A Luta Continua Weekend Open Thread – Victory on Net Neutrality, fight on against TPP!





Dang, it’s the Weekend again – why don’t you lot discuss, with your characteristic decorum leavened by F-Bombs, whatever you like?  Here are a couple-a hot topics you could try on for size – both typical topics that appeal to this blog in our never-ending, sometimes-victorious and not-particularly partisan struggle against the powerfuls’ constant attempt to get more power over us.  We had good news on ONE front at least, this week:

Ricardo wrote about this last June, in  a pice including a good Jon Oliver video entitled “Loretta, Don’t Sell Us Out to Big Telcom.”  But it really grabbed our personal interest when our kleptocrat nemesis Matt Cunningham chimed in against net neutrality on his Chamber-funded Anaheim blog:  Stop Federal Regulation of the Internet.  (Yes, that’s how the corporate interests of the type that fund Matt decided they should frame the issue:  preventing, at the public’s request, the internet giants from herding us all into slow and fast lanes and charging us tolls for the fast lanes, is the dread “government regulation.”  Whatever.)

So we wondered, starting with Zenger, what businesses comprising the Anaheim Chamber would care much about this, to inspire Cunningham’s post?  Disney perhaps.  Although the corporate-funded AnaheimBlog is exactly the sort of mouthpiece that would be able to benefit from an end to net neutrality, as their funders could afford the fee to keep them in the internet’s fast lane, while the humble ankle-biters like your blog truly would start loading slower than YOU’d have patience for.  Well, not THIS time, not on OUR watch.

Still hot:  The drive to give the President Fast-Track Authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP) and similar terrible trade agreements.  The votes on this outrage in Senate and Congress could happen as soon as this coming week.  If you haven’t, or even if you did, you should read or re-read D’Marie’s masterpiece from a couple weeks ago.  And then go call your Congressman to vote NO on it – here, we made it easy:

Senator Boxer: 202-224-3553
Senator Feinstein: 202-224-3841
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher: 714-960-6483
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez: 714-774-0236
Congressman Alan Lowenthal: 562-436-3828
Congressman Ed Royce: 714-255-0101
Congresswoman Mimi Walters: 202-225-5611
Congressman Darrell Issa: 949-281-2449

And if you need to remember, quickly, who should be against this deal and why, here’s D’Marie’s short version:

Folks, if you are a small business owner, you need to be involved in stopping these deals. The deals are for the benefit of BIG BUSINESSES alone – the huge transnational corporations – not for small businesses at all.

If you are a working professional, you need to be worried. This time it’s not manufacturing that is going to get hit, it’s white collar professionals.  The Asian rim has been preparing for this and educating their cheap workforce to take your jobs.

If you are retired, you need to be concerned as these provisions will severely impact your Medicare as well as your quality of life.

In short, WE ARE ALL AFFECTED!!! So we all need to be involved in stopping this huge give away to the fascists that are running the globalization of our planet.

And while you’re at it sign the petition demanding Senator Menendez, the highest-ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, who is still wavering on TPP, to figure out quickly where justice is, and just say no!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.