Fullerton Councilwoman Jennifer Fitzgerald admits her relationship with Curt Pringle & Associates should have been disclosed, reports the Voice of OC.

Fullerton Mayor Pro Tem Jennifer Fitzgerald, also a Vice President of the Public Relations firm Curt Pringle & Associates
Fullerton Rag was on this months ago, but the The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) finally caught up:
Fullerton Councilwoman Jennifer Fitzgerald has agreed to pay a $100 fine to the state’s political watchdog agency after she failed to disclose details related to her position at the lobbying firm Curt Pringle & Associates.
The real issue Fullerton Rag raised — the client list — is still obscured.
How deeply the FPPC looked at Fitzgerald’s potential conflicts is unclear. A full list of Pringle’s clients isn’t publicly available, and Fitzgerald said FPPC officials didn’t ask her to identify the firm’s clients.
$100? So, like 1/10,000ths of a Dr. Evil demand? I bet that’ll show her!
“The real issue Fullerton Rag raised — the client list — is still obscured.”
Here’s a link to her bio: http://curtpringle.com/our-team/jennifer-fitzgerald/
Two of the first three paragraphs concern her duties as an elected official. In other words, the most important part of her CV are those duties granted to her by the voters and the network those duties create. People are going to hire her for this important aspect of her career.
We’re owed an explanation as to how EXACTLY that ties to her votes on the dias. It’s not a nice to have; it’s a must have.
This doesn’t have to be hard or insidious. It just has to be transparent. Everyone, including Ms. Fitzgerald, will be better off once this occurs.
What Ryan just said.
I’d also add that I was at a council meeting where a member of the publc have hinted that she had a conflict on an issue due to her Pringle connections. Fitzgerald was angry and indignant, stating that anyone who knew the facts would know there was no conflict. Of course, that misconception is hers to correct, yet she hasn’t done what is necessary to correct it.
RIght. What harm comes from eliminating the complaint?
The article that “Tyler in Irvine” links to doesn’t say anything about Jennifer Fitzgerald. What is the point of this post other than taking a cheap shot at her?
Here ya go: Tyler had (accidentally) linked to the wrong Voice of OC article.
Enjoy, Willowick: http://voiceofoc.org/2015/10/state-fines-fullerton-councilwoman-100-for-late-disclosure/
Fixed in the story too. Thank you.
She didn’t put her job title on the Form 700? That’s it? It’s far-fetched for Tyler in Irvine to say she has conflicts of interest because a petty paperwork oversight. I can’t believe the FPPC fined her instead of just asking her to fix the oversight.
Try reading it again hot shot.
That’s not what Tyler is saying.
I did. Tyler’s headline is “The Conflicts of Jennifer Fitzgerald.” He writes “Jennifer Fitzgerald admits her relationship with Curt Pringle & Associates should have been disclosed” and links to a Voice of OC story. But according to that article, she did disclose her relationship with Curt Pringle & Associates, but didn’t list her job title. But Tyler tries to create the impression of wrong-doing.
Also, the FPPC shouldn’t slap fines on people for simple, easily-fixed mistakes like that, regardless of your opinion of them. Unless that’s the kind of government you want.
There is always somebody willing to defend the crooks that run this dairy farm for their own fun and profit. Yes, to them we are just milk cows.
Client list.
Go beyond the title this time.
The author of this post highlights that the real issue is as of yet unexplored.
That’s the only impression, and point, being raised.
Possibly my bad. Tyler published the piece without a title, I quickly made one up.
Your title is fine, Vern.
We want to talk about the conflicts, or lack of conflicts, from this particular council member.
This is note worthy due to her employer, which wasn’t completely disclosed in her last form 700.
No one is calling her evil. It’s a fair post.
Cheap shot!!?? Pringle’s got his sticky, pink little fingers in every OC pie. We have an aboslute right for transparency and she has a duty to provide it – other than just her feeble say so. Why on Earth should she get the benefit of a doubt? her boss is a public funds thief.
Vern, it just occurred to me that if you call her “Jenny,” this scans perfectly with the song “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”:
Not that you really need another project, I realize, but….