Agran-Allied Irvine Commissioners Cleared

Voice of OC reports that Irvine Mary Ann Gaido and Melissa Fox have been cleared of “pre-committing” their votes on a development project.

City of Irvine Seal

Irvine has a long history of development projects becoming political footballs during campaign season. This year’s version was a Jeff Lalloway-led majority getting their panties in a twist over the Fusion 360 project after Scott Moxley reported in OC Weekly on some hinky emails involving lobbyist Pam Sapetto.  The complaint against Melissa Fox was always a bit silly — she was accused of voting to approve a park.  Presumably Melissa was included because she was the strongest candidate on the Agran slate.

Campaign season is over, Jeff edged out Melissa by 210 votes, and it’s time to end this silliness.  Richards, Watson & Gershon lawyer Craig Steele wisely concluded that there was no There, there. The email was just he “hyperbole of a lobbyist in a fundraising appeal” without any “true basis.” Even if the email had been substantive, it still wouldn’t have been a “pre-commitment.”

But fear not, Irvine’s lawyers.  There will be plenty of more billable hours resulting for the Great Park Audit.


Also a reminder:   Today form 5pm to 6:30 pm there will be a reception at City Hall recognizing Larry Agran’s decades of service to Irvine.  I presume there will a who’s who of local Democrats there. Please post in the comments if you are going — do we need someone with a camera to show up?


About Tyler in Irvine

Twenty Year Irvine Resident. Native Texan and proud Longhorn. Pro-Choice Ron Paul supporter. "Do I contradict myself? ... then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman