With vile and evil BIG CHEM corporations (like Monsanto, Dow, and Dupont) and equally vile and evil JUNK FOOD giants (like PepsiCo, Coca Cola, Hershey, General Mills, Kraft Foods, and Kellogg’s) pouring mega-millions into statewide political campaigns to spread their lies and deceitful propaganda on the airwaves for the sole purpose of dissuading gullible voters from approving GMO-labeling requirements, the question becomes, “what can the consumer do to fight back?”
The answer is relatively simple. Aside from refusing to buy products from these bastards, and thus hitting them in their pocketbooks where it hurts them the most, there is a very positive step that can be taken. And that is to LOOK FOR THE LABEL on each and every product you buy:
There are currently two (2) labels which identify an acceptable product, and thus clearly state (1) “NON-GMO PROJECT VERIFIED” and/or (2) “USDA ORGANIC”. If you shop at a health foods store or even the natural foods section of a local supermarket, you should have no problem finding products with either or both of these labels.
In the interim, intelligent consumers need to continue to place initiatives on state and local ballots which mandate that ANY and ALL ingredients placed in our food supply MUST be clearly disclosed. If the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did its job. this would not be a problem, But unfortunately they don’t. (For further information on this subject, refer to the excellent website, www.nongmoproject.org.)
The Honorable Eddie Rose
Former Laguna Niguel (CA) City Councilman
“A Voice—Not an Echo”
wow — that’s some amazingly neutral language.
I consider myself a well-informed consumer — and quite scientifically literate. My read of the science is that while GMOs do have certain modest risks, these risks a massively outweighed by the benefits.
I understand that the perceived nature of GMOs scares the willies out of some folks. Of course, some folks feel similar about vaccines.
fair enough — everyone is entitled to their feelings.
But why would I want someone who communicates with a post like this one to be involved with my food supply?
*Another sound apologetic response….from Big Pharma. We keep hearing “the same old song…..with a different meaning and you can’t go wrong…” OK, answer this! Why due ot Prop. 65 passed last year……….is it against the law to import licorice of any kind into the state of California….from any state or foreign country?
In the words of Jerry Greenbaum…..”Ben and Jerry’s” founder. Labeling is changed every time you create a new product or change the ingredients of any product….therefore the cost in minimal. How about Soy Products? We suppose you don’t have any modest risk on that account? Read up on Soy Lecithin, Soy Protein and other off shoots….in the GMO Soy family of products.
What about Canola Oil? You know the stuff that Singer Sewing Machine sells for Sewing Machine oil? How about the BHT and Hyrdrogenated High Frutose Corn Syrup and Oils? You down with that too? You know the stuff that makes your Wheaties last three years on the shelf instead of six weeks. Why are GMO products banned in Europe……just because they hate Americans? Not so fast dude. We need full labeling on every product, not because we are afraid of the big bad wolf, but because big bad corporations love to rip folks off when they can save a buck here and buck there and when the Accountants run the insane asylum.
but the benefits don’t outweigh the risks.
First off, GMO aren’t created with a precision that only affects the selected trait. Instead of a scalpel, it is more like a broadsword. It leaves room for all kinds of consequences.
Secondly, what specifically are the benefits for the consumer?
They don’t make products cheaper, and they don’t help average farmers to get ahead. Instead, the farmers are ruined fighting Corporate lawsuits.
The only entities that benefit from GMO are Monsanto, and factory farm corporations.
If GMO products were as wholesome as advertised, then they would have zero problem with labeling.
It bugs me that two distinct arguments are so frequently conflated – whether GM foods are, in principle, good or ok or whatever, and whether GM foods should be labelled. Whatever you may think re: the former, the question of labelling isn’t so complex. Enough people probably care that it seems like a modest and reasonable requirement.
as someone once said,,,,without chemicals, life itself would not be possible,to which i must add, without chemicals, the 70’s would not have been possible
*As they said in “The Graduate”……”plastics!”
Brown 25
Just found this,not directly related, FWIW-