We Planned to Advertise Tonight’s Dog Park Bingo Game, But Then We Got a Disturbing Email

(Note: We are not suggesting anything about those attending the Anaheim Golf Course event with this photo.  It's just a movie reference.)

(Note: We are not suggesting anything about those attending the Anaheim Golf Course event with this photo. It’s just a movie reference, OK?)


As most readers know, CATER is holding a serious, significant public event tonight where we have a man who is arguably the preeminent “climate skeptic” from within the scientific community taking on a rag-tag tag-team composed a climate change activist, another scientist with relevant expertise — and me.  It will also be fun — and there may be dancing.  We can’t rule it out, anyway.  OK, we’d probably go elsewhere to dance.

But we are nothing if not sporting!  And so when he heard that what seemed to us like a hastily assembled bit of counter-programming by the Kleptocratic forces to keep people away from our event, we said: “hey, we are nothing if not sporting!”  And so we planned to promote their event too.

Here’s what we were going to run:

Anaheim Hills Golf Course
6501 E Nohl Ranch Rd.
Anaheim, California 92807

Created for Kash for K9s —  a Tribute to Bruno and his K9 Friends

Please purchase your presale Bingo Package and be in a drawing for a Suite for four tickets to an upcoming Angels game.

www.AnaheimDogParks.org. Two opportunities to win!

Join us for a fun evening of Bingo, food, drinks, prizes and celebrate the new Dog Parks for the City of Anaheim while honoring the active and fallen K9 officers heroes. The Friends of Anaheim PD K9 Association will be also sponsored the event. Special invite to the APD K9’s, I heard they wanted to swing by and say thank you personally.

The package includes three game cards, one dabber, one drink ticket and Hors d’oeuvres. (FYI early sign up helps get a head count for the food and beverage). At the door price will be $45 and include the same except for the drawing. To purchase your presale Bingo Package please go www.AnaheimDogParks.org.  If you can not make and would like to donate you make do so on the website.

Stay cool and have a fun and enjoy the summer  party with the other dog lovers in the community. Mixer will start at 5:30 pm prior to the Bingo at 6:00 pm.

Volunteers always welcome to help. Thank you!

Well, WE love dogs too — in fact, we love them enough to wish for a serious investigation if they were ever wounded in circumstances that suggest that it might have been by “friendly fire.”  (Because, in that case, you’d want training to avoid further needless canine deaths, you know?  And we care about that!)  So we were already to say — GO!  IF YOU DON’T WANT TO COME TO OUR SERIOUS EVENT THAT ALSO RAISES FUNDS FOR CATER’S WATCHDOG ACTIVITIES, BY ALL MEANS GO TO THE GOLF COURSE AND HOBNOB WITH THE PEOPLE DOING WHATEVER THEY CAN TO STOP US! — but now we’re afraid that we can’t do that in good faith.

You see, we received this email.

We don’t know if it’s true, but it says that the Anaheim City Code requires that anyone who puts on a BINGO game must first have a City-granted permit.  It only costs $67, but it takes a while to process.  (CATER is considering getting a license for one ourselves.)

Anyway, we’re concerned that this group may not have the required license to put on a legal BINGO game.  And so we can’t tell you to go be an accessory to a crime, if that’s what it would be, because we know how aggressive Anaheim’s City Attorney’s office can be when it comes to prosecuting misdemeanors!  (You’re our readers!  We don’t want you to get hurt!)

So look:  you have been warned that the game may not be legal if a permit is required and if it hasn’t been obtained, which we don’t know is the case —  but it sure is keeping all of US away from it!  So if you take the risk, that’s on you.

If you want to be perfectly safe, you do have the alternative of coming to the Servite High School Auditorium tomorrow night (we plan to start promptly at 7:00, and if you want in on the VIP reception beforehand  you should let us know now! and then come by 6:00).  We promise that, if you are arrested for anything there, it will NOT be for playing BINGO!

(Note: all right, there’s some possibility that we may play Bingo, in which event the preceding statement may not be operative.  But don’t let that keep you away!)


Anaheim Insider here, the less satirical, but bitter one. Word is, two Anaheim troublemakers ventured into City Hall this morning to determine if the Chamber was violating two sections of City Code 7.34.020 – first, not having a permit, which they don’t; second, having the event on city property – the Anaheim Hills Golf Course – rather than their own property.

And the folks in charge of okaying such bingo events told these troublemakers that the event was being put on by not only the Chamber but also the Anaheim Police Association (the police union) and some special new charity for Anaheim Dog Parks (anaheimdogparks.org) and SO it was a city-sponsored event which got special dispensation from obtaining a permit, and was also copacetic to happen on city property.

But wait a second. The Chamber is not the city. The police union is not the city, in fact in a healthy world a police union should have at least a somewhat adversarial relationship with its city. And this new dog-park charity is also not the city. This seems ripe for some dispute – can any old charity now become a city-sponsored cause, be able to use city property and not bother with a permit? This is worth looking into.

Not to mention, I thought the Chamber’s mission was to help promote Anaheim businesses. The purpose of this fundraiser is to build a GRAVEN IMAGE OF BRUNO. Remember, Bruno was the police dog shot non-fatally by a fleeing suspect who himself was later shot fatally, and is now a hero and symbol to the law and order crowd (which somehow seems to be identical to the Klepto crowd.) Wouldn’t dog park aficionados prefer a fountain their own dogs could drink from, rather than some looming shrine to police power?

Perhaps if water could be made to squirt out of some part of the Bruno Idol’s body, all parties could be happy – regular folks whose dogs are thirsty and panting, and angry citizens who want to send the message to young poor brown men, “We will chase your asses down!”

About Greg Diamond

Somewhat verbose attorney, semi-disabled and semi-retired, residing in northwest Brea. Occasionally ran for office against jerks who otherwise would have gonr unopposed. Got 45% of the vote against Bob Huff for State Senate in 2012; Josh Newman then won the seat in 2016. In 2014 became the first attorney to challenge OCDA Tony Rackauckas since 2002; Todd Spitzer then won that seat in 2018. Every time he's run against some rotten incumbent, the *next* person to challenge them wins! He's OK with that. Corrupt party hacks hate him. He's OK with that too. He does advise some local campaigns informally and (so far) without compensation. (If that last bit changes, he will declare the interest.) His daughter is a professional campaign treasurer. He doesn't usually know whom she and her firm represent. Whether they do so never influences his endorsements or coverage. (He does have his own strong opinions.) But when he does check campaign finance forms, he is often happily surprised to learn that good candidates he respects often DO hire her firm. (Maybe bad ones are scared off by his relationship with her, but they needn't be.)