaheim politics in the next four months? If you do, it will be worth keeping that in mind.
As I will be writing about it, I guess by the same logic I should skip your proposed lunch.
. . . that’s for GSR I assume?
If it was mildly insulting, yes.
“Hey, big spender!”
Where are we going?
Be unsettled. It’s an agnostic prediction. Go ahead and skip my lunch bet. It will save me some Cheetos anyway!
If by “agnostic prediction” you mean that you really have know idea what the truth is, thanks for finally admitting it.
I didn’t want to throw in the ‘methodological’ clunker in with it, but basically it means to predict dispassionately.
Studying religion in academia tosses theology out the window and this blog most certainly has its saints complete with hagiographic posts.
You are professing gibberish.
Here’s something simpler: I cautioned against Kring in 2012 while this blog championed her.
The end.
And, as usual, you offered no viable alternative — because you’re not about viable alternatives, you’re about people wanting to think that you are hovering about the fray without getting your hands dirty. It’s not admirable; it’s a waste of your occasionally visibile talents. If you have skin in the game, you have to risk trusting some people. If you DON’T — well, then you can keep writing the way that you currently do. Just don’t ask to be respected for it.
Vern supported Kring in 2012 because she pledged to be part of the solution to the problem. As soon as she got properly bought off, she switched sides. You might as well criticize George Washington for “supporting Benedict Arnold”– people didn’t expect her to lie THAT brazenly. Well, lesson learned — but for those who opposed Brandman there was still no better 2012 alternative than betting on her and Leos.
Hey, same team.
I warned about Kring because I knew her pledge was nonsense. Anyone that paid attntion to her politocal career knows that. This blog allowed itself to be her useful idiot. I’m a brown man born and raised in Anaheim. That’s some skin you’ll never have in this, Bloviatot
And, bad an alternative as Kring was, you had no constructive alternative to her to offer. You just had moral superiority that comes — well after the fact, of course — from not taking a stand for anything. It’s cowardice. If you could have gotten your bosses to put full force behind Chuchua or Gaona, maybe that would have made a difference. But that would have left you complicit — and, worse, seeming earnest.
You’re a brown man who has done pretty well of late largely leaving Anaheim politics behind you. You HAD skin in this game. But you’ve shed it.
GSR didn’t mention anything like…well…a restaurant. Just lunch in Anaheim. PB and J on a blanket at Pearson Park? (Actually I can think of WAY worse ways to spend a day than with that motley assemblage hanging out at the park and doing precisely NOTHING for an hour…just stay back from the ponds, when they empty them they dump the duck-doo-filled sludge directly into the ground around the lily ponds, can you say e-coli factory? You would think it would be good for the soil but the grass around there always looks….uh…probably the mix of blue stuff they put in…like a big TyDBowl pit. OK now I don’t want to eat anything anywhere for a while…
Ryan’s comment must have been pretty funny for our automatic censors to kick in!
I’ve had better moments.
Was just trying to embed a youtube feed . . .
Just put in the url… and ill come along and switch it to the embed code. For some reason only us “editors” can do that.
Okay, Greg’s out. My offer still stands for Cynthia, Vern & Ryan. I’ll take you to one of Anaheim’s finest restaurants if I’m proved wrong in November. If it happens, you’ll celebrate the victories and get a free meal out of me. Waddaya say?
Can we be snarky with you?
In. Drinks are on me.