Who can play Liars Poker better….Hillary or Donnie Boy?




Trump and Hillary

Playing cards with women is a dangerous sport.  It reminds us a bit of shooting pool with a woman.  It is even a great deal like playing Monopoly or Othello with women or a woman.  Humility, is usually very difficult for most men to get a handle on.  When they shoot pool with their wives, girlfriends or even occasional competitors at various bars…..the conversation usually boils down to:  “She shoots a pretty good stick..” or “Hey, I didn’t want to beat her…..she would just get bitchy!”

Some guys have very fragile egos and have a tough time dealing with any competitive loss to “a woman”!  These same guys can lose to little wimpy guys, nerds, jerks, out of control drunks, aggressive biker types, intellectual business folks and even transgender folks.  However, when they lose to a women, the wheels tend to come off.  Playing cards with a woman that beats you consistently can be downright mental cruelty for any man.  Most women, don’t even go into that recreation room.  They leave “the Man Cave”, “The Garage” and “the yard work” to the man of the house.  Not because they can do any of it better, but because women worry about the male ego.  The male ego is sensitive and can be harmed with just the slightest social infraction.

When women pick up the family firearm, be that a shotgun, rifle or handgun in front of any man…..things really get interesting.  Immediately, most men reel in horror…..”OH my GOD….mom has the gun!”  Power is like that.  Three guys pull up in a pick-up truck with turbans and AK-47’s and Dad is out there with AR-15 ready to defend the homestead.  Mom is upset because the Christmas lights didn’t go up on time and pulls the home defense firearm……and all hell breaks loose!  “OH my GOD…mom has the gun!”  Gender specific activities always seem to get everyone’s attention.  The 10 year old son beats dad at the latest “Tour of Duty” Playstation Game…..and Dad thinks that’s pretty funny.  “That’s my boy!” comes to mind.  Mom picks up the Play Station control and sets a new world’s record and dad buries himself in another six pack of beer with some occasional farting.  This all brings to mind…what may be happening in the next year politically.

Donald J. Trump is going to be the Republican nominee with his girl/boyfriend Ted Cruz as his running mate!  Trump is going to have to face Hillary Rodham Clinton and perhaps Martin O’Malley or Bernie Sanders as her running mate.  Trump has no qualms about giggling about Jeb Bush or Rand Paul….but if you mention Hillary…..uh oh!  Trump has already stated that Hillary is “a Snake” for openers.  Today Trump says that Hillary is “a Liar”!  “A big fat Liar!”.  Trump is already losing his hair, just thinking about losing an election “to a girl”!  Hillary called Trump the biggest “Recruiter for ISIS” on the planet during the last Democratic Debate.  Bernie Sanders went on to agree and call Trump “a real danger to American Security”!  Trump isn’t picking on Bernie however, because Bernie is a man, a jew and very smart.  Trump knows that Bernie has long legs and a longer memory…….just like Hillary!

So, which candidate is going to be able to lie better, lie longer and still win the Presidency of the United States?  Hey, Donald Trump can’t even get his Miss Universe selection right…Columbia, Philippines or Miss United States?  Hey, luckily this election will all be about gender and whether or not Donald Trump has to Juice to get it up with his wife.  Talk about no more PC chat?  Things are going to get downright meanspirited and our money says that there is not a man on the planet that beat a smarter woman.  Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandi, Angela Merkel, Golda Meir, Corazon Aquino, Evita and course lots of Queens including Queen Elizabeth.  The current list of female Presidents, Prime Ministers and Heads of State that are female is long.  The time has come for the United States to get with the program. 2016 is going to be the year of the woman!  We are putting our money on Hillary against Donnie Boy!   Donnie is shooting pool with a pool shark and he better put his money “on her”!  Liar’s Poker?  Donnie only plays with “other people’s money”!  We will go with Hillary!

So who can play Liars Poker better….Hillary or Donnie Boy?  Hillary!



About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.