What OJ readers can do to help Save the Elephants!




elephants kipling

You may not realize this, gentle reader, but this blog, this Orange Juice Blog, has been in the forefront of defending the mighty and endangered pachyderm for several years now, ever since we helped force the (then) Dave Ellis-dominated OC Fair Board to drop elephant rides. (Remember that?)

So. Paradoxically, even though we tend to be harshly critical of national, state, and MOST local Republicans, the Orange Juice is a pro-elephant blog. We even shared this celebrated video when it came to our attention how the international IVORY trade and its attendant POACHING is seriously threatening the great species with EXTINCTION (while funding sundry terrorism.)

 Well now our friends in Sacramento are doing something about it! The following came from the National Resources Defense Council, care of our commenter “Even Steven.”  How will YOUR assemblymember and state senator vote on this crucial legislation? 

Dear ****

Over 120,000 NRDC Members and activists have taken action to pressure the Obama Administration to crack down on illegal ivory across the country — but right now, there’s a special opportunity to rein in California’s ivory market.

The California State Assembly is about to vote on Assembly Bill 96, which would ban all ivory sales throughout the state.

elephants nrdcIf this legislation passes, California would be one of the first states in the country to ban ivory sales and become a leader in the national fight to end the U.S. ivory trade, which is fueling the brutal killing of African elephants abroad.

Please help stop the elephant slaughter by telling your State Assembly Member to support AB96 and shut down California’s ivory trade.

Although it’s technically illegal to buy and sell ivory from freshly killed elephants, the sale of older ivory is still perfectly legal in much of the U.S. — including California.

And since it’s so difficult to distinguish between new and old ivory, the state’s ivory market, the second largest in the U.S., has continued to skyrocket. In fact, the proportion of ivory offered for sale in California that is likely illegal has doubled in the last eight years.

This new state legislation will close the loophole in the existing state law that has allowed the illegal ivory trade to flourish.

The truth is, elephants simply can’t wait. Every day, 96 African elephants are heartlessly killed for their tusks.

That’s why it’s so critical that you make your voice heard in Sacramento right away. Tell your State Assembly Member to stop California’s role in elephant poaching by voting Yes on AB96. Thank you.

Rhea Suh
President, NRDC

rhea nrdc

P.S. You can do even more to help by calling your State Assembly Member and asking them to join you in supporting AB 96. Find your Assembly Member’s phone number here.

Well, the Orange Juice with our political savvy can let you know a little more than that.  Turns out the bill comes from Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins and only needs a majority to pass which should be easy;  but still it would be nice if SOME Republicans (which is all the OC has now) would vote to protect their own mascot.   And so far all Republicans have either voted NO or “boldly abstained.”

harperSo far it has passed, overwhelmingly, through the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife – but with all Republicans voting no or abstaining.  Who does the OC have on that committee?  None other than the gleamy-pated Matt Harper (south HB, Newport, Costa Mesa) who voted no on the bill.  Figures Matt would get himself onto the Water Committee, doubtless to carry some more of it for Poseidon.  But why does Matthew hate elephants?  Ask him at 916-319-2074. 

Next stop – any day now – is the Appropriations Committee, where our county is represened by THREE assemblycritters:

  • Ling-Ling Chang representing some of our northernmost cities (916-319-2055) 
  • Irvine’s Don Wagner who just lost a bid for State Senate to our pal John Moorlach (916-319-2069)
  • and Santa Ana’s Tom Daly who may as well be a Republican given the minimum-wage-destroying bill he’s pushing right now (which I will write about soon.  916-319-2068.)

Demon Tom Daly Ad

All ye who care about the mighty and endangered pachyderm, pester the above fools.  Vern out.

elephants slaughtered

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.