Here’s a nice weekend project for all of you out there who are just lolling (or LOL-ing) around.
I had started, back on February 9 or 10, to collect all of the comments on the CunningBlog (aka “Anaheim Blog”) celebrating Don Wagner and slamming John Moorlach and his supporters such as Tom Tait, Shawn Nelson, and our own Cynthia Ward — but doing so anonymously.
Obviously, I didn’t get very far. So I’m asking you to go over to AnaheimBlog — if you would like, and you don’t mind Matt having your IP Address, you can use the link near the bottom left of our home page under “California Blogs” that is labeled “Anahamster” — and start maybe back at the beginning of February and see what classic gems like these you can collect. Put them in comments (so that you get credit for your work) and we’ll copy them up here. Remember, anonymous comments only! Do not disobey my instructions! (Unless you want to, in which event go ahead.) Let’s try to have a nice rich collection compiled by the time that John Moorlach is sworn in Sunday at 4:00 in Tustin.
This, by the way, is your Weekend Open Thread. Talk about that, or whatever else you’d like, within reasonable bounds of discretion, decency, and decorum.
Pro-Wagner comments from the CunningBlog:
It’s sad that Shawn Nelson and Tom Tait are backing a career elected official like Moorlach over a conservative party-builder like Don Wagner. But it’s not surprising because all three of them are all about themselves, not building the party or the cause.
Go Wagner!
The “Wagner’s not a conservative noise” is coming from wingnuts like Deb Pauley (who is conservative when it suits her) and Art Pedroza, who is neither a Republican nor a conservative. Pedroza can’t even help contradicting himself from post to post as he blasts Wagner. They should be ignored.
Wagner has a rock-solid conservative record by any measure. He works to help elect other Republicans. The only person John Moorlach tries to help is himself. Three terms in the Senate from a deep-red district like the 37th would be totally wasted on Moorlach.
See you at the swearing-in! (Maybe.)
Nick Berardino, OCEA General Manager, is retiring. An excerpt of Berardino’s note of appreciation to the association members:
” I’m so thankful that throughout my life I have had the privilege, blessing and good fortune to devote myself to causes I have deemed just and worthwhile. In my teens I was a young and idealistic volunteer in the early days of the civil rights movement. I then joined the Marines and proudly served our country as an infantryman in Vietnam. Now, for more than four decades, each and every day I have poured my heart and soul into providing the very best representation I could to working people and their families, primarily of course those right here in Orange County.
Being a part of these causes has taught me one truth that I will take to my grave – a successful person is not the one with the most money, or the most possessions, or the most notoriety. A truly successful person is one who can devote a lifetime to improving the lives of others, and can look in the mirror and say that he or she has spared no effort along the way.
In my tenure here at OCEA we’ve labored in a consistently challenging environment. We’ve encountered a hostile press, a hostile political environment, and sometimes even hostile friends and neighbors. Yet despite all the obstacles, together we’ve managed to carry on. We have beaten back brutal attacks and stood shoulder to shoulder in solidarity for something much larger than ourselves, a commitment to ensuring that Orange County’s working families are treated fairly, and with dignity and respect.”
*So Nick was a Marine……eh? In spite of his sometimes mean attitude, we knew there was something about him we liked. What’s up with his retirement? He still looks OK to us. At any rate, Nick just needed a little US Army support and he could have won every battle. Next time Nick, don’t disregard your Army buds who can offer some good advice every now and then. Anyway, in this very unique situation: Thanks for your service Jirene! “From the Halls of Montezuma…
the shores of Tripoli….” Or as we say in 2nd Armored Cav….Toujour Pret!
If you missed this on Yahoo- FWIW-