OJB has only obtained pictures of the grudge match between the Westboro Baptist Flaming Bigots and pretty much everyone else in Orange County, which took place this morning at Anaheim High School prior to their protest of the funeral of Rev. Robert Schuller –but based on Facebook reports it looks like the Flaming Bigots lost in an absolute rout.
The starting team from OC Human Rights was out in force, backed up by a crowd of scores of fans.

The starters expressed confidence in taking on a weak opponent from the sticks, then apologized for sounding mean.

Westboro’s former coach Fred Phelps may or may not have risen from his own grave to apologize for being a Cheney. (Photo credit, Renee Balenti.)
From the Facebook page of leading OC LGBT activist Jeff LeTourneau [interest declared: my brother-in-law] the LGBT protesters were leading the way, taking names … and selfies!

Pro tip: Note that LeTourneau politely holstered his “Pure Evil” sign until he was actually standing near a Westboro demonstrator.
Occupy ANONYMOUS Masked protesters honoring the intended assassins of King James I of England and VI of Scotland by a group of provincial English Catholics led by Robert Catesby in 1605’s Gunpowder Plot by wearing images of conspirator Thomas Percy (or possibly Guido Fawkes, see contemporaneous image below it) — were, as usual, all smiles!
Both atheists and believers were out there on the field today to kick some Westboro fanny!
And … there’s LeTourneau with his sign! This match is done! This match is done!
And then, as to put an exclamation point on the glorious victory for Anaheim, came this, from “Deviant Dog.”
This correspondent can scarcely imagine how long it will take Westboro Baptist to recover — if they ever do — from the stinging licking that they have taken this morning in Anaheim.
A thing of pure beauty.
of course, as you now, Westboro aren’t fundamentally bigots, they are fundamentally entrepreneurial litigants. They are trying to provoke bystanders into doing something the Westboro folks can sue for.
Good job making this a fun day, rather than a future lawsuit.
Thanks. Know how they did in the second half of the doubleheader at the Cathedral?
I never even saw the scumbuckets, but firsthand reports said there were only 3 of them. There were hundreds of counter-protestors, all very well behaved, frankly having a good time mocking them. I loved the sign at Visser’s Florist, which is next door and looks out over Anaheim High, it said simply, “Love Thy Neighbor.”
Cops and security were directing students to the Citron street gate behind the school building, so they did not have to encounter them, but they came out to the front steps to watch the morning’s distraction from class. Pathetic, thy name is Westboro.
The Crystal Cathedral they left even quicker. Cops gave us free reign to stand amongst them on the condition we don’t touch them, which we didn’t. It looked like a pack of wild dogs closing in on their prey. Lol. Plenty of videos of this have been uploaded all over Facebook and other social media outlets.
Don’t know if this will post, I don’t know how to pull the video off the page, but it seems to be posted to an open group, so those on facebook can view the video. This is when WBC left AHS. I understand they did not stay long at Schuller’s service either. I hope they are losing steam! https://www.facebook.com/morgan.evans.104/videos/o.758184140967073/870168913043520/?type=2&theater
It was beautiful. OC let the WBC know we don’t tolerate intolerance. They got booted from both of their spots in less than 5 minutes. However I’d like to point out one thing about your piece. Anonymous is not the same as Occupy. No big deal. Just for future reference bro.
*Representatives of the Anonymous Collective were present,not to be confused with Occupy. Excellent job done by all.
Anonymous is NOT I repeat IS NOT occupy, please correct the typo
Thank you for the correction.
Having been involved in Occupy OC since almost its inception, I can tell you that Occupy members often wear those Guy Fawkes masks at public events. The signs reference graphics put out by Anonymous, but there’s no rule that only Anonymous can display Anonymous signs. And many people in Occupy have greatly admired Anonymous. And, of course, there’s no membership requirement for or roster of Anonymous; anyone can claim to be part of it and how would an observer know?
However, the people whom I consider to be “really” part of Anonymous are the ones engaged in electronic hacking, cracking, espionage, and whistleblowing, much of which is — or if you prefer, is considered to be — illegal. These people routinely put their freedom at risk for their causes and occasionally get caught.
If you’re claiming that THOSE PEOPLE are showing up at a rally like this protecting their identities and their liberty with nothing more than some easily ripped-off Guy Fawkes masks, I think that you imagine these people to be far more stupid and reckless than they otherwise appear to be. And claiming that these people are the ones wanted by the FBI and God knows who else for their electonic espionage, sabotage, and data dumps puts these protestors at risk — at least if the police and court took that assertion seriously.
So, essentially, my strong suspicion is that the people there are not official (whatever that means) “representatives of the Anonymous Collective,” let alone the actual “players” in Anonymous, but more like the fans in the stadium painted up in team colors. Of course, we’d never know, because Anonymous is … well, anonymous. “Supporters of Anonymous” might be a good way to put it, but I’ll bet that these are the same people that have been wearing these masks out here for years.
So: no correction here — but if Anonymous really cares and demands credit, I’m sure that they can reach in and change the caption themselves.
Greg Diamond. Well sir it is obvious by your initial lack of knowledge of the concept of Anonymous and the ignorance you have spewed in your comment that you are butt hurt for being called out on you lack of journalistic integrity by actually doing proper research before posting the article in your blog. You clearly have now idea what Anonymous is or how it works. You might want to do some real research on the Collective before you make yourself look like a further Ass. And as far as reaching “in and change the caption themselves.” again show you know nothing about Anonymous. It has been our policy since day 1 not to attack the media. But it’s looking more like you are anything but The Media. good day sir, and I hope your snide arrogance doesn’t catch up with you. Good luck on that.
I think he is actually just a Legal Aid at the Public Law Center and is not a member of The California Bar at all. Because that is how he is is comparing Anonymous and Occupy. Anonymous was the Air Force for the Occupy movement and has been around decades before Occupy was even a thought. The Occupy Movement came along and decided to use the mask. And now everyone knows why the have been dubbed Occucry.
Maybe you need a crash course in Anonymous.
Frankly, you sound like a poseur. (Look it up if you have to.) By the way, the first comment from an IP address here always goes to moderation, after which you’re cleared unless you trip over one of the other relatively few rules we have programmed in. We even allow you to be an asshole up to a reasonable degree. Lucky you.
So now comments are awaiting moderation. well looks like my last one, or this will will actually get posted.
I think he is actually just a Legal Aid at the Public Law Center and is not a member of The California Bar at all. Because that is how he is is comparing Anonymous and Occupy. Anonymous was the Air Force for the Occupy movement and has been around decades before Occupy was even a thought. The Occupy Movement came along and decided to use the mask. And now everyone knows why the have been dubbed Occucry.
First comments here from a new IP address always go to moderation. But, being the high-tech buccaneer that you must be to be involved with Anonymous, surely you are already familiar with basic anti-spam protocols for blogs.
Well that interesting because my post were not marked ‘awaiting moderation’ at anytime. Hmmm
Moderated posts don’t appear until we approve them. They aren’t marked as “awaiting moderation.” That’s not our choice (so far as I know), but just how the software works. I’m glad that you find it interesting.
Oh, what the hell — I’ll just post what I received in my inbox from one of the messages:
OK? And then I clicked “approve.” Note the redactions to protect Mr. Price’s privacy.
My original post thanking you was out of honor and respect. But you decided to be a troll trying to defend your failed honor. Now you have had to go and turn this whole thing into a cluster F*@k.
I’ve been to various rallies in OC for years where some have worn Guy Fawkes masks. I’ve also seen the people without their masks. I think that to a person, they have been people involved with Occupy in OC. It was something that many in Occupy did, at least in OC.
I recognize that members of Anonymous also wear Guy Fawkes masks and that anyone can declare themselves a member of Anonymous and they therefore are — except when they aren’t. But to me, the people who show up at rallies wearing Guy Fawkes masks are not the people I consider to be the true members of “Anonymous” — the hacktivists — because they are not the ones exerting their skills and taking the risks. I see it, again, as being something very similar to a sports team and their fans.
Any of the real “hacktivists” would have to be out of their frigging minds to go attend a public rally and draw attention to themselves. They are often breaking the law and facing arrest if found. I simply refuse to believe that they’re that foolhardy.
So, to review: in my experience the people wearing GF masks within OC have been with Occupy. They have done so without carrying Anonymous signs, although maybe sometimes they have, and maybe they consider themselves part of both organizations. But your saying that I know that I’m wrong and just won’t admit it is false. Do you live in OC? If not, then who knows more about what goes on here, you or me?
Wow really. Censoring posts because you make yourself look like a fool? You should have a long hard look in the mirror. This is just getting started.
Is it indeed “just getting started”? Just what am I to make of that, fanboy?
If anyone from the actual Anonymous collective (rather than a fanboy wannabe) is interested in communicating with me, then I’m sure that they will be able to figure out how to do it.
Wait a minute. Greg claims to be a accountability attorney. Yet when it is brought to his attention that he made an editorial mistake, he resorts to trolling to avoid his own accountability? Sounds like this guy is nothing but a failed attorney turned ‘ambulance chaser’.
See my reply to John Smith, whom I believe you know, below. And don’t engage in sockpuppetry or I will ban you — not because I disagree with you (to the extent I do) but because sock puppetry is dishonest.
Please never affiliate occucry as part of anonymous. We reached out our hands to the occucry movement in order support the Lil guys standing against financial oppressed world wide. And were betrayed.
Anonymous 101 14 superior tr00lz who got mad bro just happen to be on a little message board called 4chan. And yes due to the 14 people also being whitehat hackerz who gottz buuutttz hurtz.. We found our way to the IP addresses of hated tr00lz and well let’s just say 4chan wasn’t so anonymous any more.. But either way a team was built and anonymous was born.
No one in or claiming to be anonymous can be a poZer.. We are a collective of people that share an idea. Of freedom. Anyone can be anonymous. All of us have special skills we donate to the collective.. Some hack. Some protest. Some are first responders, that offer medical assistance to protestors. Some are lawyers, ect. Some just donate money. It doesn’t matter..
Last but not leaste. Its obsurd that u feel that a hacker wouldn’t put themselves out there for what we believe. I’ve been hacking since 50 bps modems on 8088s. And yes I’m under 40. A hacker should feel comfortable w their skillz on y not to get caught. Many of my fellow anons on this thread can attest to my skills and also know that I see our #ops weather virtual or physical as a hack. Weather or not its digital or physical, it takes a certain set of ballz to step out and say something. Ddosing or shutting down streets. I do appreciate your crossing out of occucry. But to run a blog bsused on freedom and the collect IP’s and cherry pick posting.. Shame on u bud..
“Cherry pick posting”? Are you talking about anti-spam filters? Or do you mean rejecting sock puppets who post under multiple names to make it look like they have more support than they actually do? (The software collects IPs automatically; I just notice when the same one comes up with multiple posts.)
If I were cherry-picking postings, none of your guys’ stuff would have made it through — but there they are.
Of course any political group can (or I’d say “will”) attract its share of poseurs. If you’re not a poseur and you haven’t learned that lesson, and it’s problems, I’m sure that you someday will. The government hates Anonymous even more than it did Occupy, and it’s not because of your street theater. Set up a group that “anyone can speak for” and they’ll have you “speaking” things that you hate.
Finally, tell me: when has anonymous been “shutting down streets”? Now helping to shut up Scientology, that’s something to be proud of.
This was a great piece. I’m glad that we were able to roll the WBC out of OC. And I’m also happy there was the correction to the article. Anonymous is not Occupy. Lulz…
I guess he has no clue what a VPN or wifi hot spot is.
yes we use VPN’s often the same provides. so of course there will be same or similar ip addresses. gmafb.
How about this ip address? We can change them all day long , even if you were to block one of our ip’s we can just switch to another.
And now I’m in Japan. of teh lulz.
ooo. now I’m in Iceland. so much for your lie about messages from new ip’s being held for moderation.
You need to seriously relax.
This is a local political blog.
Sorry, misspoke — I haven’t had to think about that for a while. It’s new email addresses that go to moderation. At least two names have shared the same email address, while all three of the first ones shared the same IP address, which is why I said that you probably “knew each other” as opposed to “urinate out of the same orifice.”
Don’t make me document it. Thank you for your participation in our civic discussion.
It’s fuckin true, I can vouch for new unfamiliar IP’s and e-mail addresses being automatically held for moderation, and I am a VPN, so stop being obnoxious or you’re outta here.
Vern! Be nice to our guest! He’s stopping ISIS!
Yeah? Lemme see him unburn that Jordanian.
Ummm check out my Instagram feed @jcasspromotions from the million mask march. We shut down Hollywood blvd jus fine.. Also I remember being in the middle of Chapman ave during #opfullerton being mask to riot mask w the Fullerton PD.. The pic only went viral but yeah.. Ohh and if the government h8s us (which I don’t care either way) they feared anonymous enough to reach out to us to help ice Isis.
No thanks; Instagram is boring. So, did Hollywood Blvd. stay closed? I don’t recall seeing you protesting in Fullerton; must be because of the mask.
But seriously — thanks for helping stop Isis. They’re really pissing me off with the destroying Assyrian landmarks thing. So the government wants you to go to Syria and Iraq and do masked street protests? Or were they just looking for help from the “skill positions”?