Bill against Civil Forfeiture dies in Assembly; only Harper, Moorlach & Brough vote for liberty.




Officer Goldstein passes this along, from the Drug Policy Alliance.  At the bottom we’ll provide the contact info for the OC’s assemblycritters, who need to hear from you, NOW:

asset forfeiture 1The California State Assembly could vote to reform civil asset forfeiture, otherwise known as “policing for profit,” as soon as this morning (Wednesday Sept 9.)

Currently, police have the ability to circumvent California law and steal from innocent people and even seize their home, car and other property without charging them with a crime. And it’s almost always done in the name of fighting the drug war.

With this pivotal vote approaching, please send a message to your Assembly Member immediately – tell them to end policing for profit in California!

And with the vote right around the corner, can you also call your Assembly Member and make your voice heard?

Suggested Call Script:

As your constituent, I am calling to express my strong support for SB 443. No citizen should have their property forfeited unless they are convicted of a crime. Please vote YES on SB 443.

Civil asset forfeiture is basically a form of legalized theft and is often used against people suspected of drug law violations. Most Americans agree that people who have not been charged or convicted of a crime should not have their money or property taken by the government.

This legislation already passed the State Senate, and tomorrow it could pass the Assembly with your help. Please send a message right now.


Lynne Lyman
State Director, California
Drug Policy Alliance

And here are the phone numbers you’ll need to call your assemblyman or woman:

  • Tom Daly  714.939.8469
  • Matt Harper  714.668.2100
  • Don Wagner  714.665.6868
  • Travis Allen  714.843.4966
  • Young Kim  714.526.7272
  • Bill Brough  949.347.7301
  • Ling Ling Chang  909.627.7021

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.