[Pic from the Weekly]
July 7, 6pm: Just thought you-all should know first – six hours ago, controversial flamethrowing Villa Park councilwoman and OCGOP albatross Deborah Pauly announced her intention to run [against Harry Sidhu, so far] for the 68th assembly district to be vacated by termed-out assemblyman Don Wagner.
So, break out the popcorn, OC Democrats! Probably emboldened by the recent racist splashes made on the national stage by Donald Trump and Ann Coulter, this diminutive blonde hater no doubt thought “This is MY time, and I won’t let anyone else tell me otherwise.”
It’s been a while since we’ve written about Deborah, but she first got national attention in early 2011 by regaling an angry anti-Muslim crowd, protesting outside a peaceful Muslim fundraiser in Yorba Linda (for a battered women’s shelter of all things) with sentiments such as:
“Let me tell you, what’s going on over there right now [pointing toward community center] make no bones about it – that is pure unadulterated evil.”
“You know what, this is the bad seed. Make no mistake – and you know what I’m talking about. This is the bad seed, and we are in the middle of a fight for our lives. The fight for the future of our country.”
“I have a wonderful 19-year old son who’s a United States Marine. As a matter of fact I know quite a few Marines who will be happy to help these terrorists [pointing toward community center] to an early meeting in paradise.”
This was not long after she marked the passage of Obamacare on her Facebook page with the words, “Do you feel sodomized yet?”
And the year after (that great 2010 year of xenophobia) when she toured the city councils of the OC trying to get them all to name themselves “Rule By Law Cities” and proclaim their support for Arizona’s “papers please” anti-Mexican law, and told them all how ashamed she was of her moderate Republican Villa Park colleagues for not following her in that crusade.
And not long before she addressed a Garden Grove women’s club with the bizarre words, “Democrats are of the terrorists, by the terrorists, and for the terrorists!”
Since then she has been part of an insurgent clique in the OC Republican Party, somewhat associated with the “Tea Party,” whatever that is any more. But I know a lot of those people, and they are insurgent because they are tired of the corruption of the Party insiders, not so much because they are haters who would like to torpedo the Party’s outreach to minorities.
I’ve noticed Deborah lately trying (apparently) to achieve some respectability by getting involved in the campaigns of decent folks like John Moorlach and Tom Tait; she is obviously ambitious. Let me get this development out to you now, and I’ll update as I get more of a sense of if she intends to distance herself from her previous outrageous and divisive behavior, or if, like Trump and Coulter, she’s more inclined to QUADRUPLE DOWN. And what other Republicans plan to do about this. To be continued… [and hat-tip to Matt Munson for the heads up!]
UPDATE: That’s right, I knew that but forgot: The endlessly ambitious (and fairly rich) assclown Harry Sidhu (last seen rolling out the welcome mat for Poseidon, and envisioning Clerk-Recorder offices in outer space) already had his eyes on that seat. Now there’s a tough choice – corrupt and dumb, or malevolent and unhinged? I’m also hearing that Irvine’s mumbling Mayor Stephen Choi has “expressed interest” in the seat. The silver lining with that, from this Dem’s point of view, would be kicking him upstairs from Irvine, as we in HB did to Matt Harper.
UPDATE 2: Deborah will talk to me in the morning. Unless, perhaps, she reads this first. Pass along any questions.
Update July 8: The Interview
1. Unpleasantness Out of the Way First…
Deborah insists that her famed abuse and threats of Yorba Linda Feb 2011 was, as she has claimed before, ONLY intended toward the two controversial speakers that evening, Imam Siraj Wahhaj and Amir Abdel Malik Ali. (As I’ve written before, I saw the speech unedited a couple of times before it was removed from the internet, and it’s utterly not clear that she’s not referring to all Muslims.) She insists she’s not a racist or Islamophobe, that she believes in tolerance and the right of any American to follow whatever religion they believe in, but she also says that ONE of those two speakers above had been at UCI recruiting and encouraging young UCI Muslims to terrorism and jihad, and that, although she supports freedom of speech, “THAT is like shouting fire in a crowded theater.” And that CAIR (Center for American-Islamic Relations) which she insists is a terrorist front, made an example of her so that ANYONE would be afraid to speak out against Islamic extremism again.
“Would you be willing to meet with a Muslim group, maybe speak at a mosque, to explain yourself that your comments were not directed at typical American Muslims or their religion?” She sounded surprised at the idea, and then very enthusiastic. “Sure, if a mosque will allow me to do that, I would be happy to – to begin with, that would show me that they are open to free speech, and to letting women talk!” Well, any takers, mosques of OC? Particularly in that district? Or is her condemnation of CAIR a non-starter? Maybe that could be refuted by a second speaker? You can contact me – I would go to that show!
On immigration she’s still a hardliner and sounds almost like Trump and Coulter. She still believes we need an Arizona-style papers-please law in California. As an argument she brings up that recent senseless murder in San Francisco, as well as the murder of some black football player she knew named Jamal something – both committeed by undocumented immigrants. “You’ll tell me those are anecdotal, but they’re not anecdotal to the families involved, and they show that we need tougher border enforcement.”
“Well… yes, they ARE anecdotal, because the undocumented commit way less crime than Americans do. And this is why we don’t generally have the families of tragic crime victims writing laws or making policy… unless we’re Todd Spitzer. Do you not believe that immigration from Mexico, illegal and otherwise, has zeroed out in the last few years?” “I don’t know if that’s true, Vern, I don’t know.”
2. Disappointing as a Libertarian
I was kind of expecting her to be better on certain liberty-type issues that occasionally make me like some Republicans, but I was disappointed. Police reform? The Police Officers Bill of Rights? “Well, I don’t see how changing a piece of paper is going to do anything about the two or three bad eggs [2 or 3!!!??] out there, or the people who are always complaining and blaming things on the police either. The fact is we NEED law enforcement, and we should appreciate and respect them!” Whoops.
How do you feel about same-sex marriage, and transgender rights? “Well, gay marriage is already settled, it’s the law of the land, so there’s no point me taking a position on it… but I still believe that MARRIAGE IS BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN. And it’s my right to believe that, and I am going to PROTECT that right!” “Protect it from what?” “I didn’t say protect it from ANYTHING, Vern, don’t put words in my mouth!” (The only time she got angry.) “I’ll protect anyone’s right to believe anything they want,” she continued, “and I choose to believe marriage is between a man and a woman.” “Well, sure, Deborah, you can believe that. I don’t see what the problem is.” And I don’t. Social conservatives sure are touchy right now!
Medical marijuana? And eventual legalization? “Well, that’s already settled too, isn’t it? Don’t we have legal medical marijuana in this state?” “Well, yes, but legislation is always going through Sacramento that would make it harder or easier for patients to get access and so on.” She complains about how the one dispensary in Villa Park is too near a high school. Legalization? She hems and haws and has a problem with smoking’s health effects, and ANYTHING that can cloud your mind. (Woman, we all know you drink.) Eventually she allows as to how “I would always try to err on the side of freedom.” Well, I hope so. [CORRECTION 7-13: There is no dispensary in Villa Park. She was saying, given her general concern with “mandates” coming from the state, that if Villa Park were forced to have a dispensary, it would of necessity be too close to the high school because the town is so small.]
3. Why Deborah is Running.
She says she has “always” wanted to be in the assembly, because that’s where so many decisions are made that affect, or tie the hands of, local communities. But the specific issues she’s most interested in addressing there are different from all the stuff we got out of the way above.
[The next two paragraphs revised 7/13 after talking with Debbie again] The first issue she’s been immersed in for over a decade, which she went on about at length, is addressing policies that prevent municipalities from adequately improving school facilities without general obligation bonds that have to be paid off by property owners. Localities find themselves between a rock and a hard place, given “one size fits all” mandates that come down from the state for improving their facilities, and then no funds to do it. She has gone up to Sacramento “on her own dime” to discuss “cost-saving measure for improving school sites.” She found a sympathetic ear with Governor Brown over both having the state be more FLEXIBLE in its mandates, and putting an end to the practice of MATCHING FUNDS being awarded to districts that pass a bond. As she says, “If the money is available, give it on the basis of a district’s need, don’t BRIBE them into taxing their own property owners.”
There’s also a $15,000 limit which was put in place DECADES AGO, back when you could really do a meaningful amount of work for that amount of money – a $15,000 limit BELOW which you only have to take three competitive bids for the job, and above which you have to jump through a thousand bureaucratic hoops and spend much of your resources on administrative costs and red tape. Deborah has been trying for over a decade to have that $15,000 limit raised to keep up with the times, but has been opposed by unions. She finds their opposition ill-advised: her plan would free up money for MORE work.
She is most adamantly in disagreement with the Governor on High Speed Rail, which she will fight tooth and nail up in Sacramento. “It is an outrage” what the HSR authority is doing to property owners whose farmland etc. they want to take, and the HSR meetings she’s been to are mostly taken up with litigation. She says most Californians are not interested in traveling in that manner anyhow, and this is a great waste of money that could be spent on things we need more, like water storage and water conveyance.
She also spoke in general of the “mandates” Sacramento puts on local governments, things they must do and things they can’t do, micromanaging where she would prefer “broader brush strokes” of the direction the state should go.
How would you contrast yourself from your opponent Harry Sidhu, and your predecessor Don Wagner? First she says, it doesn’t matter how she contrasts with Don since he’s termed out, but then can’t help herself: “I would be much more ACTION-ORIENTED than Don Wagner. And I AM NOT A CRONY CAPITALIST.”
I couldn’t tell if “crony capitalist” was meant to apply to Wagner or Sidhu, but it really fits both, and was perhaps a pivot. “The biggest difference between Harry and me is that I know what I stand for, everyone knows what I stand for, whereas Harry just stands for getting himself elected, and he’ll say anything to anyone to make that happen.”
True that. I tell her my favorite Sidhu story, of when he was trying to get the Supervisors to appoint him Clerk-Recorder, and Moorlach asked him what he thought about “satellite offices for the clerk-recorder.” Harry looked startled for a moment, then responded enthusiastically, “Whatever we can IMAGINE, as long as we can afford it, let’s do it!” The hilarious part is you could tell he was picturing some kind of offices having to do with satellites in outer space. But the instructive part was you could tell, even though in his retired engineer’s mind no scenarios he could come up with made any sense, his main concern was to answer Moorlach’s question in the way that Moorlach wanted. Deborah laughed pretty hard.
“But I’ll give Harry this much,” she continued, with a pause for comic effect: “At least he lives in the district he’s pretending to live in this time.” Oh, snap! If I were in that district, and those were the only two candidates, I would choose Pauly over Sidhu – we could use a sharp dose of not-crony-capitalist in Sacramento, especially on the Republican side. (And our conversation was pleasant, even though she WAS aware of the first half of this piece.)
I think of crazy Tim Donnelly – despite all his paranoia and nativism, he has not done any harm in Sacramento, and he HAS done some good, when he hooks up with liberty-minded Democrats.
Oh, and any mosques in the district ready to take Deborah up on her offer?
Well Vern, I guess I can’t get too mad at you because you do flat out admit you’re trolling from comments from other Republicans, so here it goes:
Let’s start with the context of her quote: According to Pauly, her comments were directed at the speakers invited by CAIR to speak at the event. She denies she was “speaking generally about all the local American Muslims who would be congregating there” and I frankly don’t agree with your interpretation of her comments.
As for the content, yes, her comments were harsh and, no her speaking style is not my style. But compared to half of the things that come out of Amir-Abdel Malik-Ali’s mouth, Deb Pauly’s speech sound like a late period Mr. Rogers monologue. I find it very hard to condemn someone for speaking harshly against a person who deserves to be spoken harshly to, and Malik-Ali deserves it.
Let me just also note that there is a very odd juxtaposition in the video, cutting between speeches from various elected officials, clearly shot during the day, and hecklers who are mostly at night, and are extremely close to the event itself. The organizers of the protest (I know one of them pretty well and would be happy to put her into contact with you if you want to) deny that the protest was anywhere near the community center itself and that they had anything to do with the hecklers who, again, were clearly doing their thing in the evening, after the speakers had finished speaking.
I’ve known Pauly socially for a little over a year now and here’s what I’ve seen firsthand: #1) She always votes her conscience, regardless of the consequences; #2) she is genuinely passionate about the issues she fights for, unlike probably most representatives on both parties; and #3) contrary to the impression CAIR’s video might give, she is a very sharp debater. Her comments at Central Committee in early 2014 in rebuttal to Kring and Murray’s longwinded and largely incoherent defense of crony capitalism in Anaheim was a thing of beauty. All and all, I’d say that she comes across as very refreshing – especially against someone like Sidhu or Wagner – and I would have no problem supporting her.
I couldn’t support her even among Republicans — but I see her upside as well as her downside. The anti-Muslim screeds cannot, I think, be easily explained away. But she was good on the Veterans Cemetery and is very good on corruption issues. In OC, where bipartisan corruption is ascendant, the latter might actually be more important than the former. (It’s not like she’d have any serious power to harm Muslims, as she seems to be the type to elicit a strong averse reaction more than anything else.)
I’ll be interested in seeing what other candidates emerge. There’s certainly going to be room for a reasonable one.
Sean and Greg:
No Sean I didn’t get this from trolling from other Republicans (except for the Sidhu reminder and Choi tip in the update) – it’s all stuff I remember of the last four and a half years… And there’s more than just picking on Muslims, there’s picking on Mexicans in 2010, and equating Democrats with terrorists in 2011 – sounds like trashing well over half her constituency right there. That’s all in the story.
Oh and her excuses about that anti-Muslim speech in Yorba Linda – I addressed that in this story at the time http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2011/03/yorba-linda-hate-fest-update-pathetic-bawling-pauly-gropes-for-excuses-as-her-villa-park-colleagues-reject-her-and-further-amazingness/ and explained why I didn’t find her excuses credible. I did hear the whole speech in context twice, before George Collins disappeared it off the internet.
I did call her last night and she wants to talk this morning. (LOL unless she’s mad about this story already.) Let’s see if she wants to walk back any of her past statements, and in general what she’d like to do in the assembly. It WOULD be refreshing to have someone who’s not so corrupt in there for once…
She’s obviously going to be the alternative candidate to the Smash ‘N Grab Club’s boy, Hide and Seek Sidhu. So she’s got that goin’ for her.
Doesn’t matter to them, David. Kring will be dead, Murray will be representing a district that excludes the flatlands, and Brandman will be representing the flatlands based on a corrupt Republican + corrupt Democratic vote. What happens at the mere city level doesn’t concern them in the long run.
*It is definitely the Year of the Girl…..so we support Deb and Hillary and Kamala and all the cool babes running for office. Do they screw up? Sometimes! Look at the lovely Loretta…..she is still fun. What about our favorite Tulsi Gabbard or Kristen Gillibrand?
Meanwhile, we have big news right here in Newport Beach. Scott Peotter stepped on the wrong Frog……and came out with HIS POSITION on Same Sex Marriage. What? Does he think he is Wiley Drake? Wiley at least has a Church and a following. Scott is looking forward to a nebulous end to a faulty political career. If he does the Dying Cockroach on local TV today, he may have one slim chance of saving himself. The City and him are going to be sued, because he used the City Seal on his E-Blast. He must have thought he could run against Deb for the Wagner seat? In any event, the Citizens of Newport Beach have been embarrassed beyond belief. Peotter must think Laguna Beach is in another country….and not on the border of Newport Beach.
I’d have to move across town to vote (no impediment to those who do that to RUN!) but Anaheim, at least, has had it’s fill of “corrupt and dumb”. Whatever that other choice is looks better by the day.
Theres a dispensary in Villa park?
you lost me when you put decent human being and john moorlach in the same sentence
as to peotter, he will not get re-elected but he is going to have four years to truly screw up newport
The column was indeed FAIR and CRITICAL. And I respect that of Vern and for the comments Deborah made to Vern.
Paul Lucas and anyone out there reading these posts. NO! There is no known dispensary in Villa Park. But if there is something I should know, please provide me the details.
Diana Fascenelli Mayor of Villa Park.
Oh God…Isn’t there anyone sane that can run in this district?
Here are 3 ways to solve the illegal immigration issue.
1. Keep it real.
Whenever the issue comes up, ALWAYS put the word ILLEGAL in from of the word immigration or immigrant. Because I never heard of any citizens protesting or patrolling or lighting up the border to stop legal immigrants from getting into the country.
And when there are “immigrants rights” rallies, just how will ANY of these rallies or protests benefit any person who has immigrated here legally?
2. Pass a law that will end birth-right citizenship for people who are in the country illegally (obvious) or temporally (such as on a tourist or student visa)…UNLLESS one parent, prove through a DNA test, is a US citizen.
3. Pass a law that we will treat illegal immigrants as does their country of origin. China, Mexico, Canada, Norway…wherever they come from.
That would be a good deal for many of the illegal immigrants from, say, oh, some random place…like Mexico, as it would be similar to the legal system they are already familiar with.
So, however Mexico deals with illegal immigrants (except maybe for the part of being robbed and raped by the police and detention officers) that is how we deal with Mexican illegal immigrant.
There. Three easy steps. Problem solved.
#2 would take a Constitutional amendment.
#1, people do not appreciate being called “illegal” as though their lack of documentation defines them, and I respect that.
#3. We are a better country than Mexico, and don’t necessarily need to do things their way. (In many ways we’re still the best, a shining city on a hill!)
Lots of people oppose our current level of legal immigration as well. Republican Presidential aspirant Scott Walker “went there” earlier this year.
You can’t “pass a law” that ends “birthright citizenship” because it’s in the constitution. Check out Clarence Thomas’s takedown of this idea.
If you don’t like illegal immigration, go after the people who hire people residing in the country without authorization. That’s not a generalized “you” — I mean you, personally, go around to different businesses and farms producing your food and your own neighbors and challenge them on their practices. Until you do that, you’re just blowing out hot air.
Oh, I am so glad I don’t live in California anymore…not that things are so great in Minnesota. Both big Dem states.
Anyway, I think Vern got a big majority of the Muslim event story right but not all.
I spoke with Deborah at length after her angry speech at the event protest…almost 2 hours…and we talked about the threats made against her afterwards and what her feelings were about the two speakers at the event itself. I agreed that by reputation the two speakers were a strange choice of the sponsors but, having spoken with a number of people who actually were at the Muslim dinner I assured Deborah that they both spoke to the issue of protecting women (as required in the major teachings of Islam) not about politics or jihad. I too watched the video of all the protest speeches by politicians and told Ms. Pauley in our conversation that as public official she should refrain from making vilifying comments about an event if she did not have all the facts. She had no idea what the two speakers at the fundraiser were saying that evening. Only suppositions.
I spoke with Congressman Royce and he did appropriately issue a statement distancing himself and the other politician speakers at the protest from the separate protest and brutal treatment afforded the attendees of the fundraiser by ignorant, bullying protesters who approached the entry to the event as attendees arrived. Sorry, but those people were low class trash who screamed at and threatened defenseless women and children and had no idea what they were talking about.
Totally accurate coverage of what happened in Yorba Linda that night should have noted that there were three events that occurred: 1st, the Moslem sponsored dinner raising funds for a center for abused women; 2nd, a public and political grassroots protest against the event (primarily against the two speakers at the dinner); and 3rd, the totally disgusting acts of verbal abuse and attempted intimidation of women and children attending the dinner.
As to the comments in Vern’s column about the “tea party” I can only say that the tea party has done more to damage the Republican Party than any Democrat vetch has over the past dozen years. Wake up, Pols, you all serve all Americans, not just your own party hard heads.
As for politicians on both side, diatribes and tirades have no place in any political holders vocabulary. Their job is to look at issues and decide what action will best serve the American people….all of them….not just the blind ideologues who continence no opposition to their narrow points of view.
I don’t live in the 69th anymore and don’t know that I would support either Ms. Pauley or Mr. Sidhu but whatever the outcome I hope it focuses on the critical matters that California will be facing in the coming years: California’s budget, California’s infrastructure, California’s water, California’s taxes, and California’s over regulation among others issues.
Just an observer’s thoughts.
“…and don’t know that I would support either Ms. Pauley or Mr. Sidhu…”
I don’t know about Pauly, either. Harry Sidhu is a assclown. And a serial perjurer.
*Vinnie, you can’t say “Tea Party” in a crowded room…can you? These folks are the same off-shoots from the United We Stand folks that broke off from our “Ross The Boss” back in the day. Most were believe it or not – liberals and abberrant libertarians that were never Republicans in the first place.
Our American Independent Party went with “Ross the Boss” until he withdrew because of the death threats against his family by the Bush the Elder gunsils…..dispatched when Bush grasped that Ross could win – so H.W. sold out to Bill rather than have to deal with the little gremlin from Love Field.
“The Tea Party” has nothing to do with Constitutional Law, protecting Gun Rights or Free Speech. So, who are these folks? You will have to determine that yourself. Who is the National Leader of the Tea Party? When do they get interviewed on the Sunday talk shows about Donnie Trump commments? Who is the Congressional Leader of the Tea Party Caucus? Where is their National Convention held? Where can we find their National Platform for 2016?
The story of the “Tea Party” is all Urban Legend. Created out of “whole cloth”……. just like Donald Trump. Is Donald Trump going to the Tea Party National Convention? Who is going? Name all the candidates! What is the official stand of the Tea Party on immigration again? “Defend the borders?” Should we use Nuclear Weapons? Should we stop all those with foreign passports for entering the United States by plane, ship, train, car or muleback? Just asking.
Too bad for Debra it’s not 1955. As a member of the John Birch Society’s National Council she would be a shoe-in here in OC.
You are the most pompous man in Orange County, perhaps the world. You didn’t learn during your previous life as Marie Antoinette.
Your only correct bit of blathering in the article is that you would pick Ms. Deborah over Mr. Sidhu.
Your opinions, if you have any, will come across much better if you will eliminate the name calling, unfunny sarcastic remarks and get to the matters at hand.
You criticize Pauly and Sidhu for their positions. You offer no positions of your own on important matters.
I’ll point to the High Speed Rail boondoggle, also known as “The Great Park on Steroids.” You ridicule Pauly for her position; so, I’ll assume that you are in favor of the project. I’d like to know your reasoning. Every bit of information that comes from the project suggests that the project will be late, significantly over budget and have fewer riders than forecasted. Of course, it’s a government project, what else would a sane person expect. By the way, that’s the information that is passed to the voter. The truth is far worse than that, no doubt. If you favor the project tell your readers why.
I am happy that you enjoy your God-given liberties. It has taken 100’s of years, many lives and the thinking of a few highly gifted and courageous people to make these liberties tangible for you and me in our everyday American lives. Name calling did NOT achieve these liberties. Honest public debate, individual responsibilities and hard work made it happen and have kept it alive.
Your opinion is cherished. Your name calling is despised.
LOL, “most pompous man in the world,” that’s great. I hope I can get my own Dos Equis series.
One thing you got wrong is that I ridiculed Deborah for her position on HSR. I didn’t express my position on that, and as I have learned more over the last couple years (partly thanks to Cynthia Ward) I am tending to agree with Deborah on that. But that section of the piece was not about me and my opinions.
Maybe your confusion is understandable: I thought the piece was obviously in two distinct halves – my initial reactions to hearing she was running, based on what I already knew about her (and I wanted to get that out fast so I could break the story of her running) … and then me letting her have her say on various issues.
And name calling is fun.
Oh. I had just presumed that that was aimed at me, but my commentary here seemed relatively benign. For me. You, me, and Zenger really need to sort out which of us is the most pompous.
That’s quite a speech. Some people deserve to have the truth told about them even if it sounds a lot like an insult. Hide and Seek Sidhu is one of them.
“I am happy that you enjoy your God-given liberties. It has taken 100’s of years, many lives and the thinking of a few highly gifted and courageous people to make these liberties tangible for you and me in our everyday American lives.”
If those liberties are God-given how come he didn’t just make them tangible himself. Just curious.
And that whole Apple of the Tree of Knowledge thing. I think he pulled a fast one on our ancestors.
The Garden of Eden myth is made of the same fabric as the concept of natural rights: human-woven whole cloth.
If you believe in these things literally you really will believe in anything.
Unfortunately a lot do believe in anything – such as the myth that the Anaheim Convention Center operates in the black.
Paul Lucas and Mayor Fascenelli: I heard Deborah wrong, there is no dispensary in Villa Park. See the bolded update above:
There is no dispensary in Villa Park. She was saying, given her general concern with “mandates” coming from the state, that if Villa Park were forced to have a dispensary, it would of necessity be too close to the high school because the town is so small.
Also note my two new paragraphs more clearly explaining her ideas on school site improvement funding.
On the kleptoblog Cunningham has taken a Todd Ament-sized dump on Deb Pauly. Now, is this because she helped Moorlach drub Wagner; or, because PringleCorp really wants the idiot-clown Sidhu in the Legislature where he would be as effective as stale bread?
No. I read that too. It’s because she fought successfully against two development projects Cunningham was hired to shill for in east Orange, which me and Gus Ayer and Theresa Sears also fought against.
I like this Pauly a little more every couple days.
Yes, “property rights” means the “developer” deserved a zone change, a “right” prescribed nowhere in law or common sense.
It’s that selfish thinking that has loaded up Anaheim, Fullerton, HB and a dozen other places in OC with overbuilt, craphole projects that contribute nothing (except to the developer’s bank account) and take everything.
And also don’t forget – she ripped the heads off Kring and Murray, expertly, at OCGOP functions, and aligned herself with Tait.
Maybe you can do a post about Sidhu with links to all those hilarious posts Tony Bushala and Joe Sipowicz did.
A raging hypocritical post.
“She’s for NIMBYS!”
Says the guy who got paid to organize NIMBYs, not once, but twice in recent memory. The OCWD Power Plant and the Kramer Shelter.
This is what’s killing the OCGOP. It’s not lack of candidates or principle; it’s the little clique that thinks government is its private investment club. They’re in it for themselves.
Well that guy will say anything for five bucks and a free lunch at The Catch.
Ok gang – lets stop splitting hairs and deal with reality – 911 was an inside job, Royce is a phony war mongering hack who gave us the NDAA while running the inquisition in full blast mode with this barbaric bombing Muslim people back to the stone age business as the US government runs controlled demolitions, false flags, photo shops beheadings and manufactures the Goldstein boogie men that they parade around on all the flicker rate manipulated screens as you turn your guns in, suck down the sucralose and aspartame laden drinks leaching the BPA and aluminum out of the cans and you put 65 vaccines into your children just so they can sit in a wireless, common core classroom and get sterilized and when no one is looking, watch porn on the playground and pop oxys.
The republican party is just one arm connected to the false dichotomy two arm monster that is nothing more than a wind up toy for the elite that feed all our of our young men into a military industrial complex vaccine testing meat grinder as they have all of you ding dongs voting with your wallet as all hell is breaking loose on the other side of the world so you all can drive your SUV to Starbucks and get your nails done while your children are being sterilized at school with the iPads and the trafficked sex slaves at the massage parlors hand out the happy endings in all the friggin strip malls for the cops and your husbands.
This is the Imbriano self-parody phase? Or not yet?
No Vern, just what is really happening as they repackage the status quo to slide us further into the abyss that no one is ready to deal with. We need leaders that will break rank with the establishment not Balkanization speclialists that keep everyones eyes off of the ball. I cannot believe what crap we have been sending up north for the winter while Rome continues its burning.
Oh I forgot, forced vaccinations Young Kim and 10 story tilt up JenCurt Fitzpringle are going to save us. Pass me the puke bag cuz I left mine behind under the seat on top of the flotation device.
Well don’t you just make Mr. Zenger look like the eternal optimist!
*When you guys get really bored….sometime try 15 minutes of news on RT. Russian (Communists you’d like to know) Television. Joe, they just reported on a EU Report on Vaccines direct relationship to Austic kids. (1) Vaccines for kids have increased by three times in the last three years. (2) Nurses and Practicioners do not know how inject the vaccines which need to be mixed up – (Shaken not stirred!)…otherwise when they get to the bottom of the bottle…..those kids get the dregs. (3) Big Pharma gets a huge payday after each new Vaccine is approved by the FDA. $500 Million bucks for each one. (4) All Hospital Workers are being required to get these Vaccines or face job loss or limited access within the hospital system. (5) The FDA wants to make Vaccines required for all people in the United States ..in order to get healthcare. (6) Yes, these vaccines have nano tiny time capsules which can be set off remotely. (7) Well, you know the rest!