The Orange Juice Blog has learned that progressive former Central OC legislator Joe Dunn has filed for the 46th district Congressional seat vacated by Loretta Sanchez – against corporatists Lou Correa and Jordan Brandman.
As we wait for our chance to interview Joe, hopefully tomorrow (Wednesday), let me share what I’ve heard from several progressive Democratic activists – during his time representing us in Sacramento Joe stood out from all our other Dem electeds by regularly meeting with activists, and filling them in – in great detail – on all the goings-on behind the scenes at the Capitol. He was invaluable, always listened, and always seemed unusually open and honest. My impression too, the few times I’ve met him. I hope to be able to ask him a few questions tomorrow, keep coming back here.
Now what will Boy Wonder do? Ask Papa Pringle for another five hundred big ones?
He’ll be hard to beat. Now I sort of hope that Jordan and Lou both stay in — to split the Republican vote. (Not a joke: I’ve heard many Republicans say that they like both of them — although generally not the best of them.)
Thank you Jesus! Joe let me know when the campaign office opens.
Gonna work on getting a few words from him, today. Don’t really wanna reprint all the biographical shit we already know …
or the wanky prognostications we’re sure to find elsewhere.
Downside, Brand-name (autocorrect, but I like it) stays on the Anaheim City Council.
LOL thankyou autocorrect. This may stick.
Jordan Brandname. Jordan Brandname.
Yes, a blind programming algorithm finds a truffle. Is there a middle initial, such as C”?
Jordan Corporate Brand-name
Ryan, there’s a problem with him staying on the Council and that’s that Pringle now has more cattle than stalls in his Augean stable – what with Eastman trying for a comeback.
Of course he could pack up and move to another part of town, and benefit from districting, but he’d better get with it.
… and I’m talkin AUGEAN!
Yes, and cleaning out the stable is a Herculean task.
Ahhhh, horse poop jokes. Excellent.
Actually it was bovine poop, which makes it even better.
Well, he couldn’t do any serious damage in Congress. He’d get steamrolled by the real professionals.
Another term in Anaheim? Yeah. I can see him giving away another billion. Easy.
I presume that Connor Traut would step aside for him. As for Jordan, the young man would either head west — or would head south to take on Kring. “Your Best Entertainment Value.”
oh boy! This will be good. I go with Paul.
Hurrah. My greatest concern (besides maybe losing great Congressional Committee seniority which doesn’t mean quite as much as it used to) with Loretta’s campaign is now much reduced. Run Joe Run. Will be so great to have him in California’s Congressional delegation and I have long seen him as the best (or only with districts as they are) adequate (or more than) replacement for Loretta. Will be supporting both (even if remotely part of the time) as much as I can.
*Where is our bumper sticker? We love Joe Dunn! What a great addition to the Congress of the United States!
Who is the guy from the Orange County Democratic Party in charge of gay issues. he spoke at the Newport Beach City Counsel last night with regard to the censure of scott peotter. For somebody who claims to be against intolerance and bullying, he was the most intolerant bully in the group, and that group included the so called “constitutional” attorneys who threatened to sue the city if scott, the idiot, was censured
Man, if there’s one thing I can’t tolerate it’s intolerant people. F those guys.
In fact you’re trying my patience yourself, nipsey. Wait a minute while I try to think up a derogatory term for you.
Can’t say I saw that coming. The wonder twins prattle incomprehensibly while I peep a couple of times a month, maybe. Anyway do what you must.
Was kidding silly. I was trying to be intolerant of you.
Some jobs you really should leave to me, Vern…. 😉
Sounds like it might have been my brother-in-law, Jeff LeTourneau. He takes these sorts of attacks on LGBT civil rights very seriously. He’s not showing up in public to let bigots feel good about themselves. In most other situations, he’s quite laid-back and charming.
but peotter, who is an idiot, was simply expressing an opinion, albeit using the city seal. and your buddy was behaving in a manner similar to the manner of those he was condeming. i just found it somewhat hypocritical
*There is nothing wrong with calling someone a fat, ugly, slob. Just ask Donald Trump…he will tell you. Kevin O’Grady represents the the LBGT
community in Irvine and and evidently was one of 22 folks who spoke before the the City Council last night. The final tale of the tape was that the Council voted 4-3 “to Disassociate itself….from Councilman’s Peotter’s comments which utilized the Newport Beach City Seal. Councilman Keith Curry was chastised by Peotter who claimed that Curry’s attempt “to Censure Peotter” were nothing more than a ruse to personally attack him! Several self confessed brilliant folks to rise in defense of Peotter who said that “whatever he said” “was freedom of speech”! Meanwhile, we did have a more important incident at Edward’s Cinema in Facist Island at 11pm at night at a showing of the movie “The Gift”, when 4 idiots breeched the Emergency Exit of the Theatre, brought in a “Leaf Blower”
jazzed it and screamed at the top of their lungs. Evidently, the Taco Bell in Irvine had run out of the Bean Burritos. Not to worry, the following day the four were being questioned by the NBPD. We guess they were using a gasoline “Weed Whacker” without a license. Happy Summer! When does NCAA Football start again? Can’t wait for Kobe to make his comeback. Tom Brady is going to kick Roger the Dodger’s butt….real good! Probably a good day, just to go out and catch rays….eh?
Jeff’s a brilliant guy that I’ve only recently become friendly with; I haven’t yet witnessed him in Destructo mode. I’d like to think that, after so many years of doing this, he would know how to be DEVASTATING without alienating the vast middle ground of people. The Black Lives folks who disrupted Bernie last week did their cause no favor (and didn’t at least one of them turn out to be a Teabagging provocateur?)
Again, I wasn’t there, but I would humbly submit that, when a cause is already WINNING and gaining acceptance, it could be time to adjust your tone.
Franklin Roosevelt and Al Capone both ordered that people be shot. FDR opposed Capone. Does that make FDR a hypocrite?
Comparing form alone, without reference to content, is not always illuminating.
Jeff is, and has been for decades, fighting for an unfairly beleaguered group. If that makes no difference to you — well, I can ask Jeff to go explain it to you on your front porch. (Just kidding; I don’t know who you actually are and wouldn’t do it if I did, nor would he go. When he’s not making a strong statement for the public record, he’s usually very genial.)
unfortunately, your buddy Jeff did alienate the vast middle ground of people. his comments were arrogant, self-righteous and entitled. I actually support his position in this instance but left with no confidence in his ability to forge a compromise or a consensus.
the only reason the censure did not pass was because Councilwoman Dixon has no spine.
in my humble opinion, the only people who actually emerged from the entire incident with any dignity and respect were the two sets of parents of gay children who invited peotter to their house for dinner so as to be able to discuss both sides of the issue in a rational manner. they, unlike everybody else, showed class and dignity
What Jeff believes that he is “entitled” to is complete equality under the law. Period. If you take challenges to equality under the law seriously, you don’t have to be nice about them.
If, for example, someone advocating keeping women or Muslims or Jews or Blacks from holding political office, you can make a case that the proper reaction for that is not to soothingly try to convince the public that they should follow the Constitution, but to do the verbal equivalent of busting their nose, because that’s totally out of line.
You may not see the example of limiting public office to White Christian Males — a proposition that I’m sure could get a decent amount of public support — as comparable to preventing gays from marrying each other. Jeff does. And, as of this past June, the Constitution is recognized to stand with him on that.
If it makes you feel better, from the OC perspective, think of him as the equivalent of a gun owner.
*Now don’t be picking on our Diane. You know she was elected on the Team Newport Slate and she actually had to have a lot of courage just ot support the “Disassociate from” protochol. That vote was 4-3, with Peotter, Duffield and Muldoon on the short side against. As was said in Gunga Din: “Their graves have been dug!” We wouldn’t want to run “Against” the LGBT community, even in Orange County. Those three will pay the price in the next election, mark our words. You want to know what Freedom of Speech is? Ask Donald Trump!
but a gun owner, if truly engaging in political discourse, does not need to call those who advocate gun control pussies or communists or whatever. and your buddy, if truly wanting to engage in political discourse, and perhaps change minds, should not call everybody who may disagree with same sex marriage a hate monger or homophobic. peotter, for all his faults, did not say kill gays or fire gays or do not hire gays, he simply said that in his interpretation of the bible, same sex marriage is wrong and he is entitled to his opinion without being vilified
Right. All he had to do was leave the city seal off his ruminations.
*Wrongo Bongo! His words were what they call “hurtful to a specific class of people. Trump did the same thing to the Mexicans, Salvadorians and the rest of Central American immigrants. They both can laugh it off now – but pay day
is hard.
The Bible countenances slavery, so I don’t think that taking a stance and saying “it’s in the Bible” is any protection against one’s being a bigot.
Why do you think that same-sex partners should not be allowed to marry? It may not be burning blue-hot hate — but it’s hate. There’s no other rational and constitutionally defensible reason for it. And by any reasonable definition of homophobia, it’s that as well.
If I said that rich people shouldn’t be allowed to marry, wouldn’t you consider yourself to have been a bit hated?
i never said that they should not be allowed to marry. frankly, it is not my business, your business or the government’s business who marries who (with obvious exceptions for cousins and the like)
my point was simply that because peotter, or anybody, believes that it is wrong, that does not necessarily make him a hater. people believe, in good faith, that vaccines are wrong, that does not make them doctor haters
Anti-vaxers believe that forcing their children to be vaccinated directly threatens their health.
Now try to translate that analogy into “same-sex marriage opponents believe that …” without bumping headfirst into anti-LGBT bigotry.
It’s not the same thing, at all.
same sex marriage opponents believe that same sex marriage weakens the health of society…..that sentence does not say that they should not be allowed to be married, it simply says that some people think that it is wrong
Opponents of racial miscegenation thought the same. And now, according to the Constitution, same-sex marriage and mixed-race marriage ARE the same. Would you have the same equanimity about Peotter putting out a statement, using the official City seal on his mailer, that mixed-race marriage is wrong?
I’ll have a follow-up question, I expect.
those are two separate issues. if he sent out a mailer utilizing the official city seal he would be wrong. if, in a private email circulated to his supporters, or even the citizens of his district, that he paid for, then he has that right. if something is deemed constitutional, be it same sex marriage or gun ownership, all of us, and especially our elected leaders, have an absolute obligation to act in accordance with that determination, we do not, however, have an obligation to agree with it and, in fact, have an absolute right to express our disagreement.
Mr Peotter has a two decade long history of attacking marginalized communities in order to further his personal political career. He has outlasted his buddies Lou Sheldon, Bill Dannemeir, Bob Dornan and Gil Ferguson. Now he has taken his carpet bag to Newport Beach and the hate mongering continues.
News flash. Open season on the lgbtq community is over and I had no desire to win over the middle. He pledged to support the Constitution and that document now includes marriage equality.
The fact that he managed to bring in his usual band of Christian bigots and self loathing Log Cabin gay boys to cry censorship does not excuse the fact that he is a proven homophobic bigot who should be run out of town before he destroys the good name of the city some fools elected him to represent.
“…before he destroys the good name of the city some fools elected him to represent.”
Eh, that horse left the barn a few forevers ago.
“self loathing Log Cabin gay boys…”
Now that’s not very nice.
Did I miss a Constitutional Convention?
Nobody else wants to hit this slowball?
The equal protection clause of the 14th amendment has been held, by our CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court, to include the right of same-sex couples to marry
What would you call a gay man who stands at a podium and defends a person with a twenty year history of placing his foot on the back of our necks. I’m open for ideas?
I think that Zenger is being facetious, or at least saying “not very nice” approvingly.
cuz if anyone’s “not very nice…”
“Nice” is the the most vacuous word in modern English use. I would never use it except when facetious.
So there.
the hate that oozes from Mr Le Tourneau’s posts is no different than the hate that oozes from Mr. Peotter’s comments
It sounds to me like he’s been fighting Peotter for 20 years and he’s sick to death of him.
Wait, how did this Dunn post become a Peotter fallout thread?
*We Love Joe Dunn! We want the t-Shirt now!
In bizarro world I’m not a dick.
Mr. Stalker, it’s fun to have you back. What have you been up to? More comic book fantasy?
Odd. I had thought that some things might remain constant across all possible universes.
*clap* *clap* *clap*
Did Dunn get cold feet? His press realease had an announcement scheduled for today. His hit squad nailed Bao (predictible drunk/fag) ywsterday, Jordan last week (I am I the only one who wonders if Adam E. Could write a collumn that wasn’t FED to him?). Lou is gathering support doing the up and down the street stuff he didn’t do in the past.
Could Dan C. be right?
That woild cause GD to choke on his Thursday special. But would be worse for the actual voters in the district.
Lou is the ONLY viable guy.
“Lou is the ONLY viable guy.” What do you mean? Are you saying that Lou’s the only one who could defeat a Republican opponent in a runoff? Or that he’s the only one who could defeat Brandman in a runoff? This is a seat where “viability,” as the term is usually used, is less critical than most. A Democrat (at least a nominal one) has a big advantage in CA-46.
Do you have any actual reason to think that it was JOE DUNN who got the Garden Grove police officer to illegally record a conversation with Bao? That seems nutty, but let’s hear your explanation.
You offer a lot to discredit your opinion out of hand here — comments on Adam, on me — but if you’re really tuned in well enough to know that Lou is “doing the up and down the street stuff” it would nice to hear what you have to say, if you can stop doing such a lousy job of it. (Seriously, Lou — if you’re paying this guy, ask for a refund.)
Awww, this is disappointing. Report says “No ‘John Verriona’ in California.” Looks like you’re a fraud. Well, I can’t say that I’m surprised.
Move along, people, nothing to read here.
I wouldn’t mind Lou if he admits he’s been a craven tool of the cops and of the OC repuglican kleptocracy and promises never to do it again.
Is that asking too much?