What Money Bought Dave Gilliard…




Dave Gilliard‘s political money-laundering operation successfully opposed or supported 22 of 31 candidates this year.


Before the election we discussed the California Homeowner’s Association (CA HOA), one of the fronts Dave Gilliard uses to move corporate money into local races.  Now that the election has passed, I have compiled a score card of where the money went and the outcome.  Green means that CA HOA got its desire outcome.  For example,  CA HOA spent to  oppose both Gail Eastman and Kris Murray in Anaheim.  Eastman lost, and so is marked Green.  Murray won, despite the CA HOA expenditure to oppose, so she is marked in red.

Race support oppose
Anaheim, Council Gail Eastman $47,800
Anaheim, Council Kris Murray $30,200
Anaheim, Council Tom Tait $4,600
Anaheim, Council James Vanderbilt $5,890
Brea, City Council Cecilia Hupp $7,900
Brea, City Council Marc Harris $2,100
Brea, City Council Steve Vargas $9,800
Brea, Mayor Brett Murdock $22,900
Irvine City Council Ann Gaido $35,534
Irvine City Council Melissa Fox $54,084
Irvine City Council Larry Agran $47,209
Irvine, City Council Steven Choi $63,955
Irvine, City Council Jeff Lalloway $82,455
Irvine, City Council Lynn Schott $51,000
Irvine, School Board Sharon Wallin $5,212
Irvine, School Board Ira Glasky $17,200
Santa Ana City Counci ward 2 Michele Martinez $12,200
Santa Ana City Counci ward 4 David Benavides $5,000
OC Water District Stephen Sheldon $3,000
OC Water District Dina Nguyen $11,000
OC Water District Shawn Dewayne $21,000
State Assembly District 21 Adam Gray $49,800
State Assembly District 32 Pedros Rios $7,600
State Assembly District 44 Jacqui Irwin $47,500
State Assembly District 44 Mario De La Peidra $12,100
State Assembly District 44 Rob McCoy $14,200
State Senate District 14 James Vidak $8,000
Los Angeles County Assessor Jeffrey Prang $29,000
Anaheim Single District prop. Measure L $1,600
State Budget Prop 2 Measure 2 $4,000
Indian Gaming Prop. Measure 48 $3,080

The largest expenditures were in Irvine, where Gilliard was completely successful, although not quite as successful as the chart suggest. The expenditure to support Sharon Wallin was nothing of sort; that money went for yard signs that put Sharon’s name on the same same placard as Choi, Lalloway, and Schott.

The next biggest expenditure was in Anaheim, where Tom Tait and his ally James Vanderbilt beat Gail Eastman but not Kris Murray.  CA HOA was also three-for-four in Brea, albeit with much smaller expenditures. Gilliard was also three-for-three on the OC Water Board. Poseidon must be happy with his work.

CA HOA was much less successful in  Santa Ana,  where modest expenditures failed to affect the outcome of two city council races, and the State Assembly races where almost one hundred thousand dollars of expenditure accomplished nothing other than pushing  Mario De La Piedra out of the race.

I find this encouraging. Money may matter, but it doesn’t always get its way.

About Tyler in Irvine

Twenty Year Irvine Resident. Native Texan and proud Longhorn. Pro-Choice Ron Paul supporter. "Do I contradict myself? ... then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman