First things first: Ricardo suggested a week or two ago that we should begin our next Weekend Open Thread with populist former Labor Secretary Robert Reich’s inspirational review of the year 2014:
The extremely short Mr. Reich has certainly come a long way from the days when he starred in a buddy-cop series with the extremely tall Conan O’Brien:
Is Robert Reich any relation to the radical Austrian post-Freud psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, author of the controversial 1933 classic The Mass Psychology of Fascism and the posthumously published Function of the Orgasm? The half-mad visionary who died in a Pennsylvania prison due to his work on the orgone box?
The Wilhelm Reich who famously wrote, in “Listen, Little Man” :
“You differ from a great man in only one respect: the great man was once a very little man, but he developed one important quality: he recognized the smallness and narrowness of his thoughts and actions. Under the pressure of some task that meant a great deal to him, he learned to see how his smallness, his pettiness endangered his happiness. In other words, a great man knows when and in what way he is a little man.
A little man does not know he is little and is afraid to know. He hides his pettiness and narrowness behind illusions of strength and greatness, someone else’s strength and greatness. He’s proud of his great generals but not of himself. He admires an idea he has not had, not one he has had. The less he understands something, the more firmly he believes in it. And the better he understands an idea, the less he believes in it.”
Related to the present-day Robert Reich? Probably not. Wilhelm and his Orgone Box simply make a good PIVOT point to my latest Debussy YouTube, “L’isle Joyeuse” or “The Island of Pleasure” :
Wrapping things up for this weekend, Even Steven passes along a recent Rude Pundit piece inspired by disgustingly elitist Times columnist David Brooks‘ musings on the Charlie Hebdo attacks. No doubt Brooks would see THIS BLOG seated at the “kids’ table” with Charlie Hebdo, Bill Maher, Anne Coulter, Huntington Beach Community Forum, and the Rude Pundit himself. Here’s the Rude One:
David Brooks Only Enjoys the Farts of His Equals

Lee “Rude Pundit” Papa
Everyone loves the parties thrown at the home of New York Times columnist David Brooks. Having downsized from an opulent house to an opulent apartment in the Cleveland Park neighborhood in Washington, DC, Brooks delights in inviting over only the most intelligent of the intellgentsia, only the most cognizant of the cogniscenti, all of whom must have degrees Ivy League and careers as thinking thinkers. Then he has the caterers serve dinner, a menu he has chosen to his particular purposes: a vegetarian meal, sometimes South Asian, sometimes East African, exotic sections of exotic continents, lentils and kale and broccoli and apricots and brown rice, rich in sauces that are filled with yogurts and creams, and only champagne to drink.

The very special David Brooks.
Once the meal is complete, Brooks looks from face to face around the table, seeing the growing intestinal discomfort in his guests, and then, Brooks farts, loudly, elegantly, even, a rotund, bassoonish sound. He closes his eyes and smells the air, using his hand like a conductor to waft the odors towards his nose. At first, people look at him oddly. Brooks knows the answer to their questioning faces. “Everything that emanates from you is worthier than that which emanates from others,” he declares grandly. “Allow yourself to fart. Your farts are, indeed, more valuable than the finest perfumes. They are sublime for they are considered and educated farts.”
Slowly, one guest accepts this obvious truth and farts, laughing, tickled by this liberation. Others follow suit until all around the table wealthy people in fine garments are making a flatulent symphony. Their smells commingle, creating new and never-before-sniffed fragrances. “Yes, yes, fart more,” Brooks, the master of the moment, commands among the anal oboes and rectal trombones and a chorus of inhalations and moans. More than anyone, he is delirious, as if the musky clouds have formed a magic carpet that allows him to float away.
Once, only once, a waiter on the side, watching this exhibition, shrugged his shoulders and let out a fart that was immediately heard as a flat note in the orchestra. Brooks turned and fired him on the spot for allowing his pedestrian gas to dare to rise with the redolence of the respectable. Luckily, the party wasn’t ruined for guests moved quickly to the spot and farted prodigiously in order to dilute the invading scent.
Today, in his “column” (if by “column,” you mean “word farts”), Brooks uses the murder of the cartoonists at the French publication Charlie Hebdo to delineate what separates “us” (the Brooksites) from the “them” (the twaddling satirists) in what are two of the most smugly elitist paragraphs you’re gonna read:
“In most societies, there’s the adults’ table and there’s the kids’ table. The people who read Le Monde or the establishment organs are at the adults’ table. The jesters, the holy fools and people like Ann Coulter and Bill Maher are at the kids’ table. They’re not granted complete respectability, but they are heard because in their unguided missile manner, they sometimes say necessary things that no one else is saying.
“Healthy societies, in other words, don’t suppress speech, but they do grant different standing to different sorts of people. Wise and considerate scholars are heard with high respect. Satirists are heard with bemused semirespect. Racists and anti-Semites are heard through a filter of opprobrium and disrespect. People who want to be heard attentively have to earn it through their conduct.”
Yes, ahh, the delightful tang of the farts of your equals, those are all that should be smelled. Dare not breathe in the farts of the fools for they can only eat cotton candy and popcorn. They are just one level above racists.
We let the “wise and considerate scholars” who Brooks supports lead this country for a long, long time, using their “establishment organs” to penetrate our politics and economy. They are far more foolish, far more ignorant, far less connected to reality than the satirists and the crude humorists who have to work in practice, not just theory. And let’s remember that, for years, Brooks’s party took its marching orders from Rush Limbaugh, who is not generally noted for either his wisdom, his consideration, or his scholarship. Also, his farts smell like cigars and Dominican boy semen.
What Brooks sets up is a world where those who get to be part of the discourse of power have to be approved by those who are already part of the discourse. What are the chances of that group allowing their air to be poisoned by the farts of the outsiders? It’s an ideological daisy chain that most of us just get to watch. You can spend your time wondering where you can fit in or you can say, “Fuck that” and walk away.
One huge thing that Brooks misses is that it’s often the “jesters” who are the initiators of change. See, you can build towers with your peas and potatoes at the kids’ table. You have freedom to play.
– See more at: http://rudepundit.blogspot.com/2015/01/david-brooks-only-enjoys-farts-of-his.html#sthash.KzNpwkgZ.dpuf
Oh, FINALLY… another cartoon from HB’s Rick Blake Art
in reaction to the folks who found the bag ban “unconstitutional”
Well, talk about this, that, and whatever you like, within the broad bounds of decency, even if we ARE at the kids’ table… – Vern out!
I understand this post except for the photo of David Lynch doing an homage to his own work in Eraserhead.
This is worth reading. I had originally thought that the film was about blog commenters.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
I love you man!
“A little man does not know he is little and is afraid to know. He hides his pettiness and narrowness behind illusions of strength and greatness, someone else’s strength and greatness. He’s proud of his great generals but not of himself. He admires an idea he has not had, not one he has had. The less he understands something, the more firmly he believes in it.”
Ah, now. Who does this bring to mind?
Mr. Stalker, are you out there?
Zenger and This blog’s obsession with the LibOC is amusing to watch.
Whatever. We are also amused.
Come again? What is a “LibOC”?
An improbable molecule composed of single atoms of lithium, boron, oxygen, and carbon that somehow manages to smell like sulfur.
I caught a mention in the Conan parody clip (Never know WHERE things pop up!) that Reich played a role in NAFTA, and though not much appeared in Wikipedia, I found lots of interesting (?) reading in the next Google result that came up-
Yes, YouTube has a video about EVERYTHING!
Was it THAT slow of a news week, to ran out of news on Smart Fellers, and switch to …..?
And of course no story on farts would be complete without……
Now, back to our interrupted MENSA Meeting coverage….(Gosh! PLEASE, something IMPORTANT happen NEXT week!)……..
And who could forget the farting preacher?!
And of course, under Holder, Mr. Brooks’ party (in the heart of DC, no less) gets a pass and not a SWAT team raid-
Investors.com must have better scientists than EPA …
*Oh, we get it…..David Brooks has a Playboy Mansion for Mensa Intelligensia and Mother Jones readers… “Fart Proudly” was of course written by Ben Franklin back in 1781….as a notorius essay also titled: “A Letter to the Royal Academy”. Which of course was only read by Richard Nixon,…. hiding under the covers in the Lincoln Bedroom, late at night at the Whitehouse!
Oh God!
This is terrible!
I’m using the computer that filters the awful things this blog and commenters put up!
Oh well, my better angel will guide me through the weekend and keep it real without farts and preachers–which ever is more repugnant….
Sorry. How about an interesting clip about fishing and the ecosystem? What could be wrong with that? And BTW, the fish mentioned has been detected in Northern California (Map @ 3:51) Enjoy (???).
Sorry, Mr. Reich: Your Economics Grade Is Still F (Reply to Robert Reich – by PR Gregory)
Robert Reich’s F Minus In Economics: False Facts, False Theories – Professor Reich gets an F for his “Higher wages can save America’s economy” – and its democracy. The reasons for this grade are Reich’s lamentable disregard for facts and his lack of knowledge of basic economics.
