Tiered Water Rates Ruling: San Juan Capistrano suffers Thanks to Poseidon’s Friends




The lawsuit declaring tiered water rates illegal resulted from Dave Ellis‘s friends foisting a bad water project on San Juan Capistrano.

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A recent appeals court decision upheld that tiered water rates are illegal because charges have to be tied to the cost of providing the service.  A simple idea, and even a fair one, but a serious blow to a century-old California tradition that water should flow cheaply to the powerful while the costs are covered by the general public. No wonder so many are screaming about this decision.

The lawsuit started because a cabal in San Juan Capistrano (including Sam Allevato) supported a water plant that didn’t work, forcing San Juan to triple water rates.

But most interesting is who enabled Sam Allevato and friends:  Dave Ellis.

Yes, the same gentleman who is trying to sell the billion dollar Poseidon water plant whose losses will be passed on to OCWD rate payers if project doesn’t meet rosy projections.

We’ve seen this movie before.

About Tyler in Irvine

Twenty Year Irvine Resident. Native Texan and proud Longhorn. Pro-Choice Ron Paul supporter. "Do I contradict myself? ... then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman