Another Nutty Judge….

Judge Peanut*Hey, what about Charles Manson…getting married….stepping out for a beer with the boyz in the yard and maybe just being allowed to go home and live with his aging mom?  Ah, but we must first step back and see the reality:  What about Mark David Chapman?  Didn’t he kill John Lennon?  What about Arthur Bremer….didn’t he attempt to kill George Wallace?  What about John Hinckley Jr., didn’t he attempt to kill President Reagan and debilitated Reagan’s Press Secretary Brady with an exploding bullet to the brain?  How many folks did Hinkley shoot – three, four or more and because they didn’t die…….he got off – on temporary insanity?  A temporary insanity that lasted much as Charles Manson’s – some seven or eight years.  The point of any incarceration is to protect the public safety.

So, let’s get started:  Back in 1989, January…..a nutcase named Patrick Purdy, suffering from depression shot and killed five grammar school kids in a Stockton, California schoolyard…..he wounded an additional 30 including one teacher.  This solo act caused such a stir that Gun Rights in California and some say Nationally have never recovered.  This brought forward the National Assault Weapons Ban and numerous California Dept. of Justice edits regarding regulations on large capacity magazines and the like.  Many firearms available throughout the United States are now banned to obtain, sell or transfer in California today.  It took a huge effort by the whole of the Gun Community in California and the NRA Nationally to save our Gun Rights to own any handgun in California after Stockton.  When people point to seminal moments regarding “firearm freedoms” this could well be more important than even the Assassinations of JFK, MLK, Malcolm X, RFK – or the attempted murder of George Wallace!

The set-up for the Stockton Massacre as they called it, was in no small measure precursed by the attempt on the life of newly elected  President Ronald Wilson Reagan in 1981, by John Hinckley, Jr.  But let us be clear:  Patrick Purdy in the Stockton schoolyard committed suicide.  Mark David Chapman shot and killed John Lennon in January of 1980 and is still doing his 20 years to life, and has been denied parole eight times at this point.  Arthur Bremer got 53 years for shooting George Wallace in 1972.  He got out in 2007, as a model prisoner.  Sirhan Sirhan supposedly killed RFK the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel back in 1968,  Sirhan is 70 and will be offered another try at parole in 2016.  James Earl Ray supposedly killed MLK in 1968 and died in prison in 1998.  Three Black Muslims gunned down Malcolm X in 1965 and only one confessed to the crime and was given parole at age 69.  Thomas Hagan was the only one of the three that admitted anything and served 44 years.  Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly killed JFK, but was assassinated by Jack Ruby…who later died in jail.

What seems amazing to all these stories are all these connections to Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, with deep depression, lack of mental stability, and all seemingly to be disconnected from their environments.  John Hinckley, Jr. however had a powerful father who was a personal friend of George H.W. Bush.  The farout story of Johnny Jr. being captivated by Jody Foster in the Taxi Driver movie made a stronger case for stupidity, rather than mental instability.  Hinckley used a .22 caliber eight shot revolver with so-called exploding hollow point ammo.   Not exactly the uncogent thoughts of a complete nutcase.  Hinckley’s defense attorney made a case over seven to ten years of mental instability.  We never got to hear the testimony of his mother, father or for that matter, the deposition by Georger H.W. Bush…..that he had ever met the Junior Hinckley…..ever.  John Hinckley, Jr. is now 60 years of age, being incarcerated since 1981.  Johnny boy get to go home to see his aging mom of 89 for 17 days a month.  The doctors assure everyone that Hinckley is OK to be under less than complete observance 24/7 a day.  We are not so sure.  We wonder whether Jodie Foster feels safe knowing that John Hinckley, Jr. may soon be going home to roam his own backyard again.

Hopefully, Hinckley will be kept incarcerated for the rest of his life.  However, this case goes to show how our Judicial System can be bought, sold and traded with impunity.  This is a very sad day for the American Public, who believed in their hearts that Hinckley would never go free.  We look forward to the quick release of the Colorado Cinema Shooter – the Joker……if this keeps up.  Just offer up a good “Twinkie Defense” and have a worn copy of Catcher in the Rye, in your back pocket and folks can get away with murder, mayhem or anything else that James Eagan Holmes and 24 deaths and 116 wounded movie watchers – would be considered collateral damage for the mentally unstable.   These folks should never be released…..ever.  Life in Prison without parole – or they can choose the other alternative if they should see fit.

We seem to be one Nutcase Judge away from releasing John Hinckley, Jr.  …..not good America!


This story was written by Patrick Doyle, Robert Lane and Hugh Bracken.)

Former Beatle John Lennon, the 40-year-old lead singer of the most popular rock group in history, was shot to death last night as he stepped from a limousine outside his home in the Dakota, an exclusive apartment building on Central Park West and 72d St.

Police arrested a suspect, “described as a local screwball,” minutes after the shooting and charged him with Lennon’s murder. The “smirking” suspect, identified as Mark David Chapman, 25, of Hawaii, was seen in the vicinity of the Dakota for several hours before the shooting and reportedly had hounded Lennon for an autograph several times in the last three or four days.

John Hinckley, Jr.shoots President Ronald Reagan outside the Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C. just after the president had addressed the Building and Construction Workers Union of the AFL-CIO. Hinckley was armed with a .22 revolver with exploding bullets and was only ten feet away from Reagan when he began shooting. Fortunately, he was a poor shot and most of the bullets did not explode as they were supposed to. Hinckley’s first shot hit press secretary James Brady and other shots wounded a police officer and a Secret Service agent. The final shot hit Reagan’s limo and then ricocheted into the President’s chest.

Hinckley’s path toward the assassination attempt began in 1976 when he saw the movie Taxi Driver. Robert DeNiro’s Travis Bickle stalks a Presidential candidate in the hopes that he will somehow impress and rescue a young prostitute played by Jodie Foster. Hinckley, who spent seven years in college without earning a degree or making a friend, added Foster to his list of obsessions, which also included Nazis, the Beatles and assassins.

On this day, January 17, in the year 1989, at Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, California, Patrick Purdy shot and killed five schoolchildren, and wounded 29 other children and one teacher, before committing suicide.  This event became known as the Cleveland School massacre.

On the morning of January 17, 1989, a person called the Stockton Police Department and warned of a death threat against Cleveland Elementary School.   At noon that day, Patrick Purdy, a mentally disturbed drifter, with a significant criminal history, set his van on fire with a gasoline filed beer bottle after parking it behind the school.  Purdy then moved to the school playground and began shooting an AK-47 from behind a portable building.   He shot more than 100 rounds in three minutes killing five children and wounding thirty others including one teacher.

All of the fatally wounded victims were Cambodian and Vietnamese immigrants.   Purdy then took his own life by shooting himself in the head with a pistol.  Investigators would later discover that he wore a flak jacket that bore the words “PLO,” “Libya,” and “death to the Great Satin” [sic].   Purdy had also carved the words “freedom”, “victory”, “Earthman”, and “Hezbollah” on his rifle.

Investigators would learn that Purdy had attend Cleveland Elementary School sixteen years earlier.  A 1987 police report described Purdy as suffering from “mild mental retardation.”   They would find no evidence of a specific hatred of Cambodians or Vietnamese, instead those who know Purdy described him as a person that hated everyone.

”He did not leave us a message,” the chief investigator said . ”Without that we’ll never know exactly why he did what he did.  In a way, he beat us because we’ll never know.

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.