The Fullerton Firefighters Association (FFA) is using it’s Pinktober “Let’s Extinguish Cancer” campaign to promote one of their chosen candidates for Fullerton City Council. Last Thursday night Fullerton’s firefighters parked their “Pink Tribute Fire Engine,” a custom pink wrapped firetruck to honor victims of cancer, across Wilshire Ave., near the market’s west entrance. The vehicle’s normally red surfaces were entirely covered with a bright pink ribbon graphic…
So — did it cure cancer?
I think that only happens if he gets elected (?).
Who owns the firetruck? If the City, can it be used for an event promoting a particular candidate?
The city and no, it can’t.
Yeah but the signs were just leaning against it, and it’s no ones fault if Rick ‘Zero’ Alvarez just happened to print pink signs and be wearing a pink shirt that day, and no one except whomever took the picture, who has no relationship to FFA that you know of, even noticed Alvarez, because he is very tricky, but not in a bad way because he is still also a great guy and will make an excellent stooge- uh, council member who is steadfastly opposed to fires, and stuff.
“Fullerton Firefighters Endorse” is what’s on that sign by the by . . .
In any case, it’s in bad taste. I’ll cut him some slack, but the ridiculousness better stop.
Damn, the fella’s a weenie.