Former Anaheim Union High School District and community leader Thomas “Hoagy” Holguin died yesterday after a long fight against cancer.

(Hoagy on left, with his friend former Anaheim Councilman Frank Feldhaus. Flag Day)
An ten-year board member of the AUHSD (2000-2010), Hoagy was a champion for Anaheim’s schools and for keeping government transparent. He was most proud of the fact that he went to the Grand Jury on the Anaheim Meazure Z bond and exposed that millions of dollars was being misused. He saved the district over a hundred million.
From an e-mail blast:
In 2002, the year I was elected to the Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees, the Measure Z Anaheim High School Construction Bond was also passed allocating $132 million plus matching State funds for modernization and construction of school sites in the district. After finding that the District Superintendent and upper management had mismanaged the construction projects and funds, I called for the independent forensic audit that led to the Grand Jury investigation of the project and saved our District up to $50 million through massive restructuring and re-bidding of construction contracts and insurance policies…
Along with his fellow board member Denise Mansfield-Reinking, who also passed away during her tenure, Hoagy forced AUHSD to have the bond measure investigated by the Grand Jury and DA.
He also fought to keep counselors and librarians at Anaheim Schools and afterschool programs. He was liked by all school employees. As a Republican, he received union support from CSEA and AFSME because he was the only school board member that fought for the employees.
Hoagy also took on SOAR and the Anaheim establishment helping to establish the Anaheim Small Business Group as an alternative to Anaheim Chamber of Commerce. He also was a search and rescue guy and certified in rappelling.

Voting last November, with his granddaughter Sofia.
Below are some remembrances taken from Facebook. From his sister Erica Jean Holguin:
Words can’t explain how broken hearted I am. Today my brother lost his battle to cancer. What puts my heart at peace is today the lord called my mom to his home 19 years ago. My mom passed at 2:20pm . The lord called my brother at 3:20pm James I love you & will miss you. R.I.P brother.
From Yesenia Rojas:
Que tristesa mirar Facebook y lo primero que veo es saver que un grand amigo mentor luchador en la communidad en anaheim. Perdio la batalla contra el cancer dios mio asta cuando tendremos la victoria de tener una cura para esta enfermeda les pido atodos que pidan en sus oraciones por todos los enfermos cancer y por un GRANDE AMIGO QUE AHORA ESTA DESCANSANDO JUNTO ADIOS RIP
From Arlyn Buck:
Rest in Peace my dear Friend Thomas Hoagy Holguin! Thank you for your friendship of over twenty years. Peace to your family and friends.
From Mireya Arroyo Nuñez:
Se fue de este mundo un hombre inteligente… brillante… pero sobretodo un gran ser humano…le doy gracias a Dios por haberlo conocido y tenerlo por algunos años en mi vida..hermosos recuerdos quedan en mi memoria y que nunca olvidare…mi querido Thomas ya estas en brazos de nuestro Padre Dios por toda la eternidad y por siempre en nuestros corazones…
Hoagy was always a big fan and supporter of my old blog Save Anaheim. Gave me lots of great advice and I was proud to fight alongside him. We have a lost a great community leader.
Jason, Hoagy would want you to keep fighting!
My friend Hoagy has passed. He was a dear friend to me. He helped me with words of encouragement many times. I learned a lot from his experience and wisdom which he graciously shared with me.
His condition, even up to his last days, did not prevent him from enjoying life. He had a contagious thirst for life. He went on a cruise to Alaska within the last month. He just got back a week ago from seeing his brother in South Dakota. He was there to fulfill a promise to his brother made earlier on that he would come and see his brother’s restaurant. While there he enjoyed, among other things, a Harley-Davidson Motorcyclist Ride (See posted picture).
When I went to see him a couple weeks ago he told me that the tie I was wearing was not a “power-tie”. He then proceeded to go into his room and pull out one of the most spectacular looking ties I have every seen which I wore to court that afternoon and which I will now cherish forever. He was a sharp dresser.
He even threw his wife a great “Mexican theme” anniversary party. What stood out about this party he thew even though he was sick was that he even invited his oncologist to the party. What shows most about Hoagy’s personality and his impact on people is that the oncologist accepted the invitation and came to his party.
The list goes on.
He never let his condition prevent him from doing the things he loved and spreading happiness and joy to those he came into contact with. He always put other people especially his family before himself.
He constantly spoke about the love he had for his wife and his family whom he cherished beyond measure. He also expressed how fortunate he was to have a friend named Brian Chuchua whom he loved like a brother. Brian was at his home on the day he died.
He was an inspiration. He set an example in life and in his death. He told me recently he wanted to set an example on how to die with dignity for people to witnesses. He set an example alright. He raised the bar for all of us. I thought this was honorable beyond mention that he would have this kind of selfless foresight. He saw it perhaps as a parting gift to those around him including me. He was therefore among other things a courageous individual. He had no fear of passing and said in his own words “I’m good with it”. The only thing is he did not want to be was a burden to his family. He never was.
He spoke of having a great life. He thought life was spectacular. He constantly mentioned things that stood out to him which showed he thought of life as a gift from God. He cherished life everyday. He expressed no regrets.
When he knew the end was near he confirm his faith with confidence.
On behalf of all those who met you Hoagy we love you and we are going to miss. See you again soon.
Your friend,
That was a beautiful tribute to him, Doug. Thanks.
Agreed. Nicely done, sir. Beautiful.
[Ed. Note: Someone anonymous ass named “boxingfan” from IP address is apparently absolutely terrified at the thought that Doug Pettibone may be able to run for office successfully in the future and is willing to make up all sorts of vile crap to sully him. OJB declines the invitation to become the conduit of his hooded defamation.]
I fuckin wish I coulda boxed THAT dude’s ears. But, anonymous coward with a one-time IP, natch.
The people who would attack the ‘Bone on this site constitute a real short list.
Douglas Pettibone for Mayor of Anaheim 2018!!
Hoagy and I go back to our days on the Anaheim Redevelopment Commission in 1995. A memorable vote was when we made a stink and got our fellow commissioners to recommend against staff’s efforts to eminent domain a small business owner so Home Depot could relocate. Hoagy was always challenging staff. They had to bring in one of those “consensus” mediators because staff just couldn’t handle all his questions. Boy, he made me look mellow and moderate. Great guy.
PS The first picture is with Hoagy and his friend former Anaheim Councilman Frank Feldhaus.
Hoagy was the best man I’ve ever known and I am glad that I had the pleasure to work with him since his 2010 run for Anaheim City Council.
What was most admirable about Hoagy was that he always did what he felt was right and would take a stance on something even if it wasn’t the most popular stance. He was loyal to his friends and those he supported, in politics and in life! He was never one to pander for support and always appealed to the moral conscience of other elected officials encouraging transparency in government.
He always fought for those who didn’t have a voice by giving them a strong shoulder to stand on. He seldom held grudges and was magnificent in turning adversaries into allies.
Hoagy truly put others before himself and even in recent conversations with him, he asked how others were doing and was reluctant to speak about how he was doing or if he was in any pain.
I will miss our partnership in the the political world and will help continue to fight for issues that were important to him; making sure that government is always accountable to the people that it serves.
Hoagy, you were an inspiration to so many and we will carry your legacy forward!
I would like to share the schedule for his final arrangements. The funeral is Friday at 10 am, at St. Anthony Claret Catholic Church on La Palma. Mass of Christian Burial, anticipated time one hour.
Burial will follow immediately after the Mass, at Anaheim Cemetery, 1400 E. Sycamore Street in Anaheim. There will be more info at the service regarding a “celebration of life luncheon” after the burial, to give us time to reminisce.
Arrangements by Hilgenfeld if anyone wants to send flowers. Hoagy had told friends to support ASBO if they didn’t want to send flowers. The Anaheim Small Business Organization was one of his recent projects, he felt that small business was the backbone of any economic recovery, and were generally owned by locals who kept their money right here at home. He was furious at the way both the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce had turned their backs on this critical component of the business community, and wanted to see ASBO thrive and aid those small, locally owned businesses get the resources and support to really take off. So a check to ASBO would be a nice way to honor him, or flowers would comfort his wife. You know Hoagy, he would humbly decline any offer of anything for himself, not really understanding that WE need to find some tangible way of honoring him and saying, “this man lived among us and this man mattered a great deal to us.”
Doug Vogel shared, “He seldom held grudges and was magnificent in turning adversaries into allies.” yes, you clearly knew him well. In fact, Hoagy and i began as mortal enemies, a hatred fueled by lies told to us about each other in an effort to either keep us apart or get us tearing each other to bits. Thankfully mutual friends got us to see that we would like each other if we only gave it a chance, and in talking about the things we had in common rather than our differences, we found that our differences were man-made bits of fiction, spoon fed to us by those who did not have the best of intentions. If ever I could call a do-over on my life, I would rewind the 2010 election. Can you IMAGINE how different it all could have been if he had not been attacked and smeared? (yes by me, and I have to live with that) Could he have won it? Nobody knows, but I have to believe the difference would have been considerable if Eastman had the good natured integrity of Hoagy there to set an example of how to be a Council member rather than following the footsteps of Murray. (sigh…)
Hoagy was so gracious in his forgiveness over the horrid behavior from me and from others. He understood we were acting on information from someone we trusted completely, and as Doug Vogel mentioned, he didn’t carry a grudge, in fact once he offered his forgiveness he would never let me speak of it again. “water under the bridge” and instead would direct his attention to the future, and how we might go about making it right.
When a handful of us realized we needed a stronger voice (or a bigger stick) to demand our rights to transparent, open, and ethical government at City Hall, Hoagy was just plain THERE, never wavering, always asking what is next and what do we need to make it happen…the man wanted so desperately to pass a better world on to Patty’s grandkids, that he loved as his own.
If it helps anyone, I can share that he did not suffer at the end, I know I feared for the pain we often saw flicker across his face before he got it under control and went back to pretending it wasn’t there. His wife called for a few of us Saturday, and while it was hard to see him so THIN, he wasn’t struggling against pain, he was actually peaceful. He smiled a little, recognizing my husband and me, and let me hold his hand, and he didn’t/ couldn’t speak, but I promised we would finish the work that had begun and we would all be there for his wife…and he smiled again and rolled over and slept, very peacefully. No pain. Thank God for that, above all else, if God was not going to give us the miracle we wanted, He at least made that transition from this life to the next a peaceful one without pain. So i hope that helps those who love him. He didn’t hurt, the cancer didn’t torment him, and in that thing HE BEAT THE CANCER.
What an amazing man. Seriously, how does someone go from hating each other to being called to a death bed? One of those people has to be Hoagy Holguin, I don’t know anyone else who could be that gracious. Well done, good and faithful servant. Rest until we meet again, the stories we will have to compare will keep us all talking for eternity….literally. And yes, it IS on us to finish what was started.
I hope that you won’t mind my copying this into its own post — ostensibly for the funeral arrangements, but also for the rest of it.
Does Yesenia speak english?
Why if she was educated here doesn’t she read and write simple English. No wonder she is stick in poverty with six kids on Anna Drive.
Dillwad, of course she speaks English. But why shouldn’t she express herself, on a personal matter, in her first language? Your English doesn’t sound so good either by the way.
And what’s the matter, you don’t understand Spanish? How long have you lived in Southern California?
Vaya con Dios, Hoagster.
Why do you allow disrespectful comments on moments like this? Many times ESL speakers express our deeper feelings in our primary language. Move that coward’s comment to the WOT thread, or even better, trash it.
If Yesenia wanted us to, I expect that we would. But she’s a tough person and I think she’s self-confident enough to wave it off.
I think that that being posted — especially anonymously — just lets people see the sort of political cowardice and viciousness that often goes on behind the scenes in OC politics. If someone wants to toss a ball of shit and it blows back into their own face, as I think has happened here, I’m not entirely unhappy with that result. Sunlight is a good disinfectant.
Adding: that post came from someone claiming to use an email address with a real person’s name attached. We have no reason to believe that any person with that name was actually behind that post. It’s probably just another dirty trick from OC’s “Junior Nixons” squad. Our rule is: if it defames someone and they want it down, we generally take it down. (Or, if we agree with it, we may decide to stand behind it. And if it’s truly horrific, we won’t wait for the person’s complaint.)
if Anaheim were to change its name in a referendum the only name I would consider is the ‘City of Yesenia’, I know what’s in her heart Spanish or English.
I have lost my best friend and Anaheim has lost its most loyal supporter of the people. Hoagy worked hard in trying to expose the corruption of Anaheim Dirty Politics. Even with Advanced Cancer he made one last attempt to get re-elected to the School Board.
Hoagy died peacefully in his sleep, 3:20PM Sunday. I did spend several hours beside his bed Saturday night while he was peacefully sleeping. I did return to his home around 2PM Sunday before he passed on.
When I last spoke to Hoagy, he told me that Doctor had told him he had two days left. He than went on telling me on how he wanted he funeral to be done. He was worried that the people who attended the burial would not drive the short distance to the to one of his closest friends (Bruno) restaurant the White House afterwards. I asked how many he expected to attend and he said “200+” told me he did not want any flowers. He wanted people to donate to ASBO (Anaheim Small Business Organization) which he help form and was the Treasurer. He brought tears to my eyes.
He told me about he and Patty’s trip last weekend to see his Brother and his new Cafe in South Dakota. How his Brother made arrangements for Hoagy ride a Motorcycle to go and see the large Motorcycle event near by. Hoagy said “there were thousands Motorcycle as far as one could see”. Later he walked me to my Jeep, we said our good byes, I drove away waving and that is the last time we ever talked. Hoagy will always be in my thoughts, HE WAS THE GREATEST FRIEND YOU WOULD EVER WANT. I’m lost without you.
I briefly met Mr Holguin a couple of times but I did not get to know him. I wish I had. Your testimony and others are very moving. QDEP (RIP)
Thank you for that, Brian. You two had a great friendship. And he just kept going after things — like his stomach operation — that would have wiped out most people almost immediately.
Brian, I am so glad you had that last talk with him or we would not have known about his wishes. Thankfully Hoagy did speak with Bruno before he was bedridden, but there would be nobody to connect the events if you hadn’t spoken up, so thank you. I was at WH today for lunch, and Bruno is ready for us after the burial. There will be much reminiscing, and while plenty of tears are being shed, Hoagy would be horrified if we remembered him with anything but laughter and smiles and a desire to be better people. I hope that sentiment can carry us through Friday.
THANK YOU…… For all your beautiful comments, that bring joy and wonderful memories.
My dearest and lovely husband was an amazing man!!! The BEST husband ,GREAT father to my children and an incredible *TATA to Sofia.
I was bless to became his wife ! And spend 9 unforgettable years by his side .
Meeting you…. His BEST and close friends was a honor and you will be in my heart forever .
P De Holguin