Colonel Klink would be proud of Roger Goodell and his fascist inspired NFL. Trey Vincent and Ted Wells…..are the perfect ferret and parrot combination in pro sports. “Prepondering…” aside….. the NFL’s $40 million dollar man; Bad Roger is starting to look more like a cartoon figure like Porky Pig every day. “Bumbling….stumbling….rumbling….into the End Zone”….says Chris Berman…and of the greater and greater disbelief in his decision making. Maybe Roger isn’t even calling the shots here. Maybe some secret powers behind the scenes are making these ridiculous decisions and expecting “Roger Baby”….to go out and sell it to the hungry public.
So let’s start out with “THE CRIME of the Century”. OK, maybe we should call it what it is: “Rule Breaking!” OK, how bad is this Rule Breaking and how much could it affect “the integrity of the game”? How about steroids? How about targeted hitting on opposing players to seriously injure them and take them out for the season or end their careers? How about personal bad conduct – like killing your best friend or another illegal drug dealer? How about beating up your wife or girlfriend in public? How about robbing and beating someone until near death? How about raping and hospitalizing someone you just met? How about drugging someone, raping them and doing it over and over again? Do any of these things affect the “intergrity of the game”? How about asking college students with bad records and moral charges into the the NFL?
What about cheating on every play and paying off the officials to look the other way or not look at all? How about letting organized crime fix the over and unders for every game? Oh well, the list will start to get pretty long before you get to “under inflate your Wilson NFL Game ball by 1 PSI or 2. Especially, when the temperature fluxuates from a high of 120F degrees on the field to under 30 below. 13 PSI is the so-called recommended pressure. What happens when it is “deflated to 11 PSI”? The ball gets easier to squeeze! Have most NFL Players squeezed a football at 13 PSI and 11 PSI? Mainly, running backs, receivers and quarterbacks. What about gloves? Are those within the rules? Why do some Quarterbacks like Peyton Manning wear gloves during the winter? Why do some receivers wear gloves all the time and why do most running backs not use gloves? This is called “Preference”. Does the NFL have a “Glove Rule”? They used to not have a “Stickum Rule” until the Oakland Raiders put stickum all over their uniforms…and if the ball hit them….it would stick by itself.
One thing is certain – the Seattle Seahawks probably should have won this year’s Super Bowl. They didn’t, because of one errant pass in the last seconds of the game. “Was the integrity of the game put in doubt?” Probably not. Should Russell Wilson be fired for throwing that pass? Should Pete Carroll by given 100 lashes and the Seattle Owner fined $1 Million dollars? This whole “Deflategate” nonsense is just that. We could name 50 NFL quarterbacks and probably more wide receivers and running backs that would prefer a softer football and have made the same adjustments throughout the history of the NFL. In the days of Sammy Baugh, “Slingin Sammy” had to throw the ball with his forefinger on the point of the ball, because the diameter of the ball was two inches bigger around than the ball is today. Bart Starr, Johnny Unitas, Joe Montana, Joe Namath, Pat Haden and others “deflated” and that is just for starters. It is quite interesting to see the list of bad quarterbacks that never won anything that are busy climbing on Brady and the Patriots. No need to name names….you know who they are! “Integrity of the game!…indeed.”
Brady and the Patriots will appeal the ruling of the NFL and their bogus discovery process! The worst part of all of it is that the two ball guys have lost their jobs “until the NFL decides differently”. Ridiculous and awful. Brady should lose no games or pay. Kraft and the Patriots should be fined $100,000 and the Indianapolis Colts should be fined $100,000 for turning the Patriots in. Obvisously, this so-called “Sting Operation” was set in advance and turncoats like the Colts – are not only crybabies but part of the paid off process.
For those picky folks who feel that “Brady and the Pats are cheaters!”, the corrective action is to take away the authorized pressure of every football in every league game from the individual teams and make the the NFL provide – One GAMEBALL Ref and one GAMEBALL Assistant to check the air pressure of each ball in all four quarters of play. Hey, no need to leave “the integrity of the game” in the hands of two ball boys making $35K a year….eh? Let’s pay these NFL GAMEBALL Refs and Assistants each $125,000 a year. No need to be cheap when it comes to the NFL maintaining “the intergrity of the game”.
“Sergeant Schultz……get Hogan!”
That stream of consciousness thing?
Not workin’ for ya.
Stream of something alright.
Winships, I love you, but attempting to translate your work is like trying to interpret speaking in tongues.
*Painting by the numbers has never inspired our works. We look for the inquisitive and searching mind with a slight slit open enough to grasp the bulls by the horns. Manolete on steroids…perhaps? El Cordorbes with a sword in his hand….perhaps? Otherwise, just busboys who know their MOS to the point that it is not a reach for them to multi-task the mind about the significance of those cigarettes in the coffee cups and realize the are not in a Russian Tea Room.
*Brady is scheduled to Appeal the NFL ruling by Thursday night. Our prediction: Brady wins and loses no games or pay.
the facts are simple.
-Brady was given every opportunity to participate and exonerate himself. He chose to stonewall.
-The Patriots have an established history of cheating.
-Under-inflating balls is against NFL rules. Hence, when you actively (and secretively) do it, you are cheating.
The cheating Pats culture has not been corrected.
Given these facts alone, the extended punishments are completely appropriate.
My only quibble is that Belichick should have also been punished.
*Please arrest yourself for either severe stupidity or pure bias against logic, common sense and analytiical processing of the facts. If you don’t pull up
your socks in the NFL……on gameday – you will be fined and disaplined. They
don’t ask to see your I-pod or phone messages however. So, you are saying
that Brady…snuck into the bathroom with the ball boy and sucked out 2 psi of
air…..exactly? Hope mom will buy that excuse…..for your sake. Otherwise, the
dog did eat your medula……
*15 balls in 140 seconds…….sounds like a real professional ball sucker to us.
please step away from the chardonnay and diet pills, you’ve had enough.
Here’s processing of the facts, from the investigators:
“What drove the decision in this report was one thing: it was the evidence. And I could not ethically ignore the import and relevancy of those text messages and the other evidence.”
“When I was appointed to be the independent investigator, no one at the Patriots or in Mr. Brady’s camp raised any issue with my independence or my integrity to judge the evidence impartially and fairly,” Wells said on a conference call. “In fact, Mr. Kraft, to my recollection, publicly said he welcomed my appointment.
“I think it’s wrong to criticize my independence just because you disagree with my findings.”
A little sincerity and a lot of humility goes a long way. Had Brady and the Patriots just ‘fessed up when NFL officials discovered New England’s footballs in the AFC Championship game had been deflated, this whole uproar would have been more like a murmur.
“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.”
― Sophocles
*”Hopeless sophistry”….the great man said. “You won’t get it wishin and a hopin”….said Dionne Warwick. Ted Wells is and Trey Vincent are “designated hitters”. If Goodell had the juevos of an ant…..he would have come out with this nonsense “himself”. Evidently, he knew the result was going to be contentious. Our bet is that this is all theatre as usual. Tom Terrific will not be penalized………you have to have the unimpeachable evidence. They can’t even get one of the ball boys to come forward and say very simply: “Tom always wants 10.5 PSI in the footballs we use in cold weather!” So, where is your “fess up”? We are waiting. In the meantime, change the procedure for how footballs are handled by the NFL and go down the road. We can’t wait to see your “secret list” of NFL teams that have NEVER CHEATED on anything in their history. Ever heard of Barry Switzer? Give him a call and ask about cheaters in the NFL. You might be surprised. You might not even play fantasy football this year because of it – but we doubt it. This year, we have three teams rather than two.
so your argument is ‘other teams cheat and haven’t been caught, so the Patriots shouldn’t be punished, despite the strong evidence?’
It is the lack of cooperation that is the crux of the Patriot’s problem.
They are habitual and unapologetic rule breakers.
Tom Shady and crew deserve what they get. The rest of the league agrees.
Some food for thought:
*Roger G., is going here the Tom Brady Appeal “himself”! OK, then:
We want Roger to go ask around before he makes his final, final decision. Ask all the iconic QB’s like Roger Stauback, Dan Marino and Terry Bradshaw and then ask every running back and wide receiver that has ever played a down in the NFL….about deflate.
Who did it…when and for how long? And then answer the question: “What does integrity of the game mean to you?” Michael Vick, Ray Rice……….or who else?
Robert Kraft: Patriots won’t appeal Deflategate punishment
*Yeah, nice touch by Kraft. This way, if Roger Goodell doesn’t retrench on the Brady fines and dismissals….he will look exactly like he is…………major stupid.