Irvine now has a Permanent Campaign

The elections were over months ago, but somebody in Irvine is still campaigning.

ICNVIrvine seems to have developed a permanent campaign.  The slate mailer-cum-fake community newspaper, Irvine Community News and Views, has released two new issues since the last election.

The fall issues of ICN&V had this disclosure

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Campaign filings reported that almost the entire cost was borne personally by Larry Agran. (I haven’t been able to verify who paid these recent distributions.)

Beyond slate mailers living on, zombie-like, as community publications,  campaign-style signs have started appearing around town.

Who might have a beef with Mayor Choi?

Who might have a beef with Mayor Choi?


Again, I couldn’t find a campaign disclosure, so I don’t know who is behind the sign. (We’ll discuss the library issue in another post)

There is an obvious guess: Larry Agran.  Mr. Agran was clear at his City Hall farewell reception last fall that he was staying involved in municipal politics,  finishing his address with the quip, “My opponents should know that my parents lived into their 90s, and I am only 70.”

Does this mean we’ve got another 20 years of Larry! Woot!



About Tyler in Irvine

Twenty Year Irvine Resident. Native Texan and proud Longhorn. Pro-Choice Ron Paul supporter. "Do I contradict myself? ... then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman