Officer Goldstein passes this along, from the Drug Policy Alliance. At the bottom we’ll provide the contact info for the OC’s assemblycritters, who need to hear from you, NOW:
The California State Assembly could vote to reform civil asset forfeiture, otherwise known as “policing for profit,” as soon as this morning (Wednesday Sept 9.)
Currently, police have the ability to circumvent California law and steal from innocent people and even seize their home, car and other property without charging them with a crime. And it’s almost always done in the name of fighting the drug war.
With this pivotal vote approaching, please send a message to your Assembly Member immediately – tell them to end policing for profit in California!
And with the vote right around the corner, can you also call your Assembly Member and make your voice heard?
Suggested Call Script:
“As your constituent, I am calling to express my strong support for SB 443. No citizen should have their property forfeited unless they are convicted of a crime. Please vote YES on SB 443.“
Civil asset forfeiture is basically a form of legalized theft and is often used against people suspected of drug law violations. Most Americans agree that people who have not been charged or convicted of a crime should not have their money or property taken by the government.
This legislation already passed the State Senate, and tomorrow it could pass the Assembly with your help. Please send a message right now.
Lynne Lyman
State Director, California
Drug Policy Alliance
And here are the phone numbers you’ll need to call your assemblyman or woman:
- Tom Daly 714.939.8469
- Matt Harper 714.668.2100
- Don Wagner 714.665.6868
- Travis Allen 714.843.4966
- Young Kim 714.526.7272
- Bill Brough 949.347.7301
- Ling Ling Chang 909.627.7021
It’s obscene that the courts allow this to happen in the first place.
*If you want to really get into this….think about Domestic and Elder Abuse cases, when “Johnny Law” is called in. The first thing they ask is: “Do you have any firearms in your house?” They confiscate all of them, saying after resolution, your guns will be returned to you. This can take years and in too many cases – folks never get their guns back for one technicality or another. If you are ever considered a “Drug Dealer”…..turn out the lights, the party is entirely over. Houses, Aircraft, Boats, Exotic Cars, Firearms, Jewelry, Big Screen TV’s…..the works. Gone in 60 Seconds! If you are accused of Armed Robbery…well…you start to get the idea. It is very doubtful that Law Enforcement in general will ever reliinquish this Pork Barrell….not now…not ever!
The bill failed in the assembly yesterday. From the OC, only assemblymen Matt Harper and Bill Brough (and earlier in the senate, John Moorlach) voted in favor of liberty, property rights, the 4th amendment, and the principle that we’re innocent until proven guilty.
Falling cravenly for police union propaganda were “Democrat” Tom Daly and “Republicans” Young Kim, Travis Allen, Ling Ling Chang and Don Wagner. Don Wagner was the absolute worst, driving Diane Goldstein apoplectic with all the lies he spewed out in defense of his totalitarian vote. She’ll be writing about that in the coming week.
Happily, Don Wagner is termed out, and vying for his seat (against two Reeps I don’t have much hope in – Sidhu and Choi) is Deborah Pauly. How would she have voted on this, I wondered, or how would she vote if it came up again next year and she manages to win? I didn’t have to wait long:
“Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in, Vern Pat Nelson. I find that my position on this has not changed from the time that I first read about the proposed legislation to stem the tide of rising abuses in California’s civil asset forfeiture. In general, I am supportive of law enforcement efforts to keep citizens safe from criminals, however, I consider it criminal to seize someone’s private — property prior to conviction — particularly when the door is open for that property to be permanently lost to a citizen once found innocent. It amazes me that any attorney would vote to oppose “due process,” which is fundamental to our system of justice. Furthermore, it is reprehensible that local justisdictions are using the federal government to do their “dirty work” for them and subverting our system. I would have joined Matt Harper, Bill Brough and Senator Moorlach in voting yes on SB443. Maybe we’ll have another chance, in the future, to come down on the side of innocent citizens.”
I am liking this Pauly person.
No faith in Hide N’ Seek Sidhu? You must not be following his sterling campaign in the AnaheimBlog, that bastion of ethical behavior.
Somebody over there asked a while back if Sidhu still supported a County Clerk “satellite” office in orbit.
Was it the ineffable Randy Roddy? That story of mine seems to have struck a chord with him.
I believe so. It’s a surly bunch over there. Nobody laughed.
Maybe they’ll laugh about the story I’m preparing for Monday morning. It’s got a lotta Cunningham in it. Sorta tethered around him, while hitting a lot of other more important subjects. There is also a strip club.
“Most Americans agree that people who have not been charged or convicted of a crime should not have their money or property taken by the government.”
Right. It’s called the Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.
*Folks, this is really tough sleding and we believe that Deb Pauly would have followed Senator Moorlach’s lead. The problem is that Police Dept. have been using this action
like cities used Redevelopment Money…..(as their own little piggy banks – no pun intended). The type of legislation that does have half a chance is aiming at the edges and making sure that real property in put into a long term Escrow Account. If they can’t sell it, trade it or use it – that may dull their enthusiasm for blatant grabs, especially the cash. If the cash has to be treated as “evidence” and can’t be appropriated without judicial review……that too would be a grand help. All in all, it needs to be a technical legal regulation which DJB could institute literally over night. Perhaps we will have to wait for “Gavin Newsome” to become our next Governor …for that to become any sort
of possibility. The Legislature can move forward with technical adjustments and the Majority in both the Senate and t;he Assembly could work together in that regard…as
long as the Police Organization don’t cut off their campaign contributions. See…this is not an easy gig.
Winships – I know you have long been enamored with Mr. Moorlach, but if you look at his so-called leadership in the long term you will see that it leads to losing on issues.
Unless you characterize his effort to get the Orange County COIN Ordinance adopted as leadership (only to be thrown out by an administrative law judge as having been adopted without required labor negotiations) it seems to me that his leadership – even in the lawsuit against the Deputy Sheriffs for their retroactive retirement benefit enhancement – has not resulted in success.
How about results, not just activity ? Pontificating is pretty easy, transforming it to change has proven to be another story. The taxpayers have spent millions on lawyers tor following his lead, to no avail. Next, watch Governor Brown somehow punish Orange County (again) for his antics in Sacramento which include being publicly critical of the Governor. Not hard to predict.