*OH Skally, try going to the Southcoast Plaza Mall more…….there you find “us little people” that spend and spend on wasteful nonsense and utilize emotional consumerisms, like coupons, discounts and watching the Merrry Go Round, go round and round. We spend money at Sears, Macy’s Home Store and we aren’t even in the 1% you represent. The Mighty Mite, Robert Reich has it down…32 Million Californians buying Bounty Towels is better than 1% buying a new Boston Whaler, Leased Mercedes or Shock Designed Yacht. If you feel so guilty, go buy a new Tesla for cash and help the economy out….for goodness sake.
bought a shock designed yacht and a tesla last year, and still people hate me
*You are supposed to keep that info secret dummy. No wonder they hate you. Our bet is half are Republican Tea Party Members and the other are all Libertarians. Also, make sure you don’t get confused and tie up the Tesla to the dock while you speed away in the Yacht. Keep your red wine intake down to two 16 ounce servings. Especially, if it is Bordeaux/Burgundy French or worse Napa/Sonoma/Mendecino generated.
I believe that the issue of Robert Reich was settled when his crony Jonathan Gruber proclaimed that all gentiles are stupid.
*Oh, the guilt by association argument. How about your buddy Alan Dershowitz…..who is accused of raping a 15 year old on a trip to visit his jet set pedofile friend…..in a empty half built house somewhere? The truth of the matter is that not everyone can be a Mel Brooks or Alan Arkin or a Harvey Weinstein or a Albert Brooks…..who are the best America has to offer. Stanley, you really have to stop those grand sweeping hand motions over and about every Islamic, Hindu, Jewish, Baptist, Jehovah’s Witness, Church of Scientology, Reborn Christian, Cavalry Chapel or Catholic person you know or have heard about. Each person has to stand on their own regardless of religion or national heritage and Robert Reich does just fine all by himself. When that English John Jihadist cuts off the head of that Japanese journalist, he does so on his own and will have to take resposibility on his own, unless of course some Mufti sets a worldwide Fatwa that 4000 independent sects all buy off on. The greatness of America is the fact that each person takes responsibility for their own actions…..our country only allows folks to do that. So, lose your negativity until this “lack of individual responsiblity campaign” blows over. Eventually, even Lindsay Lohan, Jody Arias, Amanda Knox and thousands more will have to face the consequences of their actions.
“Stanley, you really have to stop those grand sweeping hand motions over and about every Islamic, Hindu, Jewish, Baptist, Jehovah’s Witness, Church of Scientology, Reborn Christian, Cavalry Chapel or Catholic person you know or have heard about.”………. Hmmmmmm.
No Winships, I will wait with my president until they decapitate me or make my life so miserable with their para economy i.e. Obama Catre and Climate Change etc. etc. etc. that I will decapitate myself.
Are we happy with the results of the Fiala experiment so far, Vern?
The hate speaks for itself….. Golem.
FAQ: Why should I like Jews if you are a Jew?
Make up your mind?
We are ether all equal, as you progressives promulgate, therefore you wouldn’t ask the above question or I am superior to you and you must eliminate me because you are Gentile hater.
One for all, all for one!
*Yep, we need Dr. D to file a Court Ordered Blogger Retraining Order for Stan the Man.
I assume that you meant “Restraining” order rather than “Retraining,” but the idea of having Stanley in a pit with a whip and a cattle prod has its … well, no, actually, it doesn’t appeal to me at all, and I have a terrible feeling that it might appeal to him.
“Yep, we need Dr. D to file a Court Ordered Blogger Retraining Order for Stan the Man.”……… Hmmmmmm
Bring it on!
But make sure that Dr. Fuckeshtain freshens up on the Code of Civil Procedure – Section 425.16. because I will eat him alive and humiliate him in the Orange County court.
And an anti-SLAPP motion would apply how, exactly, fake Couselor?
Make that two. Or three. I’m really not sure about that.
Zenger, how is your frivolous lawsuit against the County going.
If I don’t talk to the crazy guy outside the 7-Eleven I’m not going to talk to you.
So, now you know why you got fired from the County’s gopher department – Zenger.
“And an anti-SLAPP motion would apply how, exactly, fake Couselor?(SIC)”……….. Hmmmmm
I am sure that you are aware counselor that I can’t render you a legal advise as you are requesting me to do even though that you have may establish client attorney relationship by doing so.
However, I can provide a legal information which may be helpful to you in your legal search.
I believe that the Code of Civil Procedure – Section 425.16 is fairly self explanatory.
In addition you may also search applicable case law publications.
You may also consult [“CASP”] http://www.casp.net/
Caveat: If my legal information is above your head (your IQ) you should retain some good Jewish barracuda attorney.
I’d sort of like to see you try it. Sadly, there is no gain to be had in calling the bluff of someone entirely without shame.
“I’d sort of like to see you try it.”………. Hmmmmmm
Obviously you do not understand the Code of Civil Procedure – Section 425.16.
It is a motion to struck!
Therefore, you must file something against me so I can “try it” (motion it)
[NOTE: Stanley’s comments were stinking up the thread following the post about the 1st Supe election, so I’m transferring our entire off-topic conversation from there to here.]