Larry Agran’s Growth Record

Larry continues to trash his own record on growth. Or may he just can’t do math.


(image Credit:  OCWeekly )


Larry Agran is running for Irvine City Council on a a”slow growth” platform, including this statement at September 23rd City Council Meeting (starting at 2:18:20):

On the issue of rate of growth historically, which is legitimate topic for discussion, it’s always been my view that a rate of two- to-three percent per year was about right for building our our city

Larry served on the city council from 1978 to 1990, and again from 2000 to the present.  Below are the population numbers from the City of Irvine’s web page,


Year Population Annual Growth Agran on Council
1980 62,127
1990 110,330 5.7% YES
2000 143,072 2.6% NO
2010 212,375 4.0% YES


Other sources give similar results.  The US census page shows that Irvine’s population grew at a 4.0 % annual rate fro 2010 to 2012, and that households grew at a 3.9% annual rate from 2000 to 2010.

So why this disparity between Larry’s on-the record-statement and the Census data?

About Tyler in Irvine

Twenty Year Irvine Resident. Native Texan and proud Longhorn. Pro-Choice Ron Paul supporter. "Do I contradict myself? ... then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